We continue the series of materials about Wday supermoms. Sitting at home with a small child and keeping up with everything? How not to go crazy on maternity leave? Successful mom bloggers shared their secrets with Woman’s Day. It is possible to be a great parent, and also a businesswoman, model or actress! Proven by experience. In our selection of the most successful bloggers who draw inspiration from family, what they love and the world around them. Galina Bob, Alena Silenko, Valeria Chekalina, Yana Yatskovskaya, Natalie Pushkina, Yulia Bakhareva and Ekaterina Zueva answered the questions.
We asked the girls seven painful questions and share our secrets.
Galina Bob is an actress and singer. Leads his channel to
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
I would like to believe that I succeed, I try very hard. Family is in the first place for me – this is my man, my child and myself. We are one whole, and therefore, in my understanding, are inseparable in all respects.
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
I believe that if you correctly prioritize and first of all pay attention to the most important and necessary, then everything automatically falls into place. But it is also normal to ask for help, because close people will always help and support in any situation. The main thing is to keep the boundaries in everything.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
First of all, we teach the child to communicate, so that he does not grow up enslaved, not afraid of people, and be a sociable person. He already gets used to this from the age of three months, he is constantly in large companies, he loves people very much. And, of course, we teach him to love his neighbor.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
Well, it’s too early to lie to him, and if he doesn’t obey, then we try to distract him with a game, to do something else. When he behaves badly, we tell him “ah-ah-ay”, he understands well what it is. He knows the word “neatly” well, that is, when it is necessary to act with caution. If something cannot be done, then we say so: it is impossible. And when it’s good, we clap our hands and shout “Bravo, Lyova!”, He really likes it. In fact, Lev is naughty only when he is sick, so if he is naughty, then we treat him. When he is stubborn, we try to negotiate a game with him, through communication, like any parents.
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
The thought that, thank God, we live in peace and love, soothes.
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Lyova has never heard any showdown. We do not shout, do not swear in front of a child, and, of course, we will never hit him. This is taboo. Unfortunately, I watch a lot of moms and dads sometimes pulling their children. This is a terrible sight. Not a single day goes by without hugs and kisses. It is necessary.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
How did they come to this … at first it was just a hobby. Why not take a picture with a child .. and without a child. I have many different videos. Well, and then I liked it at some professional level. I feel a bit like a director, it really develops thinking, imagination and so on. I get pleasure from it, Leva too, and it will be a keepsake, there will be something to see later.
8. Tell us about your musical creativity, how you came to it, what you are working on and about your musical material.
With music, it all started just recently for me, but in fact, it has always lived in me. I sang at all holidays, school events, at karaoke, at birthdays, and everyone was very praised, so deep in my heart I had a dream to do it professionally, but it was somehow scary. Now, having overcome the main threshold, I think the main thing is that people love my work as much as I do. My songs (so far there are 12) are filled with absolute positive. Even an ex-boyfriend story can be great. I have already released two videos and one lyric video. All of them are made with humor and love. It seems to me that people are close to this, people lack this in the midst of all the dullness of life.
Now, although we are expecting a second baby, our work is in full swing, and I am full of energy. Even double strength in order to sing, to come up with something new. Perhaps soon we will shoot a video where I will have a belly. I do not hide anything from anyone, I am happy to communicate with my subscribers and I am grateful to them for their warm attitude towards me.
Alena Zyurikova – mom-blogger, known on the network as @
1. Husband – children – myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
In my understanding, parents and their relationships are the center of the family, and children are an integral addition to their happy union, full members of the family. Therefore, I would answer that harmonious personal relationships are the foundation of the family.
2. If you still don’t have enough time for everything at once, who do you go to for help?
I have not tried to do everything for a long time, because it is: a) impossible, b) a direct path to neurosis. Instead, I follow simple rules:
- prioritize;
- yes, I am delegating and I think it is absolutely normal. Mom. To my husband. Nanny. Younger children. I use resources to the maximum. I do not see the point of closing everything on myself, who will be better from this? Children need a calm, adequate mother, not a driven horse.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
Kindness, compassion, mutual assistance.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
Of course, whims do happen. Especially our elder Christina very often shows character. In our family, there is a rule: we influence children through deprivation of good things, rather than by doing bad things (“dark rooms”, “corners”, etc.). And “slapping” and “slapping the head” is all the more not our method, we have a taboo on it. We can pick up our favorite toys, not show cartoons, etc. The main message: if you do not obey your parents and fulfill our requests, then we will not fulfill yours. Take your pick. This method has already proven to be effective in our family.
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
Thought: all the same, they all grow up someday. Joke (smiles). In fact, the gym a couple of times a week or evening gatherings with your husband over a glass of wine and intimate conversations are very good at relaxing and restoring inner harmony.
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Taboo, as I said, physical impact – spanking, belt, etc. I will never say such phrases as “you disappointed me”, “you can never”, “do what you want, but do not bother me”, “ I don’t care what you do. ” Phrases that can be interpreted by a child as a message to his rejection. Rituals – I don’t even know, all our days are not alike. Probably some kind of regime things: wash, brush your teeth, cartoons, something tasty after breakfast. Well, as well as hugs and mutual declarations of love – without this, too, a day does not pass.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
In fact, in life I am a rather closed person, and initially my Instagram account was dedicated to my small business – a patented invention – protective sides that prevent babies from falling out of the crib. I did not upload any personal photos. Then I had a second twins, I very quickly adjusted the regimen and sleep in babies, given my rich past experience with the first twins, and several acquaintances at about the same time advised me to start writing about my experience on social networks (looking ahead, I will say that my vigorous activity on writing posts about sleep and regimen, as well as numerous positive feedback from mothers who dream of getting enough sleep, led to the fact that a mobile application with all my posts on this topic will appear very soon). In general, for a long time I did not accept the idea of a personal account, but one day I made up my mind. And … sucked in! For me, this is probably a way of self-expression, because in life I am a very active person, and distraction from everyday life and everyday worries!
Valeria Chekalina, maintains her blog on Instagram
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
Maybe I will seem selfish, but I think that a woman should love herself first of all! This is where it all starts, confident and self-sufficient girls attract good guys. Love is born and a family is created. The main thing is that with the advent of children, mountains of dirty diapers and chronic lack of sleep, do not forget about this very love. It can be difficult to get over this turning point in a relationship when the husband / wife roles have changed to dad / mom. At every opportunity, I tried to give my spouse time: necessarily cooked homemade dinner, a short conversation about the news at work and a fleeting kiss. There will always be time for this, because my man is my support, and without him I would not have such wonderful children. And love for them is different, it is beyond the first or second place!
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
How grateful I am that I have a large and friendly family. Assistants usually stand in line for us: in addition to our beloved and trouble-free grandparents (for whom we need to pray), we have uncles, aunts, sisters and brothers. At first, I didn’t ask anyone for help, I didn’t even call my mothers. I thought: “What am I, a bad mother, and can’t cope on my own, I have a maternal instinct and the skills of raising a child are in my blood, and a big encyclopedia“ Everything about children from 0 to 3 ”is loaded in my brain! But after a while, with fatigue, pride also disappeared. I realized that there is nothing wrong with this, just call and ask for help, because this is not a manifestation of weakness, but simply an opportunity to devote time to yourself, your business and your husband. Especially if there is such an opportunity and relatives live nearby. Therefore, I often have a full house of guests and a lot of free pens ready to entertain my gang.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
Treat people the way you want them to treat you. It seems to me that this is where it all starts. Nobody wants to communicate with liars? Therefore, you do not need to lie yourself. Well, or as for respect: we often require children to respect and obey adults, and do we not think about what the child himself wants, because we need to listen to his opinion – this is where our respect for children is manifested.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
Despite the fact that my children are still small, they already know how to show character. But if I am sure that my child is not bothered by teeth, tummy and he slept, and for some reason spits with porridge, then excuse me, my dears, but I have to eat. Therefore, we do not give a weakness and stand firmly on our own! After all, mom (read “boss”) is you!
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
Better than any answer would be an illustration of an incident from my life, which I will never forget and which taught me a lot.
My spouse and I try to do all the evening rituals of bathing, feeding and going to bed together, but it happens that only one person remains in charge. And then, after coming home from a long trip abroad with children, my husband decided to go to the gym, I, of course, let him go. As he left, he looked at me so strangely and asked: “You will definitely cope with it? Can’t I leave you three? ” I was surprised by this question, but I brushed it off and said, “Of course, go! Not the first time. ” As soon as he left the threshold, I was overcome by doubts, but will everything be all right? Can I do it all alone? After all, we, one might say, are again in a new place! How will I bathe them? And feed? The children seemed to feel it, and after five minutes a wild cry began in two voices. I was in shock, this never happened, so that both cried and at the same time asked for pens. I will not describe these 40 minutes, I will save your nerves, but upon returning from training, my husband found three children in the bedroom – confused, nervous and crying! Quickly picking up one child, he sent me to the bathroom to clean up the spilled milk. It took me five minutes to exhale and calm down. And the children, as soon as they felt the peace emanating from their father, instantly stopped crying and fell asleep. So after that I realized one thing: as soon as mom gets nervous, the kids, like a barometer, feel her and intercept her condition. And the commandment is: “Calm mother – calm children.”
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing?
I will answer as a mother of twins, the most important thing is not to compare children with each other. You can’t say: “Come on, eat faster! You see how the brother ate all the porridge! What a fine fellow!” It is understandable that one should reach out for the other and rivalry is inevitable, but this way they can develop a complex “By any means, but better than a sister.” After all, children are all different, and everyone succeeds in something different: someone will become a master of sports, and someone will graduate from school with a gold medal.
What is an obligatory ritual?
From childhood I remember that my mother always praised me, almost every day. She said that I was her smartest, most beautiful and most educated girl. Although I did not always agree with her, I really wanted to meet her expectations. This is how motivation probably worked! Therefore, I often praise my children, and I cannot imagine what I will say to my child: “You could not solve the problem. Well, you are kind of foolish. ” Most likely I will say: “Well, don’t worry, you are my smart boy, now we will learn the rules, practice with examples, and tomorrow you will definitely beat her!”
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
It all started exactly one year ago on the eve of the New Year. As I remember now, I fulfilled one of my old dreams and ordered a live Christmas tree: I dressed up my three-meter beauty for almost a week, twice went to the store to buy toys and went up and down the table 500 times! The husband scolded terribly, they say, stop jumping, sit and rest. But no, I had a goal, and my rather big belly at that time was not a hindrance for this. Of course, I wanted to take a memorable photo, I completely tortured my beloved, but he nevertheless took a photo “so that I don’t seem fat”. Two hours of persuasion with a request to put it on the network, since no one except our relatives and closest friends knew about my situation, and now the long-awaited post was “uploaded” to the inst with the hashtag #instamama # in anticipation of a miracle. With a miracle, likes and subscribers came. I was congratulated not only by my acquaintances, but also by strangers! Such attention was very pleasant to me … Everyone was interested in how I managed to keep my figure, I wrote a little and shared my experience with the girls. As a result, as my husband likes to joke, if something happens, we can set more than a hundred thousand mothers on our offenders!
Yana Yatskovskaya, model, maintains her beauty blog on Instagram
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
Family is my most important and important priority. I never understood women who stop paying attention to their men after the birth of a child. Children grow up, and the relationship can no longer be glued. Everyone should take their place. A child is a child, a husband is a husband, a family is the fruit of our labors. I don’t have nannies, but my parents help 2 days a week. I have a partnership with my husband, we are support for each other. Self-care is an integral part of my life. Men get to know us beautiful and well-groomed, therefore, when living together, it is important to remain a princess, and not turn into a frog. I am absolutely not embarrassed to go for a manicure with my daughter or go shopping together. To take care of yourself, first of all, you need desire, not a lot of money. To look beautiful, 20 minutes in the morning is enough for me. You just need to make it a rule to give yourself this time in the morning and not blame everything on circumstances. And then you can cook breakfasts, wash, clean, educate, etc. We also have family traditions – for example, we walk together, have dinner, turn off social networks in the evening, solve many moments together. The constant presence of the word “together” in our lives is very unifying. I believe that you need to make your man, child, loved ones happy, give the world good and positive, and a positive answer will definitely return to our side.
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
I can always ask my parents for help. I don’t understand why think about weakness or strength. Why not ask for help if, for example, I don’t get enough sleep for a month? I don’t want to pretend to be a pseudo-hero. I want to be a happy woman, mother, wife. Women’s shoulders only seem fragile, but no matter how strong they really are, they still require support. Of course, the people I can turn to can be counted on my fingers, but they are the ones I can trust, and these people can always get my support.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
We teach the child to respect and respect others. For example, Alexa and Nika (Spitz) are best friends. Thanks to Nika, Alexa has become even more delicate and neat. They grow up together, and the child learns to behave unselfishly: share, give in. We try not to spoil the baby too much and be moderately strict. She easily recognizes both affection and discontent. In general, I believe that the foundation is laid before 3 years. Further, how everything goes, it already depends on her. The ability to interact with the outside world is one of the most important skills for a prosperous life in society.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
Children are a mirror image of their parents’ behavior. We do not notice much behind ourselves, and babies absorb information like a sponge.
Rule number 1 – no arguments, abuse and clarification with the child.
Rule # 2 – switch attention or offer an alternative. If Alexa is stubborn, I turn the action I want into a game. For example, she scattered things and does not want to collect. I captivate her, find a wonderful little basket for her little things, and we go out and collect everything together. Or if she wants to take something, I immediately offer her something else and tell her, show her. That is, I am not just slipping an alternative, but I am captivating it. Whether I like something or not, the baby sees by the reaction.
I try to clearly distinguish between intonation and behavior so that she correctly analyzes my reactions. That is, there is no such thing – “ah-ah-ah, hee-hee-hee” – since a child can be confused, either I really do not like it, or I am joking. I always feel that if she is not in the mood, I try to adjust and offer her something interesting. We can distract ourselves by swimming, drawing, walking, calling our family on Skype and much more. It’s all about feelings.
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
There is strength and patience too. Sometimes there is fatigue, at such moments the brain simply turns off, and I ignore everything, think about everything, I realize, but in fact the reaction is zero. When this happens, the beloved usually immediately understands everything and says: go get some rest. But there is no anger, aggression, and rather physical fatigue, therefore sports, healthy sleep, and sometimes shopping relieve fatigue. I can sit with friends in a restaurant, but this is rare.
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Taboo for me is swearing and quarrels in front of children. I will try to do as much as possible without physical punishment, since I do not consider them a successful model of behavior. Well, in a non-positive state, I will definitely exclude any statements. Every day I consolidate our family relations with joint breakfasts, dinners, walks. We spend the weekend with our family. I want the child to have such memories and associations with the family anchored when everyone is together.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
I realized that my experience is interesting to people. If we all shared something useful, it would be much easier. You can take a step forward and I did. I have two accounts @youryani and @yani_care. The main one is my blog about life and work. And the second is self-care. There is not a single advertising post in it – this is my principled position. But @youryani is not easy to get into. Everything I talk about is my experience and I really test everything on myself. I refuse a lot. I prefer to be sincere with my readers and protect my audience. She is very kind and positive. As they say, find a job to your liking – and you won’t work a single day in your life. In this regard, blogging is definitely about me. A buzz that brings both earnings and a bunch of positive emotions from grateful readers!
Natalie Pushkina – designer, mother of two daughters.
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
Time! In recent months, this term is worth its weight in gold to me. He has always been lacking for everyone, but over the years, every day turns into a race. As for the husband and children, then I do not hide the fact that the husband always comes first. He is my wings. If our connection starts to screw up, then everything else crumbles like a house of cards. Therefore, harmony is the key to the happiness, health and well-being of our family and our girls. He is my friend. The only person in the whole world with whom inside out without halftones. As it is. And this is why our relationship is valuable. This year it has been ten years since we have been going through life tightly holding hands, and this “walk” is about the quality of relations, and not about “at least, as long as until the golden wedding.”
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
It is really difficult to ask for help, apparently, so I still don’t decide on a nanny! I don’t like asking at all. At one time, Bulgakov’s phrase “The Master and Margarita” described my attitude: “Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially with those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything ”. This is how we live, of course, resorting to the help of grandmothers. But our children and we need to love them ourselves. As you “love”, so later you will receive in return.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
I think the answer is obvious: you need to love him. From the very beginning, when he is not yet a child, but two strips on the dough. The bond with the parents is very strong. With mom – endless. Even when I scold or scold my eldest, I always say that for my mother she is the most beloved, no matter what. And I scold only because I love and want to teach something. When a person does not care, he has no emotions either … This is scary!
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
I feel my girls intuitively, I know how to motivate or put in place at a glance. No “helper” can do this. Unfortunately or fortunately, time will tell!
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
Despite my active role in social media, I love being alone. Just be alone with yourself. Even if it is “alone” in the car among the traffic jams. As for the thoughts, they never soothed me. The only one who can bring me moral and physical relaxation is my husband. Our relationship began with long conversations about everything. They hooked me then. I, as a child, wrapped myself in these conversations and realized that only with him this is possible, and this continues to this day. A woman loves with her ears and my ears have never been deprived.
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Don’t be there when your child needs you. We’re not going to discuss the belt and physical punishment right now, are we? This is unacceptable to me. But to sum up expectations is taboo. I know that no one but me will be able to find the right words for support. Somewhere you need to raise your voice, somewhere to press and force, somewhere to hug and say “we can handle everything! Together!” And only mom can understand when and what tool to use.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
For some reason I do not like this word – blogger, it is somehow inanimate. At one time, I kept an online diary and thanks to it I found a lot of real friends. We all eventually got to know each other, and our children have been friends ever since … Then there was no Facebook and Instagram, and in general we knew little of what all this might lead to. I just wrote my thoughts and feelings every day. I have never treated subscribers as a crowd, I know almost everyone who writes, I try to respond. Social life for me is work on myself. It makes you be “faster, higher, stronger.” I cannot write about how tired I am, knowing that I have hundreds of mothers in my subscribers who draw strength and energy from my texts, they need light at the end of the tunnel, and I always have a flashlight in my pocket, which they serve as batteries their comments and thanks.
Yulia Bakhareva is a mother of two babies, she maintains a blog about motherhood in “
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
Of course, the ideal family model – my husband and I come first, children come second. Such a family will be harmonious and the children will be happy. After all, they will know that mom and dad are always together and love each other. I strive for just such a model. My husband is my soul mate, and only thanks to him such wonderful children were born. We try to spend time together. After the children leave, only our time comes. True, sometimes they fall asleep very late, and there is little time.
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
I believe that it is imperative to look for helpers and delegate some of the work. It is impossible to be an ideal wife, a caring mother, while still a good housewife and a well-groomed girl. The whole secret is to competently attract helpers and organize your day correctly. I have au pair, once a week the housekeeper cleans and iron and cooks once. My husband freed me from most of the housework. I take care of myself, children, write texts and keep a blog. It seems to me that if there is an opportunity, it is imperative to ask grandmothers for help, to hire a nanny for at least a few hours a week or au pair. Then the mother will have the opportunity to take care of herself, her husband, to be happy, cheerful and contented life. And if the mother is happy, then the children are happy.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
I teach them to love, trust. I teach that the family is the place where people are always expected, taken care of, will always love and provide support. I also teach children to be honest with themselves, to listen to themselves, to their feelings and desires. To be responsive to other people, you first need to understand yourself.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
My children are still small and, fortunately, do not know how to lie. But Max often has whims. I believe that this is an absolutely normal stage of development. He grows, he has his own desires, requirements. And this is good. He is very persistent, purposeful, gets his way. These qualities in life will help him a lot. Of course, sometimes he just tries my patience, and it’s not easy for me. I use different tactics depending on the situation – sometimes “active listening” helps, sometimes you need to hug and regret, sometimes ignore or strictly say.
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
Usually I complain to my husband, and he then lets me go into the bath alone. Ideally, I would like to sometimes spend time without children, change activities, switch. Now this very rarely happens, since Zlata is small. But one day my husband let me go to the spa and it was the perfect vacation for me.
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Taboo is physical punishment and any kind of insult. I want to raise happy, self-confident children. We love kissing, hugging, fooling around and laughing. Not a single day goes by without this. And we often say to each other “I love you” and listen to each other’s desires. And we have a mandatory ritual before bed – reading a book, kissing and saying good night.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
I have had Instagram for several years already, but it was as a blog that I started keeping it about a year ago. Now this is my little world, a very important and interesting part of my life. I love my blog and my subscribers! This is a source of inspiration, strength and motivation for me. I made a lot of new friends and like-minded people. Blogging like this is a lot of work, but the emotional return is also huge. And I really like it!
Ekaterina Zueva, maintains her blog on Instagram
1. Husband, children, myself. How do you manage to carve out time for everyone and keep it for yourself? And who comes first for you?
There cannot be first and second places in a family, I love my husband and daughter equally strongly, but these are two different “love”. Is it possible to compare love for a man and a mother’s? We are three of us almost all the time, so we don’t have to divide the time between them: we cook together, and we walk, and we ride on a slide. But once a week we try to get out together with my husband, it seems to me that this is one of the main points of a good relationship.
2. If you absolutely do not have enough time and energy, who do you go to for help?
Honestly, when I just gave birth to my daughter, it was somehow inconvenient to give the baby to my grandmother, the child is mine, which means she must cope on her own. Now it is completely different, the little one is happy to go to her grandmother for a couple of hours, and I calmly manage to get out and devote time to myself. As my mom says: “Who needs your heroism?” It is better to really rest for a couple of hours, and then again be full of energy for playing catch-up and reading “Kolobok” for the tenth time in a row.
3. Commandment in education # 1 – what do you teach your child first of all?
Unconditional love! The very first thing a child should know is that he is loved. They love it when he behaves well, and they love it even more when he behaves badly. A kid who feels this makes contact much better, and it is easier to cultivate good qualities in him.
4. The child is capricious, does not obey, deceives – how do you cope with this?
Our daughter is very fond of hooliganism, therefore, the framework of what is permissible is clearly established in our family. There is no such thing that dad, for example, did not allow to spread porridge on the table, and mom does not mind. Of course, it also happens that Nika is trying to achieve her goal with tears and flatly does not hear me. Then I say: “Baby, when you calm down and are ready to talk, come to me, please, I love you very much and I am waiting for you.” Five minutes later he comes running as if nothing had happened. We do not follow any special methods of upbringing, after all, children are, first of all, a reflection of their parents, so for now we are trying to educate ourselves.
5. What thought always gives you strength and patience?
I’m far from being a perfect mom. And fatigue often rolls over, and patience is not enough for everything, there are days when you simply cannot calmly react to the child’s bad behavior, you feel that you are about to break loose and scream for another mistake … At such moments I remember an article I read a year ago on the Internet, and instead of screaming, you want to sit down and hug your baby as soon as possible. With your permission, I will insert a small excerpt from it:
“Do you know what happens to a child when you scream or physically punish him? Imagine that your husband or wife is running out of patience and he / she starts yelling at you. Now imagine that they are three times your size. Imagine that you are completely dependent on this person for food, shelter, safety and protection. Imagine that they are your only sources of love, self-confidence and information about the world, that you have nowhere else to go. Now increase these feelings 1000 times. This is how your little one feels when you are angry with him ”(Confidence site).
6. What is taboo for you in upbringing, and what is an obligatory ritual?
Taboo? Assault and even the thought of it. The only thing that a person who can hit a child proves is that he is weak! I never tell my daughter that I do not love or stop loving her, the child should know that he is loved always and under any circumstances. What is not a day without? No laziness. This is a direct parental life hack. Sometimes you need to be lazy! To be lazy to spoon-feed, put away toys for a child, or wear pajamas. And now you can safely have a cup of coffee while your child diligently wipes the table behind him.
7. You are known as a mom blogger. How did you come to this at all? Is the social network for you a job or just an outlet?
An outlet, a place where I can share successes and disappointments, or just talk about how my day went. I don’t know about the others, but I was insanely lucky with subscribers, although I can’t even call my girls that, for me they are something more than just a dry word “subscriber”. We have been friends with some of these girls for several years now, and I am grateful to Instagram for bringing me together with such wonderful people.