Women’s happiness: how flowers in the house destroy privacy

Women’s happiness: how flowers in the house destroy privacy

We found nine indoor plants that doom the mistress to loneliness. And six more attracting happiness and well-being.

The experience of generations is not only about fairy tales and superstitions. These are also secret properties that are attributed to things and phenomena. Plants are no exception. Many of them are considered mystical, with special properties, and not always with a plus sign. In order to live in harmony with nature, attract good luck and create only positive energy in the house, you need to know which flowers and plants should be kept at home, and which should never be.

One of the most ancient, and therefore the most controversial flower. It is considered a symbol of beauty. But remembering how it exists in nature, growing on trees and feeding on their juices, the orchid is credited with the properties of a vampire flower, which sucks energy from those who are nearby. So, if you decide to have an orchid, observe the changes in the house: has the situation in your house become more prosperous, or have passions started to boil and energy has gone away? It would be a shame because of a flower, albeit beautiful, to lose harmony in a relationship.

She’s saintpaulia. Able to harmonize the home atmosphere, bring peace and comfort. This flower is considered to be the owner of the lunar nature, its magical properties are contained in filling spiritually, protecting from negativity and pacifying. But according to another version, the violet is not a rainbow flower at all, but, on the contrary, a plant, because of which lonely girls sit “in girls”. And for those who are in a pair, Saintpaulia interferes: it is believed that the violet is jealous, and if you take care of it badly, then it will quarrel with your beloved.

Remember how ivy grows? It wraps around the place where it grows, visually “strangles” it, absorbs and does not let go of its “embrace”. It is believed that this is also happening with the household. Ivy keepers feel oppressed, depressed, extinction of vitality and complete detachment, isolation. So get a more positive plant for your home!

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law’s tongue

Everyone knows the plant! It is famous for the fact that it kindles quarrels in the house between spouses, as if an evil mother-in-law with her long tongue butts in with her opinion everywhere and everywhere. There is also a superstition that if sansevieria bloomed in winter, then there will be trouble. Despite popular beliefs, botanists endow succulent with other properties: they note that the plant destroys harmful microorganisms, has a beneficial effect on pressure, and purifies the air in the house.

Based on the experience of generations, it is believed that where calla lilies are, there is sadness and unpleasant events. Therefore, negative properties were attributed to the flower, and knowledgeable people warn others about the sad consequences of keeping this flower in the house. Calla lilies are not given for the holidays, but if they still presented you with a bouquet of these flowers, this is a bad sign!


Predicts loneliness to its owner! And it doesn’t matter if you are a couple or not. Lonely people will not be able to find a partner, since the ficus will “survive” everyone from home, and married people will constantly swear until they disperse.

Muzhegon plants

There is a whole series of indoor plants, which, according to superstition, drive men and husbands away from unmarried girls and married women. They are called simply muzhegons, but that’s what their botanical names are.


All those who do not know or do not believe in omens are happy to acquire this plant, because it is unpretentious to care for, and grows very quickly, saturating the rooms with greenery. But our ancestors noticed that where there is a scindapsus, there girls are always alone. Believe it or not – everyone’s business!

There are two sides to this plant to be considered negative. From the point of view of superstition, Dieffenbachia is a vampire that draws energy from the household, like all climbing plants, such as ivy or growing far up, such as a fern or monstera. They are also muzhegons who cannot stand the presence of male energy at home and survive it.

He’s a hoya. It exudes poisonous vapors, and men susceptible to aromas cannot stand it: they have a headache, libido and potency decrease. Over time, the hoya survives the man from the house, leaving the mistress alone. Legend has it that of all poisonous muzhegons, wax ivy is the most dangerous, since it can not only drive a person out of the house, but even lead to death.

Plants – Protectors of Personal Happiness


This plant is considered healing not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also spiritually. Despite its slightly aggressive appearance – long tongues with pointed tips around the perimeter – it is endowed with magical properties that can protect against adversity and evil spirits. A pot of aloe should be placed in the children’s room, in the living room, at the entrance to the house – in general, where protection is most needed!

This beautiful flower carries the power of Venus, which means that it very actively influences the love aspects of life. Geranium is able to attract love, protect from envious people, the evil eye, gossip, help in matters of establishing offspring. Pink flowers should be purchased by unmarried girls, and married women should have white geranium.

A flower of fertility, love and passion. It is especially important to start it for those who are married, so that fire does not leak out of it. Accordingly, the best place for cyclamen is the bedroom! It is also believed that this plant protects sleeping people, so if there are children in the house, then you can decorate their room with this wonderful flower with positive magical power.

A very bright name, even a little belligerent! And its magical properties coincide with the name: the plant is able to take bad energy from the house, absorb it, thereby protecting its household members. Be sure that if there is such a cactus in the house, then your family well-being and peace is under reliable defense!

The people called him “female happiness”. All thanks to the legend that on the wedding day the happy goddess Astarte endowed this flower with a piece of her happiness so that all those girls who believe in her magic would also acquire family happiness. The delicate flower is very beautiful. And some compare its flowers with the feminine principle.


This is the male version of spathiphyllum, that is, the flower that brings happiness and love to men. It is believed that the peak of family well-being for the spouses will come if you put these two flowers – male and female – next to each other, or even plant them together!

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