Woman bald and forgot how to walk due to severe pregnancy

The mother of two children vomited 50 times a day, or even more often.

You need to love children very much in order to go through hell for the sake of the baby. And the state of 30-year-old Hannah Dalton cannot be called otherwise.

Hannah became pregnant with her second child while traveling to the sea with her family. Psychologists and gynecologists say that this often happens: all worries disappear from the head, and pregnancy comes faster and easier. But the ease ended within a couple of weeks after conception. Toxicosis began – and it was not at all the same as the first time.

“I vomited dozens of times a day,” Hannah recalls. “By the time I was in the hospital, I was nauseous 50 times a day or more.”

A woman could not eat anything – at all. She couldn’t do anything at all, not even move. If she tried to just roll over in bed, she was nauseous. If her husband came close, Hannah was turned inside out. Even the sounds of her daughter’s favorite TV show made the unfortunate woman writhe in convulsions due to nausea.

“It turned out that the things you use every day also smell. Not to mention people, animals, flowers – their smell acted on me like an emetic, ”says Hannah.

For the first six months of pregnancy, the woman simply did not leave her bedroom. She could not eat and could hardly drink a little. During this time, practically without moving, Hannah lost 12 kilograms, instead of gaining weight, as it should be for pregnant women.

“The worst thing is that I could not pay attention to my eldest, Elizabeth. I couldn’t do anything at all: neither feed, nor walk, nor watch cartoons with her, ”she says.

Fortunately, there was someone to look after the girl. Meanwhile, Hannah’s condition was getting worse. She was so emaciated that her hair began to fall out – she was not completely bald, but she lost most of her hair. And only in the seventh month, Hannah was able to leave the house. But not on her own feet, she had to move in a wheelchair. However, Hannah was glad of that too, she at least got out of the house.

“For the last three months of my pregnancy, I lived on peppermint candy. I couldn’t even drink, it was so bad. The doctors later asked me why I was so dehydrated. And I couldn’t drink a glass of water, ”the woman says.

Such a state cannot be called normal. Doctors diagnosed Hannah with hyperemesis gravidarum, or severe vomiting of pregnant women. It develops in about one in a hundred pregnant women. And if the usual toxicosis ends after two to four weeks, then the hyperemesis is delayed for months. It was from him that Duchess Kate suffered every time. But with her, it was not so difficult.

Hannah is still surprised: as soon as she underwent a caesarean, all the symptoms that had followed her for nine months instantly disappeared. The breakfast that was brought to her after giving birth seemed divine.

“It was just toast with jam and tea. But they seemed so beautiful to me that I even photographed them, ”Hannah laughs.

By the way, the child was born absolutely healthy – baby Alexandra weighed over 3 kilograms and had no idea what her mother had to go through. However, Hannah’s torment did not end there. First, she had to recover from the cesarean, and then walk again. After all, after six months in bed, and then another three months in a wheelchair, her muscles completely weakened.

“I had to do special physical education to get back on my feet. But then I could eat again! I was still slightly nauseous when I saw food or heard the sounds that made me twist during pregnancy. But it was only an instant, ”the mother of two children told the Daily Mail.

Although one thing that Hannu is still sick of remains. These are the sounds of her oldest daughter’s favorite TV show.

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