Wolf’s bast

What does a wolf’s bast look like?

Wolfs bast

This shrub is not higher than one meter. However, if the plant is grown, creating favorable conditions for it, then it can grow up to 2,5 meters in height (for example, a wolf bast bush in a garden or park). In the spring, the stems of the plant are bare, and pink fragrant flowers bloom on the branches, located in the axils of the leaves that fell last year. There are three flowers in each sinus.

The trunk along with the branches has a gray-brown color. Leaves are ovate. The fruit of the plant is light red in color, its shape is also ovoid.

From February to the end of March, this plant blooms beautifully, and on the territory of Russia, its flowering period is April-May. The wolf’s bast grows in dimly lit places, on soil with a large amount of nutrients. You can meet this shrub in the floodplain forest or on the edges of the forest.

Medicinal properties of wolf’s bast

The plant contains poisonous substances in all its parts: meserine resin (causing stomach upset, and blistering and redness on the skin) and daphrin glycoside (leads to rapid bleeding). The content of resins, dyes and wax was found in the bark of the plant. The fruits of the wolf’s bast are a source of bitter and coloring substances, fat, coccognine and essential oil.

Given the fact that this is a poisonous plant, you can take it only after the permission of a doctor. Wolf bast preparations have antiepileptic, analgesic, laxative and hypnotic effects on the human body.

The use of the wolf’s bark

Wolfs bast

Let us remind you once again that preparations of wolf’s bark should be used in homeopathic doses and only when your doctor gives permission for this. It is necessary to take preparations of this plant carefully and not hastily. Outwardly, an infusion of this plant is used for diseases such as sciatica, neuralgia, tumors, sciatica. This remedy has irritating and blistering properties. In some cases, a tincture or decoction is used for sore throat, dysentery, jaundice, and even a cold.

In the presence of toothache, wolf’s bast has an analgesic effect.

A decoction of a wolf’s bark. It is necessary to take 2 grams of plant flowers and pour 20 ml of boiling water over them. We put the composition on fire for 20 minutes. Having removed the broth from the fire, it must immediately be filtered, and the raw materials must be squeezed out. The resulting volume must be brought to 250 ml with boiling water. It is recommended to take this decoction 5 drops three times a day.

Wolf bark powder. This medicine relieves a person of toothache. It is very easy to make it yourself, because for this you only need to collect the flowers of the plant and grind them into powder. Next, take this powder and rub it on the affected area. After that, you need to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water.

Decoction-hypnotic from wolf’s bast. 4 grams of plant roots poured with a glass of boiling water should be put in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the broth is infused for a quarter of an hour, it must be filtered. It is necessary to take this medicine before meals, 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Tincture of wolf’s bast fruit. Take half a glass of 70% alcohol and fill it with 1 gram of the fruit of the plant (you can bark). Leave the composition for 7 days to infuse. Strain the finished product with gauze. It is recommended to take this drug three times a day before meals. Before taking this tincture, it must be diluted. For example, put 2 drops of tincture into a spoonful of water.

Wolf poisoning

All parts of the wolf’s bark contain poison, so it is enough for a person to eat 3-5 berries of the plant – and he will die.

Signs of poisoning are as follows: – vomit; – abdominal pain; – urine with blood; – pride; – increased salivation.

The death of a person can occur in case of cardiac arrest.

Measures for poisoning. The first step is to wash the stomach, and then enter vaseline oil. In case of poisoning with this plant, a laxative should not be used in any case. The main goal is to eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, for which you need to let the victim hold pieces of ice in his mouth, lubricate the mucous membranes with dikain, and the poisoned person should take anestezin inside.

Be careful, do not stop near the wolf’s bark, pass by!

Wolf tincture

To prepare it, take 10 grams of plant bark (crushed) and pour half a glass of alcohol (70%). Leave the composition for 2 weeks to brew in a dark room. You need to take the tincture three times a day, 1 drop, but every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop. When a single dose is 30 drops, start the countdown in the reverse position, that is, reduce the dose by 1 drop. Before taking, dilute the tincture with 100 ml of water. The course of such treatment is 60 days. After taking a break for 14 days, you can resume the course, or take another poison.

Contraindications to the use of wolf bast

Since the wolf’s bast is a very poisonous plant, it must be used strictly observing the dose. Children are strictly forbidden to use preparations of wolf bast.

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