Winter Solstice in 2022
Every winter, the whole world celebrates the winter solstice. KP decided to tell you how and when you can celebrate it in 2022

Nature has always set its own rules of the game. After all, our life has always depended on its conditions. Since ancient times, people have adjusted their lifestyle to the vagaries of the weather: they watched it, looked closely. And then they brought out important dates. The day when the sun occupies the lowest point relative to the earth’s horizon is called the winter solstice.

When is the winter solstice in 2022

Astronomers have calculated that in 2022 the winter solstice will occur 21 December at 18:58 Moscow time. That is, the night from December 20 to 21 will be the longest of the year, and the day, respectively, the shortest.

history of the holiday

This day was very important for our ancestors. People believed that on the day of the winter solstice, evil spirits appear to feed on living energy. Therefore, people hung spruce branches throughout the house. It was believed that their pungent smell would scare away unwanted guests.

When it got dark outside, a large ritual fire was lit in the central square. Thus, people helped to give birth to a new Sun. They supported, so to speak, his forces with a flame.

Later on that day they began to celebrate Kolyada. In Old Slavonic, this was the name of the God of the new Sun. Carols usually took place on a special scale – songs, folk dances were arranged. It was believed that the more fun the holiday was, the brighter the God of the new Sun would illuminate the lives of his admirers.

Rites and traditions

Our ancestors were sure that the day of the winter solstice was filled with special magic, which had to be used for good purposes. Therefore, special traditional ceremonies were arranged.

1. Seed of intention

In a flower shop, you buy a seed of any plant, bring it home, put it in a cloth moistened with water and whisper the words of an old conspiracy:

“A seed and a seed, yes, in truth, I intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy an apartment), so that my intention comes true, germinates, roots firmly into the ground. It will be the same way, and so be it. Amen”.

After that, transplant the shoot into a pot and water every day for a week. In the spring, you transplant the seed under any tree that has not dried up and wait … The ancient Slavs claimed that in a month the wish should come true.

2. Healing bath

Take a full bath of water, light candles and turn off the main light. Lie down there, relax and close your eyes. Imagine all your negative currents in a physical sense. Represented? Squeeze them tightly into fists and throw them out. After a while, warmth will go through the body, it will become easier on the soul. Only after that you can drain the water, while you still need to lie down and imagine that everything bad is flowing along with it.

3. Cherished desire

Remember your deepest wish. Write it on clean paper and fold the sheet into a tube. Next, light a candle and set fire to a piece of paper from one end. While it burns, you need to say the words:

“Silent, and in that cherished, that in a secret corner – in my soul, everything is on fire – everything will be consumed by the flame, everything that goes into space, everything will reach higher powers. And from them it will come back – yes, fulfilled, but such that contentment will come. Yes, such that dissatisfaction will go away. Let it go – it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but the forces will not be forgotten.

Collect the remaining ashes in a bag and spray outside in strong winds. After that, the wish must come true.

How did other nations celebrate this day?

Ancient romans From December 17 to December 23, they worshiped the god of agriculture – Saturn. People stopped all their business, and schoolchildren were sent on vacation. A pig was sacrificed to the gods, and then they began to have fun.

This day was celebrated with great pomp and ancient germans. It was believed that it was on the day of the winter solstice that the Oak King was reborn, who warmed the frozen earth and gave life to the seeds in the soil. As a sign of respect, the people kindled fires in the fields. It was also customary to weave baskets from the branches of evergreens and ears of wheat. Then apples and cloves were added there, which were sprinkled with flour.

В Scotland there was a tradition to start a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was abundantly coated with resin, set on fire and launched down the hill, resembling a fiery luminary with rotating movements.

Chinese believed that the winter solstice gives rise to a new cycle. Therefore, everyone, from the commoner to the emperor, rested on this day, went to visit each other, laid large tables and ate various dishes.

Indians The winter solstice was called Sankranti. The holiday was celebrated in both Sikh and Hindu communities, where at night, on the eve of the festival, bonfires were lit, the flame of which resembled the rays of the Sun.

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