The apple tree is the most common fruit tree in Our Country. However, the opportunity to grow it in Siberia appeared not so long ago, namely at the beginning of the 19th century. This was possible thanks to the efforts of breeders who were able to create species characterized by high resistance to negative external factors. However, winter-hardy varieties of apple trees for Siberia have some differences in terms of ripening, taste and other characteristics. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to study the features of the most popular types of fruit trees for this region of the country.

Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

Apple trees for growing in Siberia must have a high life potential

What kind of apple tree is better to choose for Siberia

The climate of this region is sharply continental, with significant differences in annual and daily temperatures. Winters are long and cold, while summers are short and hot. Transitional seasons in Siberia, autumn and spring, are not pronounced. But the main plus of the climate of Siberia is that during the cold season the snow cover is more than 20 cm, which is a protective layer for the root system of trees. Also, there is low humidity, so the lower temperature is tolerated by plants much easier.

For the successful cultivation of apple trees in Siberia, it is necessary to choose varieties that have the following qualities:

  • resistance to low temperatures and sudden changes;
  • do not require a lot of light and regular watering;
  • stable yield;
  • short growing season;
  • low susceptibility to diseases and pests;
  • compact tree.

Also, when choosing a species, one must take into account its taste and the duration of storage of the crop.

The best varieties of apple trees for Siberia with a photo and description

To better understand which varieties of apples are suitable for Siberia, you need to study the main characteristics of popular species. And with this in mind, choose the most optimal options.

Frost-resistant varieties of apple trees for Siberia

All Siberian varieties of apple trees are divided into three main categories according to frost resistance. The most hardy ones can withstand temperatures as low as -40 °C. Therefore, they can be grown even in the northern part of the region, where the climate is the most severe.

The second category includes species whose frost resistance is at the level of -30-35 ° С. They are able to fully develop and bear fruit in Western Siberia. And the third group includes apple trees, which give large tasty fruits, but at the same time are able to withstand temperatures as low as -25 ° C. Therefore, they are best grown in the eastern part of Siberia, where the weather conditions are more gentle.

The best varieties of apple trees for Eastern, Northern and Western Siberia include:

  1. Altai beauty. Medium-sized tree with straight branches pointing upwards. The crown is rounded. This Altai apple variety is ideal for Siberia and is characterized by an accelerated growth rate. It enters fruiting at the age of five. Fruits of the correct rounded shape, weighing about 75 g. They are whitish in color with a red blush on most of the fruit. The taste is sweet and sour with a medium aroma. The tasting score is 4,6 points out of a possible 5.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Altai beauty is highly resistant to scab

  2. Bayan. A medium-sized tree, the height of which at the age of ten is 3 m, and the maximum is about 4,5 m. Annual growth is 6-11 cm. The crown is medium thickened with a growth diameter of 3,5 m. The fruits are round, slightly ribbed, and are highly marketable. The skin is smooth, dense, when eaten it is slightly felt. The average weight of apples at Bayan is 90-140 g. The apple tree is considered mid-late autumn. Harvesting is recommended in the first decade of September.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Bayan’s apple tree begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting

  3. Mountain synapse. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing. The crown is rounded, the shoots in it are compact. The fruits are medium, one-dimensional, flattened. Their weight varies between 97-120 g. The color of the Mountain Sinap apples is golden yellow, the blush is a small brown-red. The pulp is white, fine-grained, medium density, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is moderate. The mountain synapse belongs to the late autumn types of apple trees. Harvest ripens at the end of September. Tasting score – 4,7 points.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The yield of Gorny Sinap reaches 300 kg per tree

  4. Surkhurai. Summer look with high frost resistance. The tree is medium-sized with a rounded crown. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting. Its annual growth is 8-9 cm. The apples of the Surkhurai variety are round-flat, one-dimensional, slightly sloping. They have a golden yellow color with a crimson striped blush that covers the entire surface of the fruit. The pulp is tender, creamy, juicy, fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Surkhurai harvest ripens by the end of August

  5. A tribute to Shukshin. A medium-sized tree with a rounded crown, up to 4,5 m high. It belongs to the category of autumn apple trees. Harvest ripens in the first decade of September. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting. The yield reaches 57 kg per tree. The fruits are flattened, truncated-conical shape. Their average weight is 80-140 g. The main color is greenish, the integument is pink with dark strokes. The taste is rated as good, sweet and sour.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Apple harvest Poklon Shukshin retains consumer properties for two months

Important! The variety acquires frost resistance as the seedlings mature, therefore, in the first years of the apple tree, they need careful warming for the winter.

Sweet and large varieties of apple trees for Siberia

Among all species, large-fruited apple trees with high taste qualities are especially popular. However, such trees are not very frost-resistant and require more careful maintenance.

The best varieties of large-fruited apple trees for Siberia with a photo:

  1. Melba. Canadian variety of late summer ripening. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown. The type of fruiting in Melba (Melba) is mixed. Apples are flattened, round-conical in shape, slightly ribbed. Their size is above average. The skin is smooth, tender with a wax coating. The color is light green with a red-striped blush. Harvest ripens by the end of August.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Melba at an early age bears fruit annually

  2. Welsey. An American apple variety that can be grown in Siberia. It is characterized by precocity, begins to produce apples for 4-5 years. The yield of an adult tree is 200 kg. The mass of apples at Welsey (Welsey) varies between 80-150 g. The fruits are flat-round, cherry-red, sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. The skin is thin, dense. Welsey’s tasting score is 3,9 points. The fruits ripen by the third decade of September.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The variety Wellsey has a friendly ripening of apples

  3. White filling. A time-tested large-fruited apple variety of selection, which is also suitable for Siberia. The tree is medium tall, grows up to 4 m in Siberian conditions. The crown of the apple tree is broad-pyramidal, becoming rounder as it grows older. The fruits of the White filling are conical, equilateral. The color is greenish-white, but on the sunny side there is a slight blush. The average weight of apples is 120-150 g.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    At the White Fill, a wide deep funnel is rusty

  4. Moscow pear. A large-growing tree, but in Siberian conditions its height does not exceed 4,5 m. The crown of the apple tree is branched with drooping branches. Deciduous cover at Grushovka Moscow dense. The fruits are medium in size, weighing up to 120 g. Their shape is spherical, slightly flattened, the saucer is almost flat, wide. The color of apples ranges from light green to pale lemon. Integumentary red, striped.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Moscow pear is characterized by a high content of vitamins in fruits

  5. Aport. An old variety of early winter ripening. The tree is tall, with an accelerated rate of development. The Aport apple tree begins to bear fruit in the fifth year on twigs and alternating kolchatka. The crown is wide-rounded, thickened. The fruits are flattened-conical, with a slight ribbing. Their average weight reaches 200-260 g. The color is yellow with greenery, the integumentary skin is dark red in the form of dark strokes.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Aport apples acquire a balanced taste a month after picking

Important! Varieties of apples are considered sweet, in which the concentration of sugar varies between 11-15%.

Summer (early) varieties of apple trees for Siberia

This category includes apple trees with a rooted growing season. They bloom in early May, and begin to bear fruit in August. However, these species are not suitable for long-term savings. Their apples retain consumer properties for 15-20 days.

The best summer varieties of apple trees for Eastern and Western Siberia:

  • Ranetka Ermolaeva;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Ranetka Ermolaev is suitable for processing and conservation

  • Altai crimson;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Altai crimson has the ability to quickly recover when freezing.

  • Zhebrovskoe;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Zhebrovskoe is a small-fruited variety that has a rich aroma.

  • Minusinsk red;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    In Minusinsk red, the fruits do not crumble when ripe

  • Alyonushka.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Alyonushka is a fast-growing semi-dwarf

Autumn varieties of apple trees for Siberia

Autumn varieties, unlike summer varieties, have increased winter hardiness, which is important in Siberian conditions. Harvest ripens in September. Apples of autumn varieties can be stored for 1-3 months.

Important! Harvesting is recommended at the stage of technical maturity.

The best autumn varieties of apple trees for Siberia:

  • Full;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Tolunai has a great taste

  • Ural bulk;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Ural Bulk gives the first harvest for 2-3 years

  • Medunica;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Lungwort has a high natural immunity

  • Cherished;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Treasured apples have a strawberry flavor

  • Northern Sinap.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Northern Sinap is only suitable for Eastern Siberia

Late varieties of apple trees for Siberia

These types of crops are distinguished not only by high winter hardiness, but also by a long growing season. Their fruits reach removable maturity only at the end of September. After picking, apples need to ripen for 1-2 months.

Important! The harvest of late varieties is stored for up to eight months when favorable conditions are created.

Late varieties of apple trees that are suitable for Siberia:

  • Isetskoe later;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Isetskoye is later saved until February

  • Beauty of Sverdlovsk;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Beauty of Sverdlovsk bears fruit annually

  • Danila;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Variety Danila is resistant to scab

  • good news;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Good news apples can lie until April

  • Snowdrop.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Snowdrop yield is 80 kg per tree

Low-growing varieties of apple trees for Siberia

For the full development of the apple tree in Siberia, the short stature of the tree is very important. Since in this case its crown will suffer less from cold winds and freeze. This is especially true for the western and northern parts of the region, where climatic conditions are far from ideal.

Low-growing varieties of apple trees that are best planted in Siberia:

  • Altai ruddy;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Altai ruddy crop can be stored for up to three months

  • Palmetto;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Palmette is characterized by regular fruiting

  • unladylike;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The height of the Nezhenka apple tree does not exceed 2,5 m

  • Siberian souvenir;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The harvest of the Siberian souvenir is suitable for fresh consumption and processing.

Self-fertile varieties of apple trees for Siberia

When choosing a variety, it must be taken into account that the weather conditions of the region do not always contribute to the timely pollination of apple flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to self-fertile types of culture, which guarantees a stable ovary.

These include:

  • Red bunch;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Variety Red bunch needs preventive treatment for scab

  • The beauty of the steppe;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The yield of juice based on Krasa steppe apples is 68%

  • Firstborn of Buryatia;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The first-born of Buryatia gives the first harvest at the age of four

  • Glory to Buryatia.
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The glory of Buryatia is characterized by small fruits

The latest varieties of apple trees for Siberia

Thanks to selection, the number of crop varieties that develop well in Siberian conditions increases every year. When creating new species, the goal is to obtain highly productive frost-resistant apple trees with improved taste characteristics of fruits.

New promising varieties:

  • Chupinskoye;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    The content of ascorbic acid in the fruits of Chupinsky reaches 17,78 mg per 100 g

  • Augusta;
    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    August is characterized by precocity


    Winter-hardy apple trees for Siberia: tasty and large varieties

    Rozhdestvensky fruits have a beautiful appearance

Semi-cultivated apple trees for Siberia

Semi-cultivated apple trees are among the most popular types of crops grown in Siberia. They are characterized by an increased level of endurance, versatility of use and good fruit taste.

The best varieties of semi-cultivated apple trees for Western and Eastern Siberia: Alyonushka, Cherished, Bayana, Altai Bagryanoe.


Having studied the winter-hardy varieties of apple trees for Siberia, as well as large-fruited types of crops for this region, you can choose the best of them that can please you with regular fruiting. However, it should be borne in mind that the endurance of a tree directly depends not only on its natural immunity, but also on care, which must correspond to the stage of development of the tree.

Large apples in Siberia. How to choose an apple tree. Overview of varieties. Large apples in Siberia.

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