Women’s pheromones – how do they work and are they worth using?

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Pheromones have been very popular for a long time and have been regarded as an irresistible seductive agent. Although you hear about preparations containing pheromones for men most often, women’s pheromones have also been available on the market recently. What are pheromones and do they actually work? How are women’s pheromones different from men’s?

Pheromones are volatile chemical compounds, usually quite complex in structure – they are usually made up of one dominant component and a few auxiliary components. While their importance in the world of animals and plants is quite well and thoroughly researched, so much so human pheromones are still the subject of scientific dispute.

Their operation has not been fully confirmed to this day, although some studies show that pheromones have a significant impact on our behavior.


The name pheromone comes from the Greek language and means “the carrier of desire” – from the words “ferein”, meaning “it carries”, and “horme”, meaning desire. However, this term was not created at all in antiquity: it was formulated in 1959 by scientists Peter Karlson and Martin Lutscher. It is also not entirely precise – in the world of flora and fauna, pheromones have a much wider range of functions.

Pheromones are known as infochemicals – because they carry essential information and are of great importance for communication. Animals – mostly much more sensitive to smells than humans – use pheromones to communicate with each other through the sense of smell: mark their territory, stay in a tight group or signal their readiness to mate.

Due to the function animal pheromones is divided into:

  1. alarm;
  2. sexual;
  3. defensive;
  4. aggregation;
  5. deterrents;
  6. expressing stress;
  7. used to mark a road or territory;
  8. social (e.g. expressing domination or distinguishing partners);
  9. supporting a process or behavior;
  10. for finding food.

Most pheromones are extremely potent – just a small concentration is enough to trigger the desired reaction. A good example are the pheromones secreted by female peacock moths – males are able to sense them even from a distance of 3 km.

When it comes to human pheromones, they are mainly spoken of in the context of intergender and sexual contact. According to some, it is pheromones that make a person seem attractive and attractive to us. We know surprisingly little about them, however.

The fact is that the human body secretes pheromones. In the case of men, it is primarily a substance called androstadienone. As for women’s pheromones, this function is mainly performed by estratetraenol. The way human pheromones work, however, is still very mysterious to us. To this day, it is not known how such “impulses” are perceived by us and what impact they can have on us.

In the course of the research it was established that there is the so-called organ VNO – vomeronasal organ, i.e. nose-share organ. It would be located in the nose and be responsible for capturing pheromones and transmitting related signals to the brain. The problem is… not all of us have it.

In reptiles, the nose-share organ is most responsible for their sense of smell, and in many mammals it plays a significant role in interactions between individuals. In humans, on the other hand, the nose-share organ is considered atavism, that is, a vanishing remnant from previous stages of evolution.

A 1985 study of the septum of the deceased at the University of Cardiff showed that this organ was present in only 37% of the respondents. It would mean that some people are insensitive to the effects of pheromones.

Artificial pheromones

Based on numerous studies on the possible influence of pheromones on our behavior, numerous are created synthetic preparations containing pheromones. They are obtained in laboratories, distilling them from other substances and filtering, which is to increase their effectiveness.

Most artificial pheromones are pheromones intended for mento make them more attractive in the eyes of women. Such preparations include substances such as:

  1. androstenol – a substance that is naturally present in urine and sweat; it is supposed to attract women and put them in a good mood;
  2. androstenone – detected in human saliva, sweat and urine; apparently, sensitivity to its effects depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the use of hormonal contraception;
  3. androsterone – is to enhance the action of other pheromones; it is advertised as the most suitable for mature men;
  4. androstadienone – is present in semen, urine, sweat and in armpit hair and, interestingly, is supposed to affect emotions, but only between a man and a woman.

Also read: Male pheromones – what are they?

Women’s pheromones

Of course, on the wave of popularity of male pheromones, they also appeared preparations containing female pheromones. They are usually based on one of the following substances:

  1. Estratetraenol – this pheromone is similar to the female hormones, estrogens. In nature, it occurs in women in the third trimester of pregnancy and reportedly makes women appear more attractive and seductive to men. Estratetraenol is also supposed to stimulate sexual arousal in both sexes, while for men it is energizing and stimulating.
  2. Copulins. These women’s pheromones are found in vaginal secretions and are said to attract men to the point where they significantly increase testosterone production – by up to 150%. The highest levels of copulins are recorded during the fertile days.

Also read: Coffee can affect estrogen levels

Producers of preparations with spheromones, which can be purchased on numerous websites, describe the scheme of their operation quite convincingly. The simplistic description you can stumble across looks encouraging.

What do the brochures say? The human body naturally emits pheromones that send information to the environment about the physical well-being, willingness to have sex or the emotional state of a person. Others perceive this information through the sense of smell, and it subconsciously influences the perception of this person in social situations.

Therefore, if we cover our body with an additional dose of appropriate pheromones, then – according to their producers – we can thus influence how others see us. The most famous pheromones are, of course, supposed to wake you up desire in representatives of the opposite sex, but currently on the market there are measures to help us gain respect in the workplace or strengthen the ties between people in long-term relationships.

If you plan to buy perfumes containing women’s pheromones or a scented mist, however, take into account the fact that their effects are not scientifically proven. We don’t know if and how it really works – so it’s hard to expect certain effects. Of course, pheromones are not harmful and you can reach for them without worrying about your health. However, it is better not to rely too much on their properties described by the manufacturer and treat them rather as an experiment or an additional element that will give us confidence.

This does not mean that pheromones are a scam or a scam. Certainly, however, it is worth approaching the far-reaching assurances of manufacturers of such agents with regard to their reliable effectiveness.

Also read: Physical proximity is the best weapon against stress. But Poles have a problem with desire

One thing is for sure: using pheromones does not hurt. These substances are odorless, and various scientific experiments show a certain probability of their effectiveness in attracting the opposite sex.

When reaching for women’s pheromones, ladies should bear in mind one very important issue. Neither pheromones nor any other method of increasing one’s success are able to replace openness to people, sense of humor or self-confidence, i.e. features that very often determine the attractiveness of a person in the eyes of others. Pheromones can enhance attractiveness, but they will not create it from scratch in a person who avoids contact with others or is simply unpleasant to get along with.

Preparations containing female pheromones, mainly estratetraenol, they are usually sold as concentrates to mix with your favorite perfumes or ready-made fragrances with a blend of female pheromone.


Pheromones are complex chemical compounds that are extremely expensive to synthesize. Therefore, cheap preparations contain trace amounts of female pheromones, which minimizes the chances of their effectiveness. Thus, their purchase may turn out to be a waste of money.

After purchasing the right agent, you should also remember about its proper use. Women’s pheromones should be applied a moment before putting on the clothes. They should be applied to the neck, wrists, inner sides of the knees and elbows, and possibly the neckline. These substances volatilize after 4 to 6 hours, although this time may be shorter in women with exceptionally dry skin.

Before going out for a long time, it is worth remembering to take the preparation with you so that you can use it again if necessary. After applying the product containing women’s pheromones, it should not be rubbed, as it may cause it skin irritations.

Women’s pheromones – price

As already mentioned, pheromones turn out to be quite expensive. Their price often exceeds the amount we would spend for the same volume of ordinary perfumes. How much do you have to spend on pheromones? It depends on the specific substance, the manufacturer, and the capacity of the preparation. The average prices are as follows:

  1. 1 ml sample – PLN 50;
  2. 15 ml bottle – 150 PLN;
  3. a larger bottle of 40 ml – from PLN 400 upwards.

Importantly, women’s pheromones do not differ in price from men’s pheromones, although they are still much less popular than them.

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