Women who are abused in childhood are less likely to be pregnant

Women who were sexually abused in childhood are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression and are more likely to develop health problems during pregnancy, according to a study described on the Haifa University website in Israel.

Even when a woman has planned a pregnancy and feels happy because of it, negative feelings appear related to the previous trauma, which may translate into health problems – says the co-author of the research, Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel.

The research involved 1830 pregnant women who were divided into high and low risk groups. Then, three more groups were distinguished within these groups: the first included women who were abused in childhood, the second women who experienced a different type of traumatic experience, and the third – those who did not have any traumatic experiences.

According to prof. Lev-Wiesel in women who have been abused in the past, pregnancy was clearly associated with the occurrence of PTSD symptoms, mainly escaping into isolation and avoiding contact. These women also suffered from gynecological problems much more often.

These studies show that specialists in gynecology and obstetrics should take into account the mental state of patients who have been used before. It should also be remembered that the research itself can cause anxiety symptoms in these women, so in this case emotional support and ensuring the psychological comfort of patients are extremely important – concludes Prof. Lev-Wiesel. (PAP)

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