
Wolfgang Luthe — co-author of I.G. Schultz according to the 6-volume manual.

The Wolfgang Luthe method is one of the options for desensitization using psychodynamic and psychoanalytic approaches.

Autogenic response

Introduces new elements into the structure of the method — methods of autogenic neutralization: autogenic response and autogenic verbalization. These methods form the main content of the 6th volume of the manual for autogenic therapy.

To neutralize negative experiences, the techniques of “repetition” of those situations that caused the psychic trauma are used.

Autogenic verbalization is carried out with closed eyes, and the patient’s task is to tell about all the sensory images that appear in the state of autogenic relaxation.

In the methodology for the practical implementation of autogenic response according to Lute, five basic rules or conditions can be distinguished (Lobzin V.S., Reshetnikov M.M., 1986):

  1. The need to move from standard exercises to a passive attitude to visual images;
  2. Unlimited verbal description of any kind of perception (sensory images);
  3. The principle of psychotherapeutic intervention in brain-controlled neutralization;
  4. Observance or recognition of the internal dynamics that are inherent in the period of autogenic discharges;
  5. The principle of independent completion of psychotherapeutic work.

Throughout the course of autogenic response, standard exercises are used. Independent performance of autogenic response is allowed only with the permission of a psychotherapist. The intervals between sessions are 7-10 days.

Just as in psychoanalytic sessions, the doctor maintains complete neutrality during autogenic reaction. The author’s experience shows that the patient’s brain itself «knows» in what form and in what order the material should be «expressed» during autogenous neutralization. It is emphasized that during neutralization, only that “material” is released (that is, verbalized) that interferes with the normal activity of the brain.

Autogenic verbalization

This technique is largely similar to autogenous response, however, it is carried out without visualization of representations. Unlike autogenic response, autogenic verbalization is used in cases where the «interfering material» (painful experiences) can be accurately described. Verbalization of a certain topic (for example, «aggression», «desire», «fear», etc.) is carried out in a state of autogenic relaxation and continues until the patient declares that he has nothing to say. Autogenic verbalization assumes that the patient knows a «topic» that contains «interfering material».

In fact, the methods of autogenic neutralization are an associative experiment proposed by K.G. Jung to reveal hidden or repressed drives. New is the implementation of this technique in a state of autogenic relaxation.

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