What are the signs that a woman is well-groomed? Firstly, the condition of her skin, secondly, the perfect manicure and, thirdly, of course, her hair. We will talk about how to improve these basic components of female beauty today.
Women’s health and beauty
Admit it, you have always dreamed that your skin was perfectly smooth and did not require special care. But in reality, this situation is rare. After all, as soon as something goes wrong in your body, it is the skin that signals this. How can we get closer to perfection?
Diet: One of the most important elements for skin cells is water. Its lack in the body will certainly turn around
Also reflects on the skin
Care: Make it a rule not to wash your face with tap water. Better to use
Have you ever watched how meticulous some girls look at their own nails and frown, noticing any flaw? And a broken nail is a global tragedy that can easily ruin the mood for the whole day.
In a word, any woman
Diet: Your job is to give your body enough calcium. For this
Care: Weakened nails will benefit from olive oil – rub it in 1-2 times a week. Salt baths are also considered a proven remedy. Dissolve a teaspoon of sea or ocean salt in warm water and hold your hands in the resulting composition for 20 minutes.
Beautiful hair is definitely a real gift from nature. But there are a huge number of reasons that negatively affect their health. How can you help brittle, dry hair get a radiant glow?
Diet: Include fatty acids in your menu. They are found in tuna and salmon, as well as cereals, nuts, olives, and vegetable oils.
Reduce the amount of oily and spicy foods in your diet to keep your strands less dirty. This will help your body balance sebum production.
Also hair “loves” vitamins A and B, it can be found in brown rice, as well as in numerous complexes and dietary supplements. By the way, remember that the hair is more active in absorbing the nutrients that arrived before lunch.
Care: Do oil once a week