Worcestershire sauce in cocktails is a true companion to Tabasco sauce when it comes to the proper preparation of a Bloody Mary cocktail. The sauce got its name in honor of the English county of Worcestershire.
Unlike Tobasco, Worcestershire is not so sharp and burning.
Composition and History of Worcestershire Sauce
The composition of this old English sauce includes many ingredients, including: salt, burnt sugar, malt vinegar, curry, onion, chili pepper extract, ground black pepper, water, lemon juice and others.
There are many legends about the creation of the sauce; one of them says that Lord Marques Sandys ordered the sauce to be prepared according to a recipe that he brought back from his trip to India, and in 1837 a pharmacy prepared for him the sauce that we now know as Worcestershire.
Today, it is actively used both in cooking and in various cocktails.
Relevance: 04.03.2015
Tags: Encyclopedia