The issue of breakthrough therapies and access to them in Poland is a matter that is still relegated to the background, and even a topic that remains in the shadow of other medical discussions. Innovative therapies in the West are already a standard, and in Poland some diseases are still treated with “old drugs”. Why is this happening? I What is the process of implementing breakthrough therapies in Poland? You will find answers to these and other questions in the next edition of the campaign “Breakthrough therapies. The key to the development of medicine “, published in Gazeta Wyborcza on October 12 by the Warsaw Press publishing house.
The development of medicine is a chance for patients for effective treatment. Breakthrough therapies in the treatment of cancer, psoriatic arthritis and their availability in Poland are the topics of the latest Warsaw Press campaign. The substantive partners of this year’s edition of the campaign are: the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology, the Alivia Foundation and the Lazarski University in Warsaw. MedTvoiLokony is the media partner of the project.
Clinical trials and innovative therapies are not only the development of medicine, but above all an opportunity for patients who are struggling with serious diseases. What are clinical trials? What role do they play in the development of medicine and what are the challenges facing Poland in this area? – told in the campaign by dr hab. n. med. Iwona Ługowska – Head of the Early Phase Research Department, Coordinator of the Scientific and Industrial Center of the Oncology Center of the Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw and prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Rutkowski – Head of the Department of Tumors of Soft Tissues, Bones and Melanomas of the Oncology Center of the Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw (p. 2).
We spoke with Dr. hab. med. Artur Jurczyszyn from the Department of Hematology, Jagiellonian University Medical College (p. 3).
Non-small cell lung cancer is one of the greatest challenges of modern oncology. Knowledge about the disease, challenges facing Poland in this area, as well as available therapies were shared with readers. Experts in this field: prof. dr Piotr Wysocki, Head of the Department and Clinic of Oncology of the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum, President of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology, prof. dr hab. n. med Rodryg Ramlau – Head of the Department and Clinic of Oncology, UMP, prof. extra dr hab. n. med. Renata Langfort – Head of the Department of Pathomorphology, Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, prof. dr hab. n med. Maciej Krzakowski, National Consultant in the field of Clinical Oncology, Head of the Lung and Chest Cancer Clinic in Warsaw and prof. dr hab. Jacek Jassem, Head of the Department and Clinic of Oncology and Radiotherapy of the MUG (pp. 4-5).
Does early diagnosis of prostate cancer affect patient prognosis and make appropriate treatment decisions? We talked to Dr. n med. Bogdan Małkowski, Coordinator of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz. Bożenna Kozakiewicz – Vice President of the Management Board of Polpharma SA told us about incremental innovations and their benefits for patients (p. 6).
Psoriatic arthritis is one of the topics covered in the campaign. Prof. dr hab. n. med. Joanna Maj, national consultant in the field of dermatology and venereology and prof. dr hab. n. med. Eugeniusz Józef Kucharz, Provincial Consultant in the field of Rheumatology (p. 7).
Are changes in the area of financing medical sector innovations necessary? What are the challenges facing Poland in this area? – these and other questions were answered by Dr. Małgorzata Gałązka Sobotka, Director of the Institute of Healthcare Management, Lazarski University. Wojciech Wiśniewski, spokesman for the Alivia Foundation, shared his observations on access to innovative cancer drugs in Poland and talked about the activities of the Alivia Foundation in this regard. Breakthrough therapy is primarily empathy? – The greatest innovation in Polish medicine, apart from increasing the percentage of GDP allocated to treatment, will be the emergence of empathy – this is how Agnieszka Sztyler-Turovsky, the publisher of MedTvoiLokony said about the breakthrough therapies (p. 8).
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