
Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

Schizoids are formalists, they are usually not late for work. But that’s usually. Due to their general eccentricity, something can happen to them along the way, which is why they are sometimes late. The workplace of the schizoid is not equipped, the circle is a mess, the furniture is loose, he will loosen it himself.

The schizoid can work in low-paid positions. For him, it is more important to be in the cage of people who satisfy their curiosity at the expense of the state. This is the eternal MNS (Junior Research Fellow).

His organization is weak. Records of cases — on slips that are always lost in pockets, records are difficult to make out — are erased.

The schizoid is not able to build his own career. He needs an impresario. And if this impresario turns out to be a rogue or even a criminal, the schizoid will not give up an unprincipled project for the sake of a career. He rather respects his «pusher» for the non-standard marketing thinking.

But more often the schizoid simply works, becomes a Master, and is promoted.


Schizoids prefer working professions where ingenuity is required, for example, car mechanics. They make accountants and economists and, of course, theoretical scientists of various profiles. But not entrepreneurs.

I am interested in developing models of clubs — very different ones.

There was a case, I created a club for entrepreneurs. Various people came, including schizoids. They believed in perestroika and decided that they could get rich honestly. Almost everyone suffered a financial collapse, then they were in poverty, got out, fell into depression. They recited two phrases: «if they knew before» and «never again».

Schizoids are forced to teach: they are scientists, after all. But a good scientist and a good teacher in one person is a rare phenomenon. Schizoids build speech poorly and confusingly, plus the “porridge in the mouth” mentioned many times: poor diction, dysarthria, tongue twister. If a schizoid scientist has to teach, he must treat students with respect and become a good teacher: straighten his speech — both written and oral. But in general, teaching is not their profession.

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