Winter is coming … Or how to survive the cold season

Winter is coming … Or how to survive the cold season

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The cold autumn-winter period can be a rather difficult test for the body. Wind and cold, stress and constant darkness outside the window, a possible lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet … What can this lead to and how best to protect the body?

What can threaten the body?

In our climate, during the cold season, as a rule, two parallel processes are launched.

On the one hand, seasonal vegetables and fruits are gradually disappearing from stores, and they are being replaced by imported counterparts (which, due to the peculiarities of purchasing and transportation, do not always retain the maximum of nutrients). On the other hand, the body, faced with the cold and the need to spend its resources strenuously, begins to experience an increased need for nourishing and high-calorie (and not always healthy) food.

In addition, the constant darkness outside the window often provokes the desire to seize her with something tasty or pour liters of coffee. And the possible stress at work or in the family, which often happens at the end of the year or preparing for children’s matinees and tests, do not particularly contribute to the general calmness.

All these factors in general and poor nutrition in particular can not only provoke the appearance of excess weight, skin problems and a general decrease in the body’s defenses, but also lead to specific problems with the gastrointestinal tract – an exacerbation of various chronic diseases (in particular, peptic ulcer or irritable intestines) and increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria (for example, to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can cause gastritis).

First of all, you need to competently build your diet and observe the correct eating habits. Of course, each of us can immediately name a dozen “good” reasons for the third cup of coffee, the second slice of cake or even a well-done steak … However, it is better to control yourself and, despite the cold, stress and refusal of the body to work without “doping” find healthy alternatives – like fruits, cereal bars, healthy smoothies, or just good tea.

If problems with the gastrointestinal tract still did not pass by and a disappointing diagnosis sounded from the lips of a specialist, it is very important to choose the right drugs for the treatment of both chronic and sudden stomach problems. It is good if the chosen agent has not only anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, but also protective properties – such as, for example, De Nol®.

De Nol® Is an original drug against gastritis and peptic ulcer, which contributes to the death of Helicobacter pylori and at the same time forms a protective film on the surface of irritated or damaged stomach walls. This not only helps to accelerate the healing of the gastric mucosa, but also helps to increase its resistance to the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid, enzymes and acids (1).

In this case, De Nol® is not an antibiotic, that is, it does not kill beneficial microorganisms and does not form resistance to its effects in harmful ones (in other words, it is not addictive). De Nol® very easy to use – it dissolves well in water and easily penetrates into the deep layers of the gastric mucosa (2).

In a parallel fight against the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis – heartburn, belching, stool disorders and other discomfort – the proven drug Phosphalugel may well help. It belongs to the so-called antacids – agents designed to neutralize the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice (3).

Phosphalugel has a triple effect: antacid (reduces the aggressiveness of gastric juice), protective (envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, forming a film on their surface) and sorbent (helps to remove toxins and harmful microorganisms). Such an active complex effect helps to get rid of unpleasant manifestations of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases (3,4).

Of course, the autumn-winter period is still a season of increased vulnerability of the body to various diseases. However, a healthy lifestyle, correct eating habits and, of course, well-chosen preparations will help to cope with the annoying troubles of any season.

1. Instructions for medical use of the drug De-Nol® (De-Nol®), registration number: P No. 012626/01.

2. Isakov V. A., Domaradskiy I. V. Helicobacteriosis. M .: Medpraktika-M, 2003.

3. Instructions for medical use of the drug Phosphalugel, registration number: P No. 012655/01.

4. Shcherbakov PL Effective pharmacotherapy 2011; 1: 56-60.

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