Women or Men – Who Is More At Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease? New findings of scientists

Alzheimer’s is a disease of civilization that affects more and more people. A cure for this extremely cruel disease is still being researched. Scientists want to know as much as possible about Alzheimer’s disease. To this end, they conducted new analyzes that showed which sex was more likely to develop the disease.

Previous epidemiological studies have shown that women are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as men, but the reasons for this have not been fully known. Now, however, the analyzes conducted by prof. Keqianga Ye of the Shenzhen Institute of High Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences provide a clear answer to this question. The latest discoveries of the scientists appeared in early March in the journal Nature.

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Why are some women suffering from Alzheimer’s?

The team of prof. Ye developed the theory that the C / EBPβ / AEP pathway was a major driver of neurodegenerative disease.

“Based on this theory, our team searched for female hormones that undergo radical changes during menopause and tested which hormone activates the C / EBPβ / AEP pathway” – explains Prof. Ye.

This activator turned out to be follitropin, denoted by the symbol FSH. It is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It plays a very important role in the female body. Follitropin is responsible, inter alia, for stimulating the synthesis of estrogens. This allows Graff’s follicles to mature.

«During the menopause, serum FSH levels increase strongly, binding to the related FSH receptor on neurons and activating the C / EBPβ / AEP pathway. This causes Aβ and Tau pathologies, leading to the development of Alzheimer’s, ”said Dr. Zaidi Mone, study co-author and full-time professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

How did the researchers make their discovery? Scientists used ovariectomized mice treated with an anti-FSH antibody. They wanted to block FSH and inhibit the C / EBPβ / AEP pathway.

In addition, the researchers also injected the hormone into male mice. Thanks to this, they confirmed their belief that FSH actually influences the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Further part below the video.

Symptoms, course and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s primarily affects people over 60. Doctors are still not able to clearly identify the causes of this disease. Unfortunately, this is due to the fact that there is no effective cure for Alzheimer’s as yet. Doctors, however, use a number of methods to delay the development of this disease. That is why it is so important to make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible.

How does early Alzheimer’s manifest itself? The first phase of this disease is usually mild and may last two to four years. As a result, the patient is often unable to notice any visible changes. She blames minor memory problems down to her years.

In the second phase of Alzheimer’s disease, the patient has more and more problems remembering many things. He cannot remember where he left the item. He also has problems expressing himself, forgets basic words. He also begins to withdraw from social life. This phase can last up to eight years.

In turn, the third and last one has the most difficult course. During this time, the patient begins to require almost round-the-clock care. The worsening symptoms no longer allow him to function normally.

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