Wisdom teeth and the installation of an orthodontic appliance. Should you remove eights before orthodontic treatment?

Many patients who plan their first visit to an orthodontist wonder if the wisdom teeth interfere with the treatment of malocclusion. The eights are removed when they are a significant problem for the patient himself, i.e. they are broken, infected or cause gingivitis. What is worth knowing about eights and do they interfere with orthodontic treatment?

When should you visit an orthodontist?

Orthodontic treatment in Poland begins at different stages of life. The first visit to the orthodontist should take place during childhood. The child’s first bite assessment is performed by the pediatrician when the child is 2 years old. If at this stage the pediatrician does not recognize the malocclusion, a professional consultation with an orthodontist should take place between the age of 6 and 7.

During the first examination, the orthodontist carefully examines the child’s oral cavity and, if a malocclusion or jaw is diagnosed, will suggest further treatment steps. At this age, treatment with the use of fixed orthodontic appliances is extremely rare due to the lack of permanent teeth. During this period, in order to combat the progression of the malocclusion, a removable appliance is used, which is put on for several hours a day and regulated according to the doctor’s recommendations.

The next orthodontic examination should take place between 11 and 13 years of age. All permanent teeth should be present at the time of this examination. If, during this examination, the orthodontist recognizes a malocclusion in the child, he or she will order additional tests and then propose a treatment program. One of the treatment options for a malocclusion is the installation of a fixed appliance.

It is worth noting that treatment starting at 11-13 years of age is much shorter and has better results. However, it must not be forgotten that you can visit an orthodontist at any time of your life. It is not true that malocclusions untreated in childhood are impossible to cure in adulthood. Anyone who notices a malocclusion may consult an orthodontist and begin treatment. Unfortunately, the treatment of malocclusion in adults takes much longer, and retention, i.e. maintaining the effects of correcting crooked teeth, often lasts until the end of life.

What is worth knowing about the treatment of malocclusion? Check: How is orthodontic treatment going? Step by step teeth straightening

What are the indications and contraindications for installing an orthodontic appliance?

The most important indication for the installation of an orthodontic appliance is a diagnosed malocclusion. Of course, there are other methods of combating malocclusion, but the most effective method is to wear a fixed orthodontic appliance. The indications for installing an orthodontic appliance include:

  1. visible and diagnosed malocclusions, among which the most frequently indicated are overshot, undershot, open bite, deep bite, gaps in the teeth, crowding of teeth or a retained tooth;
  2. genetic determinants – the latest research has shown that malocclusion is genetically determined and there is a high probability of a malocclusion if the child’s parents also had such problems in their childhood;
  3. periodontitis – crooked teeth are often the result of poor tooth condition, i.e. low tooth resistance, loosening of the teeth or thinner and more brittle tips;
  4. speech impediment, which significantly affects everyday life at school, work or in social contacts;
  5. lack of symmetry of facial features;
  6. jaw aches and headaches – incorrect bite may be responsible for long-lasting headaches or in the jaw area. It turns out that treating a malocclusion can effectively heal chronic headaches;
  7. cracking, crumbling teeth as well as loss of fillings is a sign that the teeth are too crowded in the jaws;
  8. in children, the indications for a visit to the orthodontist are lisp, receding or protruding chin, problems with speech therapy. Untreated malocclusion in childhood may affect problems with permanent dentition in adulthood.

The contraindications for wearing an orthodontic appliance are rarely mentioned. However, it is worth pointing to cases in which the orthodontist does not decide to put on an orthodontic appliance:

  1. any diseases that are associated with a decrease in the body’s immunity;
  2. inflammation in the mouth;
  3. dental pulp diseases;
  4. gums and periodontitis;
  5. diabetes;
  6. endocrine disorders;
  7. untreated teeth – an orthodontist will not treat malocclusion if caries is found on the teeth. Often orthodontic treatment is also preceded by the removal of plaque and tartar.

You can read more about the indications and contraindications for the installation of an orthodontic appliance here: When to put on an orthodontic appliance? Indications and contraindications

Wisdom teeth in orthodontic treatment – are they important?

Wisdom teeth, commonly known as eights, are teeth that appear much later than the remaining permanent teeth. Many patients who struggle with the problems related to the appearance of eights ask whether we need these teeth at all? Eights are teeth that are a feature inherited from our ancestors.

These teeth were needed for better chewing and grinding of foods such as raw meat. Now, when the human diet has changed significantly, and the structure of the human craniofacial has changed. Despite these changes, the wisdom teeth remain and cause many painful problems to many patients.

Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 26, but there are also cases where eights grow in people over XNUMX. It is worth mentioning that not everyone has wisdom teeth. The lack of eights does not adversely affect the quality of life or the functions of the masticatory system. It’s also true that eights break faster.

The location of wisdom teeth and individual conditions make wisdom teeth more prone to caries. It happens that the eights grow up already broken or cause inflammation so severe that the only option is to remove them.

What other parts of the human operation are not essential to proper functioning? Check it out: Five body parts that a person basically does not need

Who decides about wisdom tooth extraction?

The orthodontist always decides whether wisdom teeth must be removed before orthodontic treatment. Before applying the braces, the orthodontist conducts a thorough interview with the patient and takes an X-ray of the jaw. The selection of teeth that need to be removed before the braces are placed is preceded by an analysis that includes the patient’s age, further stages of development, assessment of the face profile, and measurement of the disproportion between the length of the arch and the width of the teeth.

The condition of the bones and periodontium, facial features, general condition of the teeth and the type of defect are also analyzed. Only after this analysis, the orthodontist determines whether the removal of eights will be necessary in the planned orthodontic treatment. Usually, as long as wisdom teeth are healthy and strong and do not cause excessive tooth crowding, there is no reason to extract them.

How is the figure eight removed? Read: Eighth extraction

Eights removal – when you need to get rid of wisdom teeth

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an orthodontist to decide that eights should be removed before orthodontic treatment begins. The most common reason for this decision is the fact that the wisdom teeth are badly decayed and there is a risk that caries will attack the adjacent teeth. The extraction of eights is also advisable when dealing with the so-called eights stopped.

Eight stopped are wisdom teeth that have not fully grown. The orthodontist will decide to remove the eights also when there is not enough space on the jaw arch for all the teeth to be properly seated in it. When wisdom teeth are removed, surgery is most often required. It is worth mentioning that right after the removal of wisdom teeth, the orthodontist will not put an orthodontic appliance on the patient right away. Only when the wounds are completely healed and the patient’s jaw is healthy, the orthodontist may decide to put on an orthodontic appliance.

You should remember about the exceptional care and hygiene of teeth with braces. For this purpose, it is worth buying the Vitammy SMILS sonic toothbrush with 5 brushing programs, one of which is designed for brushing teeth and the appliance.

It is therefore necessary to wait about two weeks after the extraction of wisdom teeth for the wounds to heal completely.

What are other indications for the surgical removal of eights? Read: Surgical eights removal

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