When studying a horoscope, one should not forget that nothing comes just like that. Everyone will have to work hard. But by following the advice of experts in the field of astrology, you will be able to properly prioritize, get the job or position you want, and reach the optimal income level in order to be able to fulfill your plans.
But remember that the horoscope of work and career is not a direct guide to action, but an assistant in overcoming difficulties, which at the right time will help you get on the right track. First of all, it all depends on you! An accurate forecast from an astrologer for all signs of the zodiac is in our material.
Aries (21.03 – 19.04)
It is better to start actively moving up the career ladder or looking for a new job at the very beginning of the year. The winter months are likely to be the most successful in this regard. Useful people will be attracted to Aries by magnets.
At the beginning of spring, an important person will be nearby who will be able to share experience with Aries, which will further help to move up the career ladder. In May-July, financial problems may appear. But do not spend your savings, they will still be needed. It is also not recommended to borrow money, especially from work colleagues, this can cause unpleasant rumors that will drive Aries out of themselves.
By the beginning of autumn, everything will be fine, the money will return, it will be possible to exhale. During this period, you should be especially attentive to your superiors and be softer. If you remain calm, do not waste your potential, by the end of the year, Aries can receive a long-awaited recognition and promotion.
Taurus (20.04 — 20.05)
It is best for Taurus to dedicate 2023 to everything new and try to keep up with the times. It is useful to reconsider your priorities, start learning a new specialty online or by enrolling in courses in your city. If Taurus decides to leave everything as it is, it is possible that by the end of spring they will decide to prefer younger and more promising specialists. But if you work on yourself, it is likely that by the beginning of summer Taurus will notice the authorities and set everyone as an example.
In the summer, Taurus, who decided to radically change their specialization, will be offered a job with a good income and the prospect of further growth. It is important to remember that you should not stop there. Then the income will gradually grow, there will be opportunities that will open new doors in the future.
Gemini (21.05 – 20.06)
The end of February is the most favorable for Gemini in terms of working on themselves. They will be able to achieve promotion through the ranks. Don’t turn down unexpected offers. It can be an interesting project, internship, business trip, refresher courses. It is this moment that can be key and open new doors for Gemini.
By the end of spring, incomes will begin to grow, it is better to start saving, investing in shares, interesting projects. In June-August, an offer from competitors may come in, which is better to refuse, otherwise you can lose everything. Also in 2023, Gemini should not change their specialization, continue to move in the current direction and improve in what is already familiar. The year 2023 will be especially successful for the Gemini of the following professions: economists, psychologists, artists.
Cancer (21.06 – 22.07)
Cancerians in 2023 will most likely be less inclined to move up the career ladder. However, despite the lack of desire to improve, they will still try to earn more money for their family and loved ones. At the beginning of the year, Cancers will be financially stable, and already in April-May there will be a great opportunity to earn more, which is recommended to be used. In this case, Rakov is waiting for an early promotion or a radical change in specialization.
In summer, income will increase significantly if you are not lazy. It is important not to forget about young specialists and help them, in the future they themselves will help you deal with new technologies. The most favorable time for opening your own business, developing ideas is September-October. Do not be afraid to change something, success will accompany you. The main motto of Cancers for 2023 is not to sit still and not be lazy, then everything will work out!
Leo (23.07 – 22.08)
The new year is likely to begin with rapid changes. They will affect career and finances. Family Lions will be lucky in terms of doing business, it is here that they will be able to receive a large income and fully cover the needs of their loved ones. Free Lions will be more successful if they continue to work in the old place and pay attention to professional development and training. It is not recommended to change specialization in the first half of the year. At the end of spring, income may decrease, and then you should think about mastering a new profession.
The most successful for Lviv in 2023 in terms of career growth and income will be IT professions. In order to be in harmony with themselves and those around them, by the end of the year, Leo is recommended to finally decide on a profession and subsequently move in the chosen direction.
Virgo (23.08 — 22.09)
For Virgos, 2023 will be as calm and stable as possible. A big plus is the complete absence of conflicts with superiors and colleagues. But do not relax and be lazy. Their income depends on how active and enterprising Virgos are.
In early spring, there will be an opportunity to earn extra money and secure a good financial cushion. It is better not to spend this money, save it for the future.
At the beginning of summer, a proposal may be received from a close environment to open their own business. But 2023 is not the most favorable year in this regard, it is better to postpone such ideas until the middle of 2024.
September-November are the best months for solving business issues. At this time, it is worth planning internships and business trips, it is autumn for Virgos that will be the most productive.
Libra (23.09 – 22.10)
For Libra, 2023 will be a fairly quiet year in terms of work. Raises are not expected. The atmosphere in the team will most likely be warm, there will be no problems with colleagues.
At the beginning of spring, Libra will have a significant increase in authority in the team, it will be possible to master a new specialization, which will be more profitable in the future. Financial stability is expected throughout 2023, so you should not expect a salary increase. But it is not recommended to change the place of work, even the most fabulous and attractive promises of new potential employers may not come true, and it will not be possible to return to the old place of work. In the summer, job offers are expected, which are recommended to take advantage of. This is not just an additional income, but also an opportunity to gain new experience that will be useful in future work.
Scorpio (23.10 — 21.11)
In winter, Scorpions will be offered work on an interesting but controversial project. Do not worry that everything will not go according to plan, the project will become very successful and will attract the attention of the authorities to the Scorpions. Purposefulness at the beginning of the year will be rewarded, this sign of the star promises career advancement or another interesting offer: a project, an internship, advanced training courses. You should not reduce activity in the second half of the year, but it is not recommended to completely devote yourself to work, otherwise it can lead to emotional burnout. For Scorpios who run their own business, in 2023 we recommend expanding it, hiring new employees, opening several branches, new outlets, etc. Of course, you should not expect that your business will immediately bear fruit, but if you start developing it this year, you will succeed and reach a stable high income as a result.
Sagittarius (22.11 – 21.12)
The whole year for Sagittarius will be ambiguous, everything can change overnight. It is recommended to start learning a new specialty. At the same time, do not linger on what you do not like and is difficult to perceive. The year will be successful for Sagittarians who work remotely, as there will be a lot of free time for career development and training. Productivity notwithstanding, revenue growth is not expected in 2023, so don’t waste your accumulated savings. At the beginning of summer, misunderstandings with colleagues and superiors may arise. Sagittarians are advised to behave as discreetly and correctly as possible. It is this approach that will allow you to realize yourself as a valuable specialist.
Capricorn (22.12 – 19.01)
2023 will not be the most successful year in terms of investments and investments. Therefore, it is better to put aside your savings and not invest them in various projects for now. Capricorns should be more self-confident, then the year will be full of changes on the professional front. Excessive confidence will not be superfluous in communicating with colleagues. It is also worth defending your point of view, this will be noticed by the authorities and already in the middle of spring or early summer you will receive an interesting offer. It can be either a promotion or an offer to change jobs. New doors will open before Capricorns, it will be possible to master a new and more profitable specialty. By the end of the year, financial stability is expected, since it will be possible to finally determine the scope of activities.
Aquarius (20.01 – 18.02)
In 2023, Aquarius will be entrusted with great responsibility from the authorities. It is important to live up to expectations. Colleagues from January to March can be especially irritable, rumors spread, which should not be reacted to. Calmness and self-confidence will be rewarded. Aquarius will receive a promotion or an interesting offer that will provide additional income. Having put all your strength into work, in the fall you can relax and unwind a little.
By the end of the year, Aquarius will need to be back in the ranks and work hard.
Pisces (19.02 – 20.03)
From February to June for Pisces will be a particularly good time for self-realization. It is recommended to work hard, offer your ideas or start learning a new specialization. There will be a lot of energy in the first half of the year, so you can easily take on a side job or an additional project.
The second half of the year for Pisces will most likely be less productive, so you should not continue to chase money. From July to December, spend more time on small projects, rest more often, sleep more and gain strength. The successes of Pisces will not go unnoticed, in addition to praise, interesting proposals will come from the authorities. By the end of the year, there will be an opportunity to radically change specialization.
Popular questions and answers
We answer the most frequent questions from readers about work, career growth and changes in professional activities:
For which signs is 20 the most favorable year for changing the field of activity?
Also, luck in the event of a change of activity will accompany Capricorn, Taurus, Libra. However, unlike fire signs, they are not recommended to radically change the scope of their activities. It is best to go to a similar specialty, direction, project. The rest of the signs of the zodiac are better off making informed and thoughtful decisions and not rushing to change activities.
What signs of the zodiac in 2023 are waiting for career success, and who may have difficulties at work?
“In 2023, the favorable influence of Jupiter will bring good luck to Gemini. They are waiting for a promotion. Also in terms of work and career, 2023 will be successful for Lviv, they will be successful, recognized by their superiors.
Career advancement can also await representatives of the Virgo sign. Scorpions and Sagittarius may have a salary increase.
For Taurus, Cancer and Libra, 2023 may be less successful, workloads will increase, there will be more responsibility. However, with some effort, these signs can also succeed.
What periods in 2023 are favorable and unfavorable for holidays?
“The best periods for holidays and travel will be from February 7 to April 16, from June 15 to August 22, from September 16 to October 11 and from November 2 to December 12, 2023.
Unfavorable will be associated with periods of retrograde Mercury. If you start a trip at this time, then your vacation may be ruined due to delays and breakdowns in transport, incorrectly executed or forgotten documents.
Mercury will move retrograde until January 18, it is better not to plan trips for this time. Think about the period after January 19, and preferably from February 7, when Mercury finally leaves the retrograde loop.
The periods from April 21 to May 14, from August 24 to September 15 and from December 13 to 30, 2023 are also unfavorable for travel due to Mercury retrograde.
Also not very good for travel eclipses: April 20, May 5, October 14 and 28. During the period of eclipses (plus or minus 3 days), it is not recommended to travel, as at this time the likelihood of accidents and various minor troubles increases.