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According to the Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in 2014, both women and men most often consulted doctors with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system. In order not to get on this list, it is better to take care of your health in advance.
In the spring, our body wakes up together with nature. Metabolic processes are accelerated, hormones of happiness are actively produced. Note that with the arrival of spring, mood improves and plans for achieving new goals appear.
One of them is to finally take care of your health. Visit a therapist at the clinic to which you are assigned. Or go through a comprehensive examination in private clinics, for example, at the SibClinic family medical center and the “Liveco” medical agency, which have modern equipment that allows you to identify various diseases at the initial stages and not start them.
Of all the systems of our body, most often failures and deviations occur in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, a heart examination is one of the very first diagnostic procedures that is worth going through.
Since most women spend a lot of time at the computer, both at work and at home, then, probably, everyone can “boast” of back problems. Doctors can help in the fight against all types of diseases of the brain and spinal cord, musculoskeletal system, spine and joints. The center of neurology of Dr. Dralyuk will help in this matter. The main thing is that first, do not be too lazy to go to the doctor, and then do not abandon the treatment! For example, you have started a course of therapeutic massage – go through all the sessions, plan your time wisely.
Once you have identified a health problem, your doctor will suggest treatment options, prescribe medications, and prescribe procedures. You can also go the other way: contact specialists in non-traditional methods of treatment. You can find out more information about them at the Reflex Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
You can also monitor your health at home. To do this, you need to purchase devices, for example, thermometers, inhalers, blood pressure monitors, etc. You can find a large selection of such products in the Technomed store.
While we talked about the internal problems of the body. But every woman, of course, cares about her appearance. It is unlikely that someone will be decorated with papillomas, warts and bulging moles. To get rid of them, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist. Today in the arsenal of doctors there are several methods of removing skin neoplasms – surgical excision, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, etc. For advice, you can contact the center of medical cosmetology “Estetik”.
But the most important problem that worries a woman is excess weight. Some Krasnoyarsk women are too lazy to disappear for hours at workouts in fitness clubs, not everyone can withstand a diet, although today there are a huge number of different programs. It’s all about desire and willpower! Do you really not want to confidently flaunt on the beach in a brand new swimsuit in the summer, without being embarrassed by extra pounds?
Meanwhile, experts create programs for those who do not want to spend a lot of time and energy on losing weight. They think the main problem is … in the head! Therefore, you can also turn to psychotherapists who help in the struggle for a slim figure – for example, the Marimba psychotherapy center or the Biointermed center.
In Krasnoyarsk in the studio of water and style “Blueberry” women are offered to lose weight even with the help of … water! The tissues and muscles of the body are deeply worked through due to the intense action of water jets. Warm water, gently warming up the muscles, improves blood circulation and increases vitality.
Let’s say you have been tested, are hard at work with health problems and extra pounds. But remember that there is another secret to wellness – daily sleep. Pay attention – do you have time to sleep during the working week and not weekends, whether you have a comfortable bed and pillow. Do not think that these are trifles! For example, some people praise a bed with an orthopedic mattress on box springs, which are individually selected for height and weight. A large assortment of sofas, mattresses, beds, bedding can be found in the showrooms of the company
Attention! There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.