Winter onion sets: varieties of winter onion sets

Winter onion sets: varieties of winter onion sets

Planting onions in the fall is more practical than in the spring. Fruits ripen earlier, and in general the plant forms faster. And with proper care, it can produce a large harvest. The main thing is to choose the right variety of winter onions.

Winter onion sets: cultivation features

Hybrid varieties bred by breeders are able to withstand the cold of a temperate climate. In the presence of snow cover, temperatures down to –25 are considered acceptable. Some hybrids will even survive the Ural winter.

Winter onion sets in suitable climatic conditions give a large yield

Benefits of planting onions in the fall:

  • does not need watering until summer;
  • fruits ripen early;
  • winter seeding is resistant to shooting;
  • bulbs grow large.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out a lower yield and demanding storage conditions. The quality of the crop and its availability in general depends on the choice of the variety. In severe frosts, the bulb can go into an arrow, the fruit will be spoiled. For planting in the fall, choose only winter varieties, ordinary onions will not stand the cold.

Winter onion sets: what varieties are there

Most often, summer residents give preference to the winter variety “Shakespeare”. This is due to its unpretentiousness and high yield. It has significant advantages:

  • in the presence of snow cover, the sevok can safely survive 30-degree frosts. Without snow, it can withstand temperatures down to –18 ° C. Therefore, he is loved in the Urals and Siberia;
  • it gives large fruits – an average of 150 g, but it can be more with proper care;
  • early ripening – ripens after 70 days.

Another popular variety is Radar. He earned the love of gardeners for such qualities:

  • fruits are well stored after harvest and do not deteriorate for a long time;
  • matures on average after 85 days;
  • the bulbs are large – on average 100-150 g – and have a pleasant taste.

“Senshui” is in demand among summer residents of central Russia and the Moscow region for its merits:

  • does not require special care, while being resistant to disease;
  • sevok does not go into the arrow when ripe;
  • the crop can be stored for a long time without loss of quality.

Another early ripening variety is Ellan. It also has its advantages:

  • tasty fruits, juicy and sweetish;
  • picky about leaving;
  • bulbs weighing an average of 100 g, with beautiful golden scales.

This variety also has a drawback – it cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, it is not worth planting in large quantities if you are not going to sell.

Only a small part is shown here. In fact, there are many varieties, and breeders are breeding all new hybrids. When choosing a set, consider the climatic conditions of your region.

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