Without sudden movements: what to do if your neck hurts

Almost everyone has experienced neck pain. In most cases, you can get rid of the discomfort at home. Igor Borshchenko, Ph.D., doctor-vertebrologist, spinal neurosurgeon, author of books and methods for correcting posture, spoke about what a neck can hurt and what to do.

January 26 2019

Who is to blame

The most common cause of discomfort is muscle spasm. In people under 35, it occurs, as a rule, due to problems with posture or being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, for example, at a computer. Does it hurt to turn your head? It means that the neck is “blown out”, and this is myositis – muscle inflammation. At an older age, discomfort is caused by degenerative changes in the spine – the cartilage age and wear out. With osteochondrosis or spondylosis, intervertebral discs are the first to suffer. Microscopic cracks appear in them, which leads to a hernia. It also happens that a person gets into an accident and receives a whiplash injury – during a collision, the head jerks forward and then backward. At this point, not only the ligaments can be damaged, but also the cervical vertebrae.

Help Wanted

Consultation with a specialist is necessary when the pain is accompanied by fever, numbness in the arm, as if it had been lying down, or weakness – it is difficult for you to push the door, lift the bag. These symptoms can indicate a serious illness. Most likely, you will be referred to a neurologist who will check for neurological lesions. Sometimes they ask to donate blood for analysis to find out if there is inflammation of the vertebrae, and to do magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, you will have to pay a visit to a surgeon or neurosurgeon.

Home method

If, apart from discomfort in the neck area, nothing bothers you, you can try to help yourself on your own. Your task is to improve blood circulation in muscles and ligaments, warming ointments and plasters will help. Remember: the skin of the neck is very delicate, you need to act carefully so as not to get a chemical burn or dermatitis. Make a warming semi-alcohol compress at night – apply baby cream, moisten sterile gauze with vodka or diluted alcohol, put on the affected area, cover with plastic and fix with a woolen cloth. Alcohol irritates the surface receptors of the skin, the vessels dilate, and the temperature rises locally. Compress relieves muscle spasms even better than drugs. You can use an electric heating pad heated to 44 degrees. If especially painful points, the so-called myofascial or trigger nodes, are felt in the muscles, try to gently stretch them. Take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. If the pain persists or gets worse within three days, you should go to the doctor.

Bad advice

In case of acute pain, do not do gymnastics, exercises are effective only as a preventive measure.

You cannot go to the bathhouse or sauna. It may get better for a while, and then the pain will return with renewed vigor. In case of inflammation, complications cannot be avoided.

Refuse help if loved ones offer to straighten the cervical vertebra. Here lies the spinal cord, any manipulations with the neck must be carried out gently, without sudden movements.

Do not crunch your neck more than one or two times a day. Joint capsules may be damaged.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended. It is better to lie on your back or on your side on an orthopedic pillow. Long journey ahead? Bring an inflatable travel collar with you.

Keep aligning

The most common cause of chronic neck pain is poor posture. It is impossible to correct it in an adult with the help of a special corrector; you need to watch how we sit.

Adjust your workplace. Do not reach the floor with your feet – find a stand. The top edge of the computer monitor should be at eye level. Keep your head straight, not tilting or tilting too much. At home, equip your desk with a pull-out keyboard shelf. Pause and warm up every hour.

Place a couple of thick books under the back legs of the chair. This will create the desired tilt and make you sit more evenly. Special wedge-shaped pillows can be purchased for an office chair.

Lift your heels off the floor. To keep your back straight, it is enough to periodically put one or the other leg on your toe and leave it in that position. You can lift the heels of both feet – as long as they are off the ground, the posture will be perfect.

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