Winter-hardy varieties of roses: varieties, growing rules

A lush, blooming rose garden is a real treat for any gardener’s eyes. But what about those who live in the northern regions, which are characterized by harsh long winters and short periods of summer heat? Especially for such difficult conditions, breeders bred winter-hardy varieties of roses. What’s this? Let’s find out!

Where to buy

Each of us independently decides where to buy seedlings. You can do this in the online store you like, go to the nearest garden center or find a private breeder. However, each of these options has its own risks. When buying winter-hardy roses on the Internet, it is not always possible to obtain reliable information about the properties or characteristics of a particular variety, because not all Internet consultants are sufficiently aware of their product.Winter-hardy varieties of roses: varieties, growing rules

Amateur breeders often do not have a sufficient selection of varieties, so specialized garden centers remain the best option. Here you can choose from what and for the quality of seedlings you can not worry. In addition, choosing a specialized trading platform located in the region of your residence, you can count on the fact that the purchased seedling will be maximally adapted to your climatic conditions.

Video “Tips before buying”

In the video, the expert will tell you what to look for when choosing a rose.

How to choose seedlings of roses. What to look for when buying

Variety choice

So, we decided on the place of purchase, it remains to choose the variety whose flowering will delight you all season. For cultivation in the northern regions, it is worth paying attention not only to the winter hardiness index, but also to how sensitive the rosette is to diseases and pests.Winter-hardy varieties of roses: varieties, growing rules

The variety Rosarium Uetersen performed well – a weaving plant with large flowers. As soon as the bush begins to bloom, they will be painted in a bright purple color, but over time the flowers tend to fade in the sun. The maximum possible size of each flower reaches 12 cm in diameter, but there is a direct relationship with climatic conditions: the colder where the plant is planted, the smaller the flowers will be. The shrub forms well-developed, powerful branches, which are unaffected by heavy winds and cold. Another plus is that the variety is considered resistant to fungal infections. The shrub is able to bloom several times in one season, but the first color is the most abundant. The plant is able to grow up to three meters, so it is often decorated with gazebos and gazebos.

Another great rose variant that is characterized by bushes that bloom all summer, Westerland varieties are winter-hardy and unpretentious plants that delight you with flowers from early spring until the end of the season. The blossoming color is painted in a pleasant orange tone, which gradually turns into peach by the end of the season. This is one of those varieties that is officially certified as unpretentious and resistant to infections.

Fragrant variety New Dawn. It blooms with pink flowers all summer, it belongs to especially frost-resistant varieties. Having settled on such a rose, be sure to check with the seller how many times during the season it will delight you with flowering. There are varieties that bloom once, and those that bloom several times.Winter-hardy varieties of roses: varieties, growing rules

It is also impossible to ignore the William Shakespeare 2000 rose, an English variety of a new generation, which is characterized by velvety dark red flowers that gradually turn into purple. Such growth can grow up to 1 meter in height, forms many inflorescences on each shoot.

And finally, the most cheerful, bright yellow variety of roses called Golden Celebration. Despite the fact that the plant blooms only once a season, it is loved for its unique aroma, reminiscent of caramel, as well as its amazing resistance to cold and disease.

Growing rules

When planting seedlings, pay special attention to the choice of location. It is better to focus on the southern slopes, because roses will grow in harsh northern conditions. But an open area is also not suitable – the scorching sun will significantly speed up flowering, so it will be useful to take care of light partial shade. The plot for the rose garden cannot be located in a lowland, where the risk of root rot will be higher, and the freezing of the soil in such places occurs much deeper. Winter-hardy varieties of roses: varieties, growing rulesTry to plant roses so that they have protection (the wall of the house or gazebos) on the north and west sides, it is these winds that are the most aggressive and can harm the plant, despite all its stability.

Landing time is also important – in the northern regions, you need to have time to complete the landing work before July 15. If you do this later, the rose will not have time to get stronger enough to survive the harsh winter.

After the bush is planted, it must be spudded, so you protect the root system of the plant from the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Further care will consist solely in watering, loosening the earth and removing weeds, as well as feeding the bushes. And only with the advent of autumn will you need to take care of sheltering your beauties for the winter. To do this, they use many methods: they arrange a snow cover, hide bushes under spruce branches, cover with sawdust, each gardener chooses the option that suits him. 

Video “Unpretentious roses”

From the video you will learn about the most unpretentious roses.

The most unpretentious roses Rosarium Uetersen

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