Onion Troy is a hybrid of the Dutch selection, relatively recently appeared on the seed market in Our Country. The winter variety can be planted both in spring and autumn in a small area and farmer’s fields. During the creation and subsequent experimental cultivation, all the shortcomings of the culture were taken into account and eliminated: Troy rarely gets sick, he is practically not affected by pests. Grow onions only from purchased planting material.
Description and characteristics of Troy onions
In terms of chemical composition, hybrids are not inferior to crop varieties, but they are more stress-resistant. The specimens planted in autumn are not afraid of frost, they begin vegetation at a temperature of +50 C, rarely get sick. Due to these features, productivity is increased and cultivation is simplified.
Troy was created for cultivation on an industrial scale. The variety has a long shelf life and high taste, bitterness is present in small quantities, the onion is semi-sharp. Under any weather conditions, it does not shoot, the plant spends all the nutrients on the ripening of the bulb.
Outwardly, the Troy variety is not much different from the standard varietal representatives:
- the bulb is round, slightly elongated, the mass reaches 70-80 g, the diameter is up to 8 cm;
- the membranous structure consists of upper dry scales of golden or light brown color and juicy inner white with a slight bluish tint;
- the neck is thin, short;
- leaves are tubular, dark green, with a wax coating, not numerous, up to 35–40 cm long, the structure is rigid with longitudinal fibers.
Like most of the hybrids, Troy does not produce seeds; onions are propagated by daughter bulbs that form a nest of buds near the bottom. Planting material is obtained using a special technology at agricultural firms specializing in this area.

The pulp of the inner scales is juicy, semi-sharp, the taste does not change from a lack of moisture or its excess
Ripening time and yield
Hybrid Troy is an early variety. When planted in spring, the crop ripens three months after the emergence of sprouts. Winter sprouts earlier, onions are harvested after 2,5 months. In the southern regions, the harvest is approximately in mid-July, in a temperate climate at the end of the same month. Maturity is determined by the state of the green mass. She turns yellow, lies down and dries. Productivity of Luka Troy with 1m2 is 5–6 kg.
Disease and pest resistance
In a sunny area with moderate humidity, the hybrid does not get sick and does not suffer from pests. Onion Troy has a strong resistance to major infections: bacteriosis, alternariosis, powdery mildew, white rot and bottom rot, peronosporosis, leaf mosaic.
The main threat to the culture is the onion moth and the fly, but these insects do not parasitize the Troy hybrid.
Composition and Properties
The chemical composition of onions contains:
- vitamins (flavonoid quercetin, ascorbic acid, B1,2,6, E, A, PP);
- saponins;
- Sahara;
- mucus;
- phytoncides;
- essential oils:
- malic and citric acid;
- minerals: iron, potassium, iodine;
- pectin compounds;
- glycosides.
Onion has anthelmintic, bactericidal, diuretic properties. Stimulates the production of gastric secretion, which normalizes the functionality of the digestive system. Recommended for diabetes. Participates in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes.
Most often, Troy onions are used in cooking. It is added to salads, as well as fried and boiled. This vegetable is indispensable for flavoring many dishes. Onions are included in many recipes for preserving vegetables for the winter. It is added to semi-finished products: dumplings, dumplings, cutlets. Used for making sausages.
Onions are used for the production of a medical preparation with antimicrobial action “Allilchep”, indicated for dysbacteriosis, intestinal atony. They also produce “Allylglycer” for the treatment of colpitis of trichomonas genesis.
Onions are used in cosmetology to whiten the face and remove freckles. Helps with seborrhea, strengthens hair follicles, prevents skin flaking.
Growing regions

Onion Troy – a cold-resistant plant, calmly resists spring frosts
Seedlings in the initial phase may die at a temperature of +2–40 C. In regions with a temperate continental climate, it is recommended to cover the bed at night.
When the leaves are formed, the onion is not afraid of lowering the temperature to -4-70 C. Optimal for growing season 15–250 C. Subject to the watering regime, it grows well even at +350 C. Troy entered the State Register in 2008 with recommendations for growing in the Central regions. This variety can be cultivated throughout Our Country, except for the Far North.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of bow Troy:
- consistently high yields, regardless of weather conditions;
- cold resistance;
- suitable for industrial cultivation (mechanized harvesting is possible);
- stress resistance;
- strong immunity;
- early maturation;
- high nutritional value;
- versatility in use;
- simple agricultural technology;
- lack of arrows.
The disadvantages include the impossibility of independent reproduction and the high cost of planting material.

They grow a hybrid only for bulbs, do not use Troy greens
Features of planting bow Troy
In relation to the light, the variety is quite demanding; it will not develop normally in the shade. The Troy onion bed is taken away only on dry, fertile soil with a neutral reaction.
Troy can be planted before winter or in spring, before being placed on a garden bed, the seeds are cut to the shoulders to speed up germination, and soaked in the Energen stimulator.
Planting onion Troy before winter
Seeds are planted approximately in the middle or at the end of October, depending on the regional climate:
- A week before planting, the site is dug up, the roots of weeds are removed.
- Before work, the bed is raised to a height of up to 20 cm and disinfected with a solution containing copper oxychloride.
- Humus, wood ash (if the composition is acidic), peat, superphosphate and potassium are added. All substances are embedded in the soil by repeated digging.
- Grooves are formed with a depth of 5 cm, with an interval of 15 cm, the seeds are laid out at a distance of 4 cm.
- Cover with soil and level the surface.
Before frosts, the site is mulched with peat (4 cm), in the spring the layer is removed so that it does not interfere with germination.

Onions are placed in the grooves bottom down
Planting onion troy in spring
In the southern regions, the crop is planted in the third decade of April; in a temperate climate, this can be done in the first half of May. The site has been prepared since autumn, dug up, weeds are removed, and abundantly sprayed with copper sulphate. After the first frosts, water-charging irrigation is carried out, in winter they cover the bed with snowdrifts.
Spring planting onion Troy:
- The bed is dug up, organic matter and complex mineral fertilizer are applied.
- Furrows are made 5 cm deep, seeds are laid out at a distance of 8–10 cm.
- Onions are planted, covered with soil with a layer of 2–2,5 cm.
The surface is leveled and watered with a solution that stimulates growth.
Troy onion care
The variety does not require additional agricultural practices, growing Troy onions is standard for culture:
- In May-June, onions are watered once a week with a volume of 10 l / 1 m2. 3 weeks before harvest, watering is stopped completely.
- Weed as the weeds grow.
- When the feather grows to 6 cm, they are fed with nitrogen and potassium. At the time of formation, the bulbs are fertilized with liquid organic matter, after 10 days Agricola for onions and garlic is added.
Given the fact that the Troy variety is early, feeding is stopped from the second half of July.
Fighting diseases and pests
Bow Troy does not get sick if the beds are chosen correctly, that is, in a sunny and dry area. Otherwise, rotting of the bulbs is possible, it will not work to save the plant. In order to prevent fungal infections, a fully formed green mass is treated with “Hom” or copper sulphate.
With constant loosening and removal of weeds, pests do not appear. For prevention, you can plant plants with a pungent odor near the beds, for example, calendula.
Onion Troy is an early hybrid with strong immunity. You can plant in spring and autumn. Winter ripens faster and is stored for more than three months. Onions are stress-resistant, with a stable yield, versatile in use. Suitable for cultivation throughout Our Country (except for the northern regions).