With a heart for … heart

Since cardiovascular diseases are still the main cause of death in Poles, we must prevent them before they catch us.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in the EU population. The fast pace of life, bad eating habits and the lack of social awareness in the field of prophylaxis are the reasons for a further increase in the incidence of heart disease. Meanwhile, it is healthy people who should take their actions ahead of the development of heart disease, which in the first stages is often deceptive and asymptomatic, and then attack with considerable force. You should be aware that when a heart disease shows visible symptoms, it is often at an advanced stage, and the fight against it will be a challenge for both the patient and the doctor.

Feeding the heart

Among the risk factors of developing cardiovascular diseases there are the so-called non-modifiable, i.e. those that we have no influence on and those that depend on our lifestyle, diet and care for our own health. Among the non-modifiable factors are age, sex and genetic conditions.

One of the basic actions that we can take to reduce the risk of developing heart disease is eating well and maintaining a proper body weight. In the 10st century, a meal is often based on what can be prepared quickly in the microwave. In addition, Poles like quite fatty meats and thick sauces. It should also be remembered that in cold cuts and all highly processed meat products there are staggering amounts of salt, exceeding the daily norms more than XNUMX times. All these dietary mistakes and the dramatically low share of fish in the Polish menu contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The Mediterranean diet seems to be optimal and supported by scientific research. It is a diet based on the wealth of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and a small amount of meat. Fish and olive oil, widely used in the Mediterranean, are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fats, a natural remedy to combat the development of atherosclerosis, which is the underlying cause of many heart diseases.

There is also a question about red wine, which is abundant in the diets of Italians, French and Greeks. After many years of debates over the potentially beneficial effects of red wine on the heart, global cardiac societies have concluded that no more than one glass of wine a day has a beneficial effect on the protection of the heart.

In addition, avoid fatty foods, excess salt and highly processed foods full of various preservatives. Proper diet is also important in maintaining an appropriate body weight within the BMI index. It is a ratio calculated by dividing your body weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. It should be less than 25. Above 25 we are talking about overweight, and above 30 we are talking about obesity.

Effort for health

Moderate physical effort at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, it contributes to the maintenance of proper body weight and good physical fitness in the elderly. The type of exercise undertaken should be consulted with a physician, as the scale of exercise will be different for people after coronary heart disease and for elderly people with cardiac arrhythmias.

Smoking is a proven risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Due to the harmful substances it contains, tobacco smoke promotes the development of atherosclerosis, which is the cause of many cardiovascular diseases and very dangerous diseases of other organs. Passive smoking is also not indifferent to health, especially since the deadly effect of smoking is directly related to the development of lung diseases and neoplastic processes.

Accompanying diseases

Among the many risk factors for heart disease, there are also comorbidities – thyroid gland, disorders of lipid and cholesterol metabolism, diabetes and many others. But how can we influence the development of various diseases? On the one hand, we can take a fight ahead of the development of individual diseases, and in the event that they have already occurred, we must conscientiously undergo treatment.


The incredible technological progress that has taken place in the XNUMXst century has also affected medicine, especially cardiology. Miniaturization and increasing the accuracy of devices and improving their availability have significantly contributed to a significant improvement in the quality of medical services, both at the level of diagnostics and therapy. Increasingly precise tools used to treat heart attacks have reduced mortality. Very advanced digital technologies for heart imaging have made it possible to carry out effective treatments for complex cardiac arrhythmias. Among the novelties in the diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases, it is hard not to mention telemedicine, which is still fledgling in Poland. Telecardiology is the oldest field of telemedicine, at the same time related to home telecare. It consists in examining the work of the heart, i.e. an ECG recording, which is performed by the patient himself using a special device. The device in the form of a telemedical ECG, which is also a transmitting device, sends the obtained results to the doctor. Such services are particularly directed at people suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and coronary artery disease.

Ultimately, the goal of telecardiology is to provide care to all patients who have symptoms of cardiovascular diseases. This care is to supervise a given person around the clock and consists in remote diagnostics and cardiological control. In addition, it is to enable teleconsultation with a doctor and telemonitoring. Telecardiology services can provide emergency aid as well as help chronically ill people who require constant medical care.

Medical consultation: dr Radosław Sierpiński, Heart for Arrhythmia Foundation

Also read: Skin changes due to vascular disorders

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