It is important for us to like ourselves, but sometimes it is so nice to catch the admiring glances of the opposite sex … How do men evaluate a woman’s posture? What do they pay attention to, what attracts them and why?
An open chest, loose shoulders, a proud head posture – these factors are instinctively perceived as indicators of self-confidence. The one who presses his head into his shoulders, we consider insecure, shy, doubtful.
Remember the feeling when the head is drawn into the shoulders, as if into a shell. What is associated with this position? That’s right, fear. Even those who have not studied manuals on bodily therapy and emotional stress understand that the slouched interlocutor is now anxious.
Girls who are accustomed to stooping, as a rule, attract men who are similar in body structure: it is easier for an insecure person to find a common language with someone who is also not sure. This means that in order to attract those who stand firmly on their feet, it is necessary to develop all the components of confidence: both psychological and physical.
This can help work with a psychologist, trainings and courses of personal growth. And, of course, work on posture, because psychological confidence in itself does not provide its external manifestations.
To get rid of the usual tension, you need special exercises for posture – for example, a course of healing qigong
Our mind is more flexible and mobile than the body. You can become more confident in yourself in a couple of months of working with a good psychologist, while the body, which has accumulated tension over years of anxiety, is not ready to change just as radically: to open up, relax your shoulders, and free your neck. Habitual stresses are perceived as a conditional norm.
To get rid of them, you need special gymnastics, for example, a course of healing qigong Sing Shen Juang (Xinshen). It is enough to do it for only 15 minutes a day in order to achieve visible and significant changes in 2 months.
In a word, in order to gain self-confidence as quickly as possible, act in two directions: psychological work and gymnastics for the spine.
All eyes on the lower back
The position of the lower back is another factor that men pay attention to. It depends on her flexibility whether a woman is able to enjoy sex. Attention to the female waist, grace, flexibility and mobility of the lumbar region in dance has been riveted from time immemorial, but only recently the reasons for such interest have become clear.
The pelvic nerve passes through the lower back, it transmits a signal from the intimate area to the brain. If it is pinched due to excessive tension in the lumbar region, the signal from the pelvic region fails, information about arousal reaches the brain with difficulty, and orgasm becomes less and less possible.
The more pleasure a woman gets from sex, the higher the mutual interest in this process, which means that the more attractive she seems to a man.
Useful exercises of the “gyneco” system – a special intimate gymnastics, which is performed while relaxing the abdomen and lower back
Fortunately, correcting the condition of the lower back can be done at almost any age. For this, gymnastics Sing Shen Juang is suitable, which works out all the active points of the spine, including the lower back.
The exercises of the “gyneco” system are also useful – special intimate gymnastics, which is performed while relaxing the abdomen and lower back. For example, the jade egg exercises that are mastered in the gyneko can only be performed by finding active deep relaxation of the lower back. The body learns to find it, then the exercises begin to work.
The popularity of photos of girls with a deep, spectacular deflection in the lower back has a simple explanation: a man receives a signal that a girl can bend and straighten up – which means that she controls the muscles of the lower back in such a way as to get maximum pleasure in sex.
But the modern rhythm of life, the level of stress, sedentary work and partly walking in heels have led to the fact that we can do this deflection, but straighten the lower back, make it flat, relaxed, not always. So that’s what needs to be worked on first.