For the sake of the child, the 35-year-old mother decided to become the best version of herself. And she did.
“I hated this woman. I didn’t love her as I should. I fed her with lies: I said that she was not good enough. I allowed her to be broken. To be disrespectful to her. But she is what she is. This woman is a warrior. She’s not perfect, but she’s worthy! She is life. She is a change ”- this is how Jill Thompson signed her old photo on Facebook.
Now she is not at all like this picture. After all, the photo was taken 75 kg ago.
Jill has struggled with being overweight all her life. She was always plump: in school, in college, when she got married. And after giving birth, she became even larger. At 35, Jill weighed 144 kg. With such volumes, the way of her life was rather sad: neither dress beautifully, nor take part in active leisure. But she had a little daughter – and Jill wanted to be the best mom in the world. And how will you become if you can’t even play with the child, run with her or after her?
The goal was set, all that remained was to find a means. Jill decided that she needed like-minded people. She found one of the weight loss groups that held regular meetings.
“It took me a long time to get myself together to join the group. I was incredibly ashamed of myself. First I joined a group on social networks, and then I got the courage and came offline, ”says Jill.
She knew that she would have to love sports. Prior to that, she was engaged in equestrian sports, regularly rode horseback. But that was not enough. Jill started dancing, zumba. Gradually, I gained experience: they and new friends exchanged advice, recipes, supported each other. Of course, the woman began to eat differently. It was difficult, but Jill never forgot her goal. After all, her baby daughter was growing up, soon she will start crawling, walking, and then running. This was her main motivation, her willpower.
In less than a year, Jill has made unprecedented progress: she ran her first half marathon.
“I was just thrilled when I crossed the finish line. Now I knew for sure that I could run after my daughter as much as I wanted. If I can handle it, I can handle anything, ”she says. “I used to get tired just walking up the stairs. Now I have plans to run a 100-kilometer marathon. “
Jill really did it. By that time, she weighed 75 kg less than at the beginning of her journey. Just think, she has lost more than half of her weight! Of course, she still looks imperfect: a lot of excess skin that can only be removed with surgery. But that’s not the point. The main thing is the abyss of energy, the source of which has been buried all this time under a layer of fat.
Jill’s diet before …
Breakfast – a sandwich with bacon and mushrooms.
Lunch – food to go: fast food, sushi, wok.
Dinner – pizza.
Snacks – fruits, chocolate and chips.
…and after
Lunch – spicy vegetable soup, puree soup or broth with turkey.
Dinner – homemade food: freshly cooked lasagna, Idaho potatoes with chili sauce, risotto, etc.
Snacks – boiled eggs, lean boiled meat, blueberries, melon, carrots, tomatoes, celery.