Such an adventure you would not wish on anyone. But childbirth is such a thing – you can’t put them on pause.
Imagine: a car is flying down the street at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Behind her are two police sedans with sirens on. What do you think? Maybe they neutralize a dangerous criminal, or maybe they make a movie. But that time it was not like that. A law-abiding (albeit sweaty with excitement) resident of the city of Bristol, 43-year-old Ilian Head, sat behind the wheel of the car that was running away from the police. Sitting next to him was his wife, 40-year-old Marie, and in the back seat, the couple’s two-year-old daughter, firmly fastened to the child seat, was. And what have they not shared with the police?
And they did not share the speed limit. What kind of patrolman will tolerate if a car rushes past at an insane speed, three times higher than all possible limits? But Ilian had reasons to be in such a hurry. His wife got into labor while chatting with girlfriends at Zoom.
There was no time to wait for an ambulance, Ilian jumped behind the wheel, grabbed his daughter – there was no one to leave her with. What memories of this evening will remain with her is a separate question. On the way, Ilian passed a police van, signaling impatiently to make way for his Ford. And then he rushed past another police car, and even flew through the intersection at a red light. And so it happened that the last 16 kilometers to the hospital, the family rode accompanied by sirens and flashing lights.
Ilian burst into the parking lot next to the hospital, fell out onto the asphalt with raised hands and shouted: “My wife gave birth in the car!” The policemen, who blocked his Ford Fiesta by all the rules, dropped their jaws: a thin baby squeak was really heard from the car, and the bloody woman in the passenger seat was smiling embarrassedly. She managed to give birth right during the chase! Once Ilian didn’t bump into anything in these conditions, it’s amazing.
“Ilian drove to the sound of sirens and at the same time tried to calm our eldest daughter – her eyes were like saucers, the child was absolutely stunned,” Marie later told The Sun reporters. “My husband was constantly honking for us to be given a way.”
In general, the police did not write out a fine for Ilian or deprive him of his driver’s license.
“Good luck to this couple. There will be no punishment for violation of traffic rules, ”the police said.