Women’s health without compromise – an interview with a mammologist

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Not a single woman is immune from the terrible diagnosis of “breast cancer”, because until now it has not been clarified with certainty why a gene mutation occurs, leading to the onset of the disease.

According to statistics, this is the most common type of oncology among women, but, fortunately, at the same time, it is better than other types of cancer. The head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the Clinical Hospital on Yauza, participating in the Philips social initiative, told us about women’s health. #YAPLASED, Anton Yurievich Silin.

The main factors include gynecological diseases, early onset of menstruation (up to 13 years), late childbirth (after 30 years), lack of breastfeeding, mastitis, breast trauma, stress, previously identified benign breast diseases in a woman, as well as a genetic predisposition when breast cancer was found in mom, grandmother or sister. In addition, the risk of breast cancer increases with age – it is more common in women over 40.

A thorough examination of each breast is a useful method, thanks to which you can sometimes find the pathology yourself. Breast examination should be carried out monthly, 6-12 days after the onset of menstruation. The mammary glands are examined in a clockwise direction from the outer edge to the inner edge. On examination, the woman first stands with her hand thrown back behind her head, then lies down on her left side, examining her right breast, and then does the same on the other side. Alarming symptoms are nipple abrasions, spotting, and areas where soreness or “tension” is felt for a long time. If, on palpation, a woman discovers that the contour of the breast is deformed, and when pressing on it, a small area is formed, this is one of the serious signs of the disease. Also, the symptoms of breast cancer include the so-called “retraction” of the skin, when it seems to be pulled up to the tumor.

Self-examination should be carried out from the age of 20, and also do not forget to visit the gynecologist and mammologist annually, who will determine the treatment plan if signs of the disease are detected.

Recently, diagnostic methods have been actively improved, but they themselves remain the same: high-resolution digital X-ray mammography, mammography with tomosynthesis, magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands, biopsy and thermography.

It is possible to reduce the risk of developing cancer, for this it is necessary to undergo timely examinations, control body weight, eat right, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, maintain a sleep schedule, lead an active lifestyle and use hormonal drugs exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. That is, the rules are pretty simple.

For doctors, the most important thing is a sensitive and attentive attitude towards patients, and for patients – the same attitude towards their health. Stock #YAPLASED helps us meet at the turn of such a relationship.

There are certainly positive dynamics, but there is still a lot of work to educate patients about their own health. Now one of the topical areas of medicine, including in the fight against cancer, is precisely the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases.

Early diagnosis has the greatest impact on the success of treatment. Accordingly, the earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chances of a full recovery.


Social campaign #YAPLASED Is a large-scale initiative by Philips to raise awareness among women about the risk of breast cancer, highlight the importance of early diagnosis and regular health care. With the support of partner clinics, Philips, a world leader in innovation for healthcare, has been organizing free examinations on modern diagnostic equipment in different regions of the country since 2011. During the existence of the campaign, thousands of women in dozens of Russian cities were able to undergo diagnostics free of charge. In 2017, a documentary film by Leonid Parfenov and Katerina Gordeeva “#YAPROSHLA” was presented about breast cancer, methods of its diagnosis and the importance of regular visits to a mammologist.

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