With these diseases, you need to go to the hospital. New ministry list

On March 28, 2022, a new regulation of the Minister of Health on infectious diseases causing obligatory hospitalization entered into force. The regulation takes into account the change in the epidemiological situation due to the reduced spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections.

Due to the fact that the number of COVID-19 cases is falling and the number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 is falling, the Ministry of Health considered it justified to abandon special solutions dedicated only to COVID-19 cases and apply general rules of conduct in these cases.

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The regulation, which entered into force on 28 March 2022, defines which infectious diseases and infections trigger the obligatory hospitalization.

The current list includes:

  1. tuberculosis (applies to both patients during the mycobacterial period and people with reasonable suspicion of mycobacteria),
  2. diphtheria,
  3. damn
  4. typhoid,
  5. pseudo-pipes A, B, C,
  6. typhoid fever (including Brill-Zinsser disease)
  7. the plague
  8. Ebola (EVD),
  9. highly pathogenic human avian influenza HPAI (especially caused by H7 and H5 strains),
  10. smallpox,
  11. acute childhood paralysis (poliomyelitis) and other acute flaccid paralysis, including Guillain-Barré syndrome,
  12. tularemia,
  13. anthrax,
  14. rabies,
  15. viral hemorrhagic fever (including yellow fever),
  16. infections with biological pathogens causing severe acute respiratory distress syndrome SARI or other organ failure (in particular: Middle Eastern respiratory distress syndrome MERS, acute respiratory distress syndrome SARS),
  17. meningitis,
  18. encephalitis.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Treatment for this disease is mandatory. You can go to jail for contracting it
  2. The end of the pandemic in Poland? Temporary hospitals, covid allowances and restrictions are disappearing
  3. Forgotten diseases are coming back to Poland. The doctor warns: epidemics are ahead
  4. What happens when an adult gets measles, smallpox, rubella, mumps?

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