Without blinking an eye

Working in front of a computer monitor, we blink less frequently. This can cause corneal ulceration and even loss of vision.

Red eyes, sand under the eyelids – these can all be symptoms of dry eye. This ailment occurs in people who work at the computer for a long time, stay in air-conditioned or smoky rooms. The eye is not properly moisturized, which causes the epithelium of the eyeball to peel excessively, opening the door for bacteria to open.

The role of tears

Although tears are associated primarily with crying, we actually produce them all the time, because we need them all the time. Tears are released every 5-12 seconds on average. This means that there is a constant layer of them on the surface of our eye. This type of tear is called a tear film. During the day, an average person produces and secretes about 1,5-2 ml of tear fluid (0,75 grams). Tears clean, moisturize and protect the eyes from bacteria. We spread them over the surface of the eye by blinking spontaneously. A person blinks 10 to 20 times a minute on average. By blinking, the tear film is spread and held over the surface of the cornea. However, this film is a very fragile structure. Despite the presence of a fatty layer, water constantly evaporates from it. In the healthy eye, “holes” in the tear film do not form until 20 seconds after blinking. So if we blink every 7 seconds or so, they don’t blink at all. However, if the eyelid moves less frequently, the eye dries out.

Work in front of the monitor

The blinking frequency drops while working in front of the monitor. Less frequent blinking results, among others, from From the frequent shifting of eyesight from the monitor to the keyboard and back again, which involves making small involuntary movements of the eyelids, which the brain reads as a wink. When we look at the screen of a computer or other digital devices, we blink up to five times less frequently.

Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend looking out the window for 20 seconds every 20 minutes when working in front of the monitor. Children should not spend more than two hours a day in front of the screen.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome can also be caused by other factors. – This disease is caused either by a reduced number of tears or their incorrect composition – says Marek Rostkowski, a specialist in eye diseases. The diagnosis of this ailment is based primarily on a good history. The physician must determine the environment in which the patient resides. If he spends all his days in front of the computer or in air-conditioned rooms, in the car or at work, has air conditioning blown directly at his face, or is in a smoky room, a change of environment may fix the problem.

The diagnostic test to check the degree of eye hydration is the so-called strip test. A paper strip is applied to the eye, which discoloration as a result of contact with tears. If the pigmented part is shorter than 15 mm, it is called dry eye.

Dry eye syndrome prophylaxis

Dry eye therapy is the elimination of factors that cause dryness. However, not everyone can change jobs just because the company where they work has air conditioners. However, direct airflow to the face should be avoided. So-called glasses can be helpful. zeros that have ordinary clear lenses instead of corrective lenses. They protect the eye from airflow and reduce tear evaporation.

It is also worth taking breaks from work and frequently ventilating and humidifying the rooms. A walk in the park will be a balm for the eye.

Dry eye treatment

In the treatment of dry eye, artificial tear drops or gels are used that last longer. They are available over the counter. Ophthalmologists recommend those with the shortest shelf life after opening the package, because they contain less preservatives. However, they are usually more expensive. It is important not to use overdue drops. Therefore, when starting a new bottle, you need to add the expiry date from the day you opened it and set a date for its disposal. It is worth writing this date on the packaging. Expired drops can be dangerous to the eye.

You must wash your hands before instillation in your eyes. While standing in front of the mirror, pull down the lower eyelid with one hand, and pour in two or three drops with the other. More of it goes beyond the eye anyway. We close our eyes for a moment and do not blink for five seconds. The ampoule should not touch the edge of the eyelid, because by introducing bacteria into the eye, it can lead to inflammation. Also, do not use other people’s drops.

Untreated dry eye syndrome causes its troublesome symptoms to worsen over time, making it difficult for us to work and live. In more advanced cases, when there is a significant reduction in tear production, corneal ulceration may occur, which is a condition that in extreme situations may even endanger vision.

See also – Time for health: Dry eye syndrome

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