
Woodcock is a miniature bird from the snipe family, which prefers to nest in the temperate and subarctic zone of Eurasia. In most of the range, representatives of the genus lead a secretive lifestyle, and the peak of activity occurs at night. Woodcocks prefer old moist mixed or deciduous forests. Birds are especially partial to wastelands and copses. Most often, the animal leads a solitary lifestyle, less often it strays into groups. It was woodcocks that became the object of sport hunting, but now their conservation status causes the least concern.

What you need to know about a proud bird, how it can be useful to the human body, and is it worth spending material savings on a woodcock lunch?

Features of the structure, behavior and life of the woodcock

The size of the bird is comparable to the volume of the rock dove, which is considered very large and massive for representatives of the genus. Woodcocks are characterized by a dense build and a long, straight beak. The average body length of the animal is from 33 to 38 centimeters, the wingspan varies from 55 to 65 centimeters. Woodcock weighs from 210 to 460 grams.

The color of the birds is patronizing. What does it mean? This is the protective coloration/shape of the animals, which makes them less visible in their usual habitats. This is a passive means of protection that has been formed in the course of evolution in order to protect itself from predators and failures in the biological chain. Most often, woodcocks are painted in rusty-brown, black, gray and red shades, which create a unique combination on the body of each feathered creature. The upper part, which is decorated with mottled, is much brighter than the abdomen. The underparts are usually cream, gray or yellowish with black transverse stripes. This color hides the bird from unwanted eyes. Against the backdrop of last year’s foliage and a riot of forest colors, the woodcock gets a huge advantage over its opponent – a stronger predator or a man with a gun.

The beak of woodcocks is straight, shaped like a cylinder. Its dimensions reach from 7 to 9 centimeters in length. The bird’s eyes are set high and noticeably shifted back – thanks to such a deformation, the individuals were able to have a 360 ° circular view.

The body of the woodcock is dotted with stripes of various shades. The base of the beak and eyes are separated by a pronounced dark stripe; two dark and one light stripes are outlined on the upper part of the head.

Nature has rewarded the family with a wide span of relatively short wings. Age differences between woodcocks are almost imperceptible. The only clear sign of the advanced age of the animal is the characteristic pattern on the wings.

Within the same natural range, similar species are not found. Amami woodcocks are considered as close as possible. Birds live only on two small southern islands of Japan. The Amami species is considered conspecific. They differ from classic woodcocks in the white ring of feathers that are located around the eyes, dark stripes on the tail and narrow wings.

Representatives of the genus are considered calm and very silent birds. The only exception is the mating season. As soon as the male begins to feel a craving for the opposite sex, he begins to make low grunting sounds that end in high two-syllable sounds. It is interesting that woodcocks give out such a cry only during the flight. Inviting notes are heard at a distance of up to 300 meters. If the opponent hears the voice of another male, then he may well enter into a skirmish with him. Such aggression is typical for young woodcocks, older representatives of the genus choose the most ethical ways of communication.

What is the animal’s diet

The diet of birds is very poor. The basis of nutrition consists mainly of earthworms. A similar menu is typical especially in the non-breeding period. To ensure that they have constant access to fast and nutritious food, birds always feed in places with a quality layer of soil.

Also, the woodcock will not refuse larvae, insects, all kinds of beetles and spiders. Plant foods (berries, young grass shoots, cereals) are rarely present in the diet. During the migration period, birds arrange a real gastronomic tour. They prey on small freshwater bivalves and crustaceans.

Woodcocks prefer to eat at night or at dusk. They leisurely walk through the meadows or the banks of the swamps to find a meal, and then quickly get it. To find the tidbit, the bird plunges its long beak into the soft soil and starts searching. At the very tip of the beak are sensitive nerve endings that pick up even the smallest movement underground. The larvae and worms simply do not have a chance to go unnoticed, so they quickly change their abode to the esophagus of a hungry woodcock.

Distribution of the species

Woodcocks prefer the forest and forest-steppe strip of Eurasia – from the Pyrenees to the Pacific coast. The habitat extends to the Scandinavian countries, the Urals, Ukraine, the Central Black Earth Region, Japan, the Canary / Azores / British Isles.

In most of its range, the woodcock is considered a migratory bird. Populations that live on the islands of the Atlantic, in the coastal countries of Western Europe, prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

In autumn, the animals fly away before the first frosts. Departure depends on the latitude and the characteristics of the season, but most often takes place from October to November. Woodcocks form specific “outbursts” – they begin to nest in uncharacteristic locations (this happens immediately before migration). Spring migration begins in February. By the end of March, the birds arrive at the nesting points. They fly alone or stray in groups of 6 birds. Traditional wintering places are Indo-China, Western/Southern Europe, North Africa, Afghanistan, Southern coast of Crimea, Caucasus.

The bird nests in mixed or deciduous forests. One of the most important requirements is moist soil. Woodcocks love thickets of raspberries, hazels, holly holly, blueberries or ferns. These locations are great for feeding and protection from hunters (the color of the bird merges with the general background). Individuals avoid rare forests and bare areas. Most often they nest near water bodies. They can leave their temporary habitat only in case of lack of food or acute danger.

Useful properties of game

Game is the common name for a group of birds and mammals that are hunted. In the future, not only meat is used, but also the skin / fluff / horns of the animal, which are sold. Game hunting is also a specific sport. The woodcock belongs to the group of small game birds.

The composition of such a bird is much richer than the usual store-bought chicken. Game has a combination of B vitamins, retinol, tocopherols, nicotinic acid. Also, the composition is rich in useful nutrients:

  • calcium (Ca);
  • sodium (Na);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • sulfur (S);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • zinc (Zn);
  • nickel (Ni);
  • potassium (K);
  • chromium (Cr).

The main advantage of game is its low calorie content. It does not exceed 200 kcal, depending on the type of meat. The calorie content of woodcock is 194 kcal. The ingredient can be introduced into the diet of any person who eats meat and does not suffer from specific diseases – gout, gallbladder pathologies, individual intolerance to the component. Woodcock is useful for those who are not ready to give up juicy meat cuts, but desperately want to lose a few pounds.

Regular consumption of game has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The protein product helps to form, and with age, maintain and protect muscle tissue / skeleton. Such meat is easily digestible, improves metabolic processes, but nutritionists still advise combining the product with an abundance of fiber. A vegetable side dish will enhance the beneficial properties of woodcock and reduce the risk of heaviness, abdominal pain, and digestive difficulties.

Also woodcock meat is capable of:

  • act as a preventive measure for the development of diabetes;
  • prevent the formation of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • improve the functionality of the organs of vision;
  • harmonize the condition of the skin – remove rashes, minimize acne, partially smooth out scars, give the skin a fresh and rested look;
  • improve and additionally protect the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • remove internal inflammatory processes.

Another useful property is the absence of harmful components such as chemicals, hormones, flavor enhancers and other achievements of the gastronomic industry. On the contrary, the component composition of the product promotes rapid digestibility, rapid and long-term saturation, replenishment of the nutrient/vitamin balance of the body.

Use component in cooking

Nutritional value of game
Caloric valueProteinsFatsCarbohydrates
194 kCal21,6 g12 g0 g

The woodcock carcass does not exceed 460 grams, so it is served as a whole. The appearance of the dish exudes aristocracy – on a wide plate lies a majestic bird carcass dotted with spices, herbs and plants, and minimalistically chopped vegetables, spicy sauce and an original side dish are waiting for their turn.

The cost of poultry is much higher than chicken or duck and corresponds to the demanded quality game. A good chef can easily turn a cold carcass into a real gastronomic masterpiece, but an ordinary cook who is not familiar with the peculiarities of cooking can just as easily throw money away, ruining a woodcock.

Game can be subjected to any type of heat treatment. The most popular method is roasting on a spit. Professional chefs note that the maximum disclosure of the taste of a bird can only be achieved by baking or stewing. The carcass is stuffed with various vegetables, spices or other types of meat. More original and expensive fillings are acceptable, such as goose liver or exotic fruits.

Before cooking, the bird is plucked. After that, the carcass must be carefully gutted, washed, grated with the necessary mixtures of spices and only then subjected to heat treatment. The head of the woodcock is bent under the wing, after which the carcass is tied with twine.

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