Each season has its own healthy diet aimed at eliminating vitamin deficiencies. What should it be like in winter? The list of sources of vitamins and substances necessary for the body was announced by Russian doctors.
- The first on their list is sauerkraut. It contains lactic and acetic acid, many macro-microelements and vitamins C, K, B, which are necessary especially in winter.
- Vitamin D foods are ranked next. These are eggs, caviar and fish, milk and butter.
- Almost all types of berries are in the third position. They can be added to ice cream or yogurt, experts say.
- The fourth item is all types of greens, including dried and harvested in the fall.
- Fifth place is given to all types of vegetables and fruits, including winter ones – onions, beets, carrots, radishes
- And exotic fruits round out the list. Doctors believe that they cannot be ignored, since they contain no less substances necessary for health than local vegetables and fruits. Special attention, doctors say, deserve two overseas fruits – kiwi and avocado.