Women’s baldness. Why does hair fall out of power? The expert explains

Unlike men, women have a much wider range of hair loss diseases. – These are systemic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, or autoimmune diseases such as hashimoto’s, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis – says Marta Węcławska, a trichologist

  1. For many women, androgenetic alopecia is a huge problem, which leads to the appearance of very visible skin clearances. This is male pattern baldness
  2. Women also lose hair about 3-4 months after the baby is born
  3. During the menopause, women go bald because their estrogen levels drop suddenly
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

– Patients who have contracted COVID-19 and therefore struggle with the problem of increased hair loss come to me more and more often. It even occurs several months after the end of the disease. This is because every infection, whether viral or bacterial, is a fight for the body that requires the effort of the entire immune system to fight the intruder – says Marta Węcławska, trichologist at the Sonokard Medical Center in Wrocław.

Hair falls out of power? The diagnosis of the trichologist is necessary

Alopecia is especially painful for women, as for them hair is a symbol of attractiveness and health. Therefore, in the case of hair loss, the correct diagnosis of a trichologist is essential, who will analyze the condition of the scalp, hair structure and determine the scale of the problem. This will allow you to choose the appropriate treatment.

There are several reasons for female baldness. One of them is the period after pregnancy. And although the high level of estrogen during nine months makes many women enjoy strong, thick, fast-growing and beautifully shiny hair during this period, about 3-4 months after giving birth, women start to lose their hair.

– Apart from the postpartum period, when the hormonal imbalance occurs, the time of breastfeeding a child has an impact on hair loss. However, this is a temporary state, and when the hormones recover, the problem disappears by itself. Hair grows back – emphasizes Marta Węcławska.

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Thin and thinning hair

Another thing is alopecia in menopausal women when there is a sudden drop in estrogen levels. During this period, it is extremely important to properly care for your hair: use treatments that inhibit hair loss and not overburden your hair with excessive styling or coloring.

– Many women lose their hair in this difficult time. The hair becomes thin and visibly thinning. And unfortunately, in such a case it is often an irreversible process – emphasizes the trichologist.

Prophylactically, as soon as you notice the first disturbing symptoms, reach for Intensively Strengthening Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo.

Androgenetic alopecia in women

However, a much bigger problem is androgenetic alopecia, which leads to the appearance of very visible skin clearances. It is male pattern baldness and is associated with an increased amount of male hormones in the body and is one of the less common forms of baldness in women.

– Androgenetic alopecia in women can take place in two ways. In the first one, according to the male type, the hair is thinned in the area of ​​the forehead and the top of the head, then it is spread to the temporal area. In the female type, diffuse thinning covers the central part of the head and the hairline rises, explains Węcławska.

In order to diagnose androgenetic alopecia, a trichological examination is needed and the concentration of the hormones testosterone and estrogens is tested.

To assess the causes of hair problems, it is worth doing research on beautiful and healthy hair from the e-Package for women. You can buy the package at Medonet Market in the version with home blood sampling or with a blood sampling at the Diagnostyka network facility.

Unlike men, women have a much wider range of hair loss diseases.

– These are systemic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, or autoimmune diseases such as hashimoto’s, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Women often observe seasonal hair loss, especially in autumn and spring – lists Węcławska.

It is worth using appropriate care cosmetics for falling out hair. Try it out:

  1. ELESTABion® W FLOSLEK anti-hair loss shampoo regenerating the scalp and strengthening the bulbs,
  2. Strengthening hair mask ELESTABion® W FLOSLEK, which protects hair against the harmful effects of external factors,
  3. ELESTABion® W FLOSLEK anti-hair loss balm that improves the condition of the scalp, stimulates hair bulbs to grow and strengthens the hair.

The influence of vitamins on the condition of the hair

The causes of hair loss in women are also stress, environmental pollution, lack of vitamins: biotin, vitamin D3, iron and ferritin. Improper diet and improper care are of great importance: frequent styling, coloring, tight pinning and tying. How to take care of your hair to keep it in good condition? It is important to properly nourish them and to choose a shampoo and conditioner selected depending on the porosity of the hair.

– The so-called shampoos, especially those whose task is to stimulate the hair follicles to hair growth. There are also rubs that eliminate dandruff or those that are a remedy for oily scalp – explains Węcławska and adds that you can also use mesotherapy, which involves piercing the scalp, which stimulates hair growth.

Also read: Oily hair – causes, prevention, home remedies

– However, the most important thing is the assessment of the trichologist who will assess whether it is dealing with dry, high or low porosity, whether there is damage to the skin covering the head, or whether it is dry. Appropriate care is selected for all of this, explains the trichologist.

You should also take care of your hair depending on the season. In summer, put on a hat and spray your hair and scalp with special sprays with filters, in winter, wear headgear.

– There are even caps with satin lining to keep your hair from tangling. In winter, it is also worth taking a higher dose of vitamin D3 and biotin. It has a beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the nails – finally advises Marta Węcławska.

For hair loss, it is worth using the DermoACM OIL Strengthening Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo. You can order it at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

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