The main condition for the fulfillment of desires is to firmly believe in them. But knows other secrets that help our dreams come true.
New Year’s wishes are pure independent psychotherapy. At the same time, you are one in several persons: a psychologist, a mystic and the creator of your own life. In order for your wish to return to you after some time in the form of a dream come true, you need to use a special technique consisting of several steps.
1. Recall all
Take a look back at the year that you leave behind. Remember everything that happened to you: both good and bad. Think of the people who have been with you, have helped and supported you – be sure to thank them from the bottom of your heart. And, of course, do not forget to say words of gratitude to yourself – after all, only thanks to your efforts and will this year significant changes have occurred in your life.
2. Forgive everyone
This year was not only good, but also bad. Remember everyone who made you experience unpleasant emotions, and let go of your resentment – next year it will not be useful to you! Forgiveness frees up powerful internal reserves that you can spend on more worthy activities – love, joy, friendship.
Remember everyone who made you experience unpleasant emotions, and let go of your resentment – next year it will not be useful to you!
3. Think positively
Speak your desires clearly and without hesitation. The world around you should not hear phrases from you like “Will I succeed?”
4. Prioritize
Make a wish list: enter in it all the desires that you will strive to achieve in the coming year. Let it be voluminous and contradictory – the main thing is that you take the time for yourself and seriously think about what you really want. Then choose from your extensive list the three most important desires for you and try to imagine what will happen in your life if these desires come true. If you feel comfortable thinking about it, then you did everything right, if visualization gives you discomfort – feel free to give up this dream.
5. Don’t be demanding
And remember: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
Life experience has repeatedly shown us that plans are a conditional thing: no matter how clearly we plan our life, everything always turns out not quite the way we originally intended. As the saying goes: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” Therefore, after you have chosen your three most important desires, note to yourself that they may not come true – after all, they are desires, not requirements.