Winter squash caviar recipes with tomato paste and mayonnaise 

Preparations for the winter are very popular. They allow you to diversify the diet in the winter months, not to give up your favorite products, to save on products. Favorite recipes spread quickly. All housewives know how to cook zucchini caviar, but the option with mayonnaise and tomato paste became known not so long ago.

Winter squash caviar recipes with tomato paste and mayonnaise 

The popularity of squash caviar for the winter has not decreased for many years, and with the addition of mayonnaise, this type of preparation is very similar to store-bought caviar. Suitable for both preservation and quick cooking.

Some housewives are afraid to use mayonnaise in canning. For zucchini caviar, it is best to take the preparation of mayonnaise into your own hands. Then you will be sure of the quality of the constituent components. But if this is not possible, then the option with a purchased sauce has been tried by many and it is quite reliable. Caviar from zucchini with mayonnaise is tasty, fragrant and well stored.

Important! If you store jars in the refrigerator without sterilization, then the maximum period is 45 days.

Zucchini caviar without mayonnaise has a lower calorie content than the option with its addition. But mayonnaise gives an unusual spicy taste to a familiar dish.

Necessary components for the preparation of the workpiece

The name of the dish suggests that the main ingredient is zucchini. In addition to them, zucchini caviar for the winter is included in the recipe – tomato paste, mayonnaise, spices, garlic and vegetables. The photo shows the main components.

Winter squash caviar recipes with tomato paste and mayonnaise 

To prepare tender caviar, you need to prepare:

  1. Zucchini. After peeling the peel, the weight of the zucchini should be 3 kg.
  2. Tomato paste – 250 g. If it is possible to replace the pasta with juicy tomatoes, then the recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise will only benefit from this. It should be noted that a dish with tomatoes is stewed longer than with tomato paste, because more liquid will have to be evaporated.
  3. Onions – 0,5 kg.
  4. Sugar – 4 tablespoons.
  5. Mayonnaise – 250 g. It is recommended to take fat.
  6. Salt – 1,5 tablespoons.
  7. Ground black pepper – 0,5 teaspoon. Other favorite spices can be added to the dish – curry, paprika, turmeric or dried basil. Quantity according to your taste.
  8. Vegetable unrefined oil – 150 ml.
  9. Bay leaf – 3 pieces, take a large one to make it easier to remove from the dish before rolling the cans.
  10. Garlic – 4 cloves. The spice adds flavor and spiciness to the finished dish. If you don’t like garlic, you can take it off the list. The caviar will still be very tasty and tender.
  11. Vinegar preferably 9% – 2 tablespoons.

Some recipes for zucchini snacks with mayonnaise contain another ingredient – carrots. If you include it in the list of ingredients, it will add sweetness and diversify the vegetable taste of the dish.

The process of preparing caviar from zucchini with mayonnaise

First, prepare all the vegetable components:

  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into strips. To make ready-made zucchini caviar with mayonnaise for the winter tender, you need to take young vegetables with immature seeds. If this is not possible, then carefully remove the skin from the fruit and remove all seeds.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into 2 or 4 parts, depending on the size of the onion.
  3. Carrots (if you decide to add it to the recipe) peeled.

Now there are several options for how to cook caviar. Popular recipes contain various ways of processing vegetables.

The easiest is to pass all the components through a meat grinder. First, pour sunflower oil into the bowl in which the caviar will be cooked, and transfer the vegetable mass into it. Add mayonnaise and tomato paste, mix everything well and cook for 1 hour. This method requires constant attention and presence. Shredded vegetables must be stirred regularly so that the caviar does not burn. The closer the end of the process, the more often it will have to be done.

An hour after the start of stewing vegetables, add spices, bay leaf, chopped garlic, salt and sugar. We continue to cook caviar for another hour. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar, remove the bay leaf from the squash caviar and place it in sterile jars. We roll up the lids (also sterilized), turn the jars over, wrap them up. After cooling, place the jars in a dark, cool place for storage. In the photo – a worthy result.

Zucchini caviar with tomato paste for the winter can be cooked a little differently.

In the second version, the onions and zucchini are cut into small cubes, and the carrots are grated. First, the onion is fried, it will give the oil an amazing aroma, then zucchini and carrots are fried in this oil. Put all the vegetables in one pan, put the tomato paste and mayonnaise, mix and simmer for one hour.

Winter squash caviar recipes with tomato paste and mayonnaise 

The next step is to add all the spices, salt, sugar, bay leaf and the mixture is stewed again for an hour. 10 minutes before the dish is ready, crush the garlic and add it to the pot with caviar. Now the bay leaf is removed and the finished fragrant caviar from zucchini is laid out in sterilized jars. Roll up and cover with a warm blanket so that the mixture cools more slowly. With this method of preparation, some housewives recommend chopping the mixture when the vegetables become soft. In this case, the workpiece is homogeneous and tender.

Important! Perform the grinding operation very carefully so as not to burn yourself.

Recommendations for housewives

The main recipes of the dish are based on the addition of tomato paste, but in the summer version it is good to replace this component with ripe tomatoes. Juicy meaty “cream” will make the appetizer very palatable. We leave the composition of the components the same, only instead of tomato paste, we take fresh tomatoes. We need to add a tomato to summer squash caviar, so we pour hot water over them, remove the peel and twist in a meat grinder. At the output, we need to get a tomato in an amount of 25% of the total volume of the mixture.

We will extinguish such caviar until the liquid is completely evaporated. The main thing is that the tomatoes are rich in color and dense in texture. Cooking takes more than 2 hours, so allocate time in advance. Garlic is optional for this option, but if you want a more spicy taste, then you can not do without it.

In the process of cooking, caviar is boiled down by half. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of snacks at the exit and preparing the jars.

When adding mayonnaise, the mixture brightens. Do not worry, by the end of boiling it will become darker.

If you have replaced the tomato paste with sauce or tomatoes, keep an eye on the amount of salt. Adjust it to your liking.

The listed recipes for zucchini snacks with mayonnaise can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. In this case, it is important to chop all vegetables equally. A regular meat grinder or blender will do. Vegetables are placed in a multi-bowl, oil, salt, pepper are added and the “Stew” mode is turned on for 1 hour. After 30 minutes, you need to add garlic and tomato paste, finish cooking. The recipe for the winter is preparing 2 hours.

Homework is always helpful. If the products are grown on their site, then the benefits of such caviar increase markedly.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste

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