Winter is not in our favor. How to take care of the condition of hair and nails during this time?
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Winter is an extremely difficult time for our skin, hair and nails. Cold weather, heating in homes and wind mean that skin, hair and nails require special attention. How to take care of them?

Winter skin care – several effective ways

In order to enjoy the charms of the fall and winter months without harming your beauty, already with the end of summer, we should properly adjust our daily skin care to the unfavorable conditions outside. Skin care during the winter months should mainly focus on deeply moisturizing and protecting the skin. The basis should be gentle but effective make-up removal and facial cleansing. Avoid cosmetics that contain irritating cleansing agents or alcohol – it’s better to choose natural, moisturizing gels or micellar fluids.

Winter face cream should contain natural hyaluronic acid, ceramides and lipids in order to effectively moisturize and protect the skin. Thanks to this, our skin will be effectively protected against frost and strong winds. In addition, the daily application of UV filters is an inseparable element. Gone are the days when sunscreen was used only in summer. We now know that their regular use, even on cloudy days, is the best anti-aging prophylaxis. Let’s not forget about moisturizing the delicate skin of the lips – it is worth having a protective lipstick at hand, e.g. based on petroleum jelly or beeswax. [1] [2]

Everything you need to know about caring for your hair in winter

Fall and winter are the seasons during which proper hair care is extremely important. Hair exposed to temperature changes, frost and humidity can quickly become brittle, dry and lacking shine. What’s more, hair roots exposed to cold are much weaker, which may result in slower hair growth or even hair loss. In order to avoid the winter weakening of the hair, the key is to choose the right cosmetics for washing and caring for it.

In colder months, hair requires much more hydration – choose products containing emollients and natural oils. In winter, micellar hair cosmetics will also work well to moisturize dry scalp. Unfortunately, frequent contact of hair with scarves, hats and warm coats promotes breaking and splitting hair. In order to prevent hair damage, it is also worth having an oil or silicone hair serum on the bathroom shelf, which will protect the hair ends from unfavorable weather conditions.

The best friend of our hair in winter is also a hat, which not only protects the body against heat loss, but also protects the hair from frosty air, which draws moisture out of the hair. It’s best to get a hat made of natural materials, e.g. wool, to prevent the scalp from overheating. If you are concerned that your hair will look heavy and stale after removing the cap, it is worth spraying it with a dry shampoo before going out – of course, it should not be used regularly, only once in a while.

It is also very important to dry your hair thoroughly with cool air before leaving the house, preferably with an ionization dryer. Wet or undried hair is definitely more prone to damage, and what’s more, going outside with wet hair almost always ends up with a cold. [3]

How to properly take care of the condition of your hands and nails in winter?

The skin of our hands is particularly sensitive to unfavorable weather conditions in winter. The biggest caring sin is not wearing gloves – let’s put them on before leaving the house, so as not to expose our hands to frost. It is always worth having a nourishing cream with a richer composition than the one used in summer. Relief of dry and chapped skin will be provided by a lotion containing, for example, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, moisturizing oils or extracts.

Long, winter evenings are also a perfect occasion to devote a little more time to our hands – our skin is deeply moisturized with rich nourishing hand masks or a paraffin treatment for hands, which is especially recommended for dry and chapped skin.

Vitamins and minerals to help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails

A diet low in essential nutrients can quickly affect the health of our skin, hair and nails. The winter period is an ideal time to take care of their appearance from the inside, comprehensively supplementing your diet with supplementation. A dietary supplement that has been created especially for healthy skin, nails and shiny hair are Merz Spezial Dragees.

It not only provides the substances needed to maintain the healthy appearance of the skin, hair and nails, but also ensures well-being. The composition includes, among others vitamin C, A, E, B2, biotin, zinc and folic acid – these ingredients comprehensively care for the proper hydration and elasticity of the skin, hair condition and nail health. Vitamin A stimulates the growth of the epithelial tissue of the skin, improves its color, vitamin C contributes to the proper formation of skin collagen, and vitamin E, B2 and zinc protect all cells of our body against oxidative stress. In addition, zinc and folic acid strengthen and prevent nails from breaking, and biotin stimulates their growth. Find out more at

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