Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts, video

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts, video

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! In the article “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts” – about the main life stages of the Austrian composer and virtuoso musician, who created over 600 pieces of music in his short life.

Biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg. This city only eventually became part of Austria, and was previously the capital of the Salzburg Archbishopric.

His musical talent manifested itself at the age of 3. Wolfgang’s father, Leopold, was a violinist and composer in the court chapel. He taught his son violin, organ and harpsichord lessons. Already at the age of 5, the little composer composed small pieces. Soon, high society became interested in the young genius.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts, video

Portrait of six-year-old Wolfgang in a costume donated by the empress.

Father Mozart with his 6-year-old son Wolfgang and his eldest daughter Anna (Nannerl) gave concerts throughout Austria, Germany, Holland, Switzerland. We’ve been to Paris and London.

The talented kid not only amazed the audience with his musical abilities, but also made a whole performance out of the performance. For example, he played without mistakes while blindfolded or played on keys covered with cloth.

The beginning of the creative path

The child prodigy composed his first concert at the age of 4! The kid wrote it not only with a pen, but also dipping his fingers in ink. The father thought that his son was just drawing, but when he looked at the result of drawing, he began to cry. After all, it was the most difficult piece that even adult musicians could not play!

By the age of 17, the young virtuoso had already created a number of musical works:

  • 13 symphonies, 4 operas (Mithridates, King of Pontus, Lucio Sulla, La bella finta Giardiniera, Scipio’s Dream);
  • 24 sonnets and many small compositions.

In 1779, Wolfgang was invited to the post of court organist in his hometown of Salzburg.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts, video

The Mozart family. On the wall is a portrait of the mother. Artist Johann Nepomuk de la Croce, c. 1780 g.

In 1781 the musician moved to Vienna. He had to live in poverty, even with patrons. This did not stop him from creating great works – “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Mercy of Titus”, “Don Juan”, “Requiem”. And some fragments of the opera The Magic Flute were written specifically for some rituals of the Masonic lodge.

Mozart’s personal life

Like most creative people, Wolfgang was quite loving. He dedicated new musical creations to each new passion-inspirer. His wife was the daughter of the owner of the apartment in Vienna, where the composer lived. Mozart and Constance Weber had six children, but only two survived.

Wolfgang often attended balls, receptions, masquerades. He knew how to dance beautifully, brilliantly played billiards, loved animals and birds. His height was 1,63 m. The sign of the zodiac is Aquarius.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, facts, video

Mozart and Constance on their honeymoon. XNUMXth century postcard

Death of Mozart

The virtuoso musician lived for only 35 years. He died in 1791. His death for a long time was associated with suspicion of poisoning. The composer Antonio Salieri was suspected of this crime. It was believed that competition was the motive for the poisoning.

In 1997, a trial was held in Milan on this matter. The long-dead Salieri was acquitted, and the cause of death was rheumatic fever complicated by heart failure.

The exact burial place of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has not been established. He was buried in a common grave at St. Mark’s Cemetery in Vienna. At that time, only the rich and the nobility were buried in separate graves with tombstones.

This place is rather deserted, but admirers of his talent can always be found near the symbolic grave of Mozart.

Movies and Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote music for centuries. Therefore, his operas are often found in modern films and TV series.

  • 1982 – historical series “Mozart” about the life and work of the composer;
  • 1984 – feature film “Amadeus” (USA);
  • 1991 – feature film “Wolfgang A. Mozart” – (Austrian director Juraj Hertz);
  • 2006 – animated series “Little Mozart” (Germany);
  • 2010 – cartoon “Mozart” (Russia);
  • 2010 – the film “Mozart’s Sister” – about the composer’s family.

Don’t miss the video “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A Brief Biography”

The mystery of Mozart’s death

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