Woodworm beetle: how to get rid
The woodworm beetle is dangerous not only for wooden buildings, but also for furniture. It eats boards, beams, floors, beams and can render all furniture unusable in a short time. That is why the fight against the pest should be started immediately after its detection.
How to get rid of the woodworm beetle
In the initial stages, you can try to get rid of woodworm using folk methods, without the use of chemicals. These methods are safe for the household and quite effective.
Woodworm beetle lays larvae that feed on wood
When the first signs of a pest appear on home furniture or wooden structures, you can use petroleum jelly. In each hole made by the beetle larva, oil is injected with a syringe or pipette and covered with wax. The procedure should be repeated every two weeks until new passages in the tree cease to form.
You can replace petroleum jelly with a mixture of turpentine and kerosene, in proportions of 3: 1, respectively. You can hammer it into the holes with a brush. A mixture is also effective, which contains naphthalene, resin and black carbolic acid in equal proportions.
Beetle larvae are afraid of high and low temperatures. So, air heated to 60 degrees or, on the contrary, freezing to –2 degrees for several days can destroy all the larvae of the pest
If the folk methods did not help, then it is recommended to use chemical preparations – insecticides. You need to choose a remedy for woodworm based on cypermethrin, organophosphorus compounds or lambda-cyhalothrin. The drug is used according to the instructions with the obligatory observance of safety measures during work.
It is recommended to carry out insecticide treatment in the period from May to June, since during this period beetles hatch from pupae. Poisoned wood will deprive insects of their ability to lay offspring.
Prevention of the appearance of the woodworm beetle
It is easier to prevent the appearance of a pest than to get rid of it, so it is recommended to carry out a set of measures aimed at preventing the beetle:
- When starting the construction of wooden structures, you need to choose processed, healthy materials on which there is no bark, because it is under it that beetle larvae usually live.
- Wooden furniture must be treated with a special mixture, which includes turpentine, melted wax, paraffin and creolin in proportions of 10: 5: 5: 3, respectively.
- A good ventilation system should be provided in bathrooms and saunas.
- If a pest is found in furniture that is not of great value, then it is better to burn it in order to prevent contamination of more valuable things.
- Periodically treat wood with antiseptic agents. You need to choose those drugs that include dichlorvos, chlorophos, ammonium silicofluoride, potassium dichromate, sodium fluoride.
Timely and correct prevention can reliably protect a tree from a harmful beetle. If the woodworm does appear in the furniture or structure of the building, you should immediately begin to take action.
Using chemical agents in the fight against a beetle, you must strictly adhere to all recommendations of the instructions for use and observe safety measures. After the destruction of the pest, due attention should be paid to preventing the reappearance of the pest.
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