Winter gazebo: project of a warm pavilion with a stove, fireplace or barbecue, building an insulated structure with your own hands

When it comes to comfortable outdoor recreation in the cold season, a winter gazebo becomes a necessary element of a summer residence. Such a building needs to be equipped with a brazier or a stove for the usefulness of a winter holiday.

Design options

Winter gazebos are classified as closed-type buildings. They are divided into free-standing gazebos and combined buildings.

Winter gazebo: project of a warm pavilion with a stove, fireplace or barbecue, building an insulated structure with your own hands

The first type includes buildings that look like a small house, located separately, equipped with everything necessary for recreation. Such a gazebo is distinguished from a country house by a large number of windows. For a holiday in the winter, such a house is indispensable.

The second type of arbors is closer to semi-open or open buildings. It is distinguished by the presence of a larger internal volume and the absence of insulation in the wall structure. Such arbors look very stylish, and their design allows fantasy to roam.

Video “How to build a gazebo for all seasons”

From this video you will learn how to build a gazebo designed for all seasons with your own hands.

How to build a gazebo for all seasons? – Dacha – 16.11.2013/65/XNUMX – Issue XNUMX

How to make a winter pavilion

For manufacturing, it will be necessary to determine the purpose of the future structure. If this is a one-time use for a picnic for the New Year, then you can do without warming with a half-open gazebo, having previously completed the glazing of free openings. And if we are talking about holding cold winter evenings in the building, then the insulation of such a pavilion should be taken more painstakingly. It will be a closed structure, allowing you to make the rest complete.

The building should succinctly fit into the landscape of the infield. To do this, we will choose a worthy place. The choice of material is also important. The metal structure of the skeleton for winter use will be inappropriate. Therefore, we make a choice between wood and brick.

After determining the location and material, we design the structural elements of the future building. We fix all this in the form of sketches and drawings. The projects take into account the possibility of installing a stove or barbecue inside the pavilion.


Summer gazebo delivers a lot of positive emotions in the warm season. To extend this effect for a whole year, we insulate the existing structure. For this you need:

  1. Glaze all open parts of the gazebo and install the front door.
  2. Install stove equipment in the form of a brazier or a more complex design with a mandatory chimney device.
  3. Choose a mineral or polyurethane foam type of insulation for walls and roofs.
  4. Insulate the building with the selected material.
  5. Carry out finishing work.

At first glance, nothing complicated, but let’s dwell on some of the listed positions. Before choosing a material, we will determine the method of insulation: whether it will be external or internal. For a wooden gazebo, in order to preserve its appearance, we will focus on internal insulation.

The choice of material depends on financial capabilities. It would be best to use polystyrene foam panels or basalt mineral slabs. But sheets of foam or glass wool will cope with the task no worse. We also take into account the fact that the foam is subject to destruction from rodents.

The insulation is fixed with the help of special plastic devices, which are called umbrellas. The thickness of these heaters should not exceed 5 cm. After covering the walls and ceiling with the selected material, the interior is finished.

For glazing free space, they usually use the services of specialized companies. If we have carpentry skills, we make frames with our own hands and insert finished glass into them. The front door is usually ordered in the same way as the windows.

After completing all the work, the summer gazebo became insulated and ready for use in the winter.

New building

Knowing the location and design dimensions of the future structure, we determine the material. For the construction of a winter gazebo, a wooden beam or brick is used.

Given the need for use in the cold season, we select a mineral or polymer insulation. It is better to give preference to polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. This is due to the fact that the dew point will constantly change its position and such a heater will not suffer.

For any room, external insulation will be more technologically advanced. This method is used for brick construction. But to preserve the attractive appearance of the wooden structure, it is insulated inside.

After the wall and ceiling surfaces are insulated, finishing work is carried out. Any finishing material is used. It is important that heaters are classified as fire hazardous materials. When finishing, this is taken into account and the insulation is isolated, especially next to the furnace equipment.

We build with our own hands

Winter gazebo: project of a warm pavilion with a stove, fireplace or barbecue, building an insulated structure with your own hands

Before starting the construction, you need to consider the installation location of the barbecue or stove. Furnace equipment will help heat the interior. For frequent use in winter, the gazebo is equipped with a fireplace. The ability to heat and retain heat for a long time will make the building cozy and warm.

The location of the furnace inside the building is made comfortable. It is installed in the middle or from the side of a blank wall. An important element of the furnace is the chimney. Its design must be thought out in advance.

Foundation pouring

  1. Mark the selected area for the foundation. For winter construction with furnace equipment, we use a monolithic type of skeleton.
  2. We dig a pit to a depth of 40 cm, and along the perimeter we will make formwork.
  3. We fill the base with rubble, then sand.
  4. We reinforce the internal cavity of the pit with metal structures and tie them with wire.
  5. We fill the pit with concrete to a level of 10–15 cm above the ground. Let’s dry. So that the skeleton does not have cracks, cover it with plastic wrap.

Supports for walls and roofs

After the foundation has completely dried, we continue the construction of the winter structure.

Right on the foundation, we will mark the supporting pillars of the brick building and proceed to their construction. These supports are erected at the corners of the building, at the entrance and between window openings. The larger the gazebo, the more posts you need to install.

To erect the supports of a wooden building, first install the lower trim of the frame on the foundation. Supports from a bar are attached to the frame using lamellar metal corners and screws.

Outer skin

Winter gazebo: project of a warm pavilion with a stove, fireplace or barbecue, building an insulated structure with your own hands

We lay the gaps between the supports of a brick building in half a brick to the level of window openings, and where there is a blank wall – completely. After that, we insulate the outside, and using a special polymer mesh, we plaster the walls of the gazebo.

We sheathe the wooden structure from the outside with the beam provided for by the project. We produce insulation inside the building, then we sew up the insulation with an internal finishing material.

A feature of the sheathing of a wooden structure of a winter building is the installation of a heater between the supports and its subsequent finishing with a beam of external and internal sheathing.

Internal work

First of all, the ceiling of the building is insulated. Then sheathe it with finishing material. The floor of a brick winter building is tiled. A wooden structure is more suitable for using a special floorboard.

To perform wall and ceiling cladding, choose any finishing material. It is important to remember about fire-resistant and moisture-resistant properties. OSB boards, moisture-resistant drywall and fire-resistant paints and varnishes are usually used to finish wooden products.


In the absence of stove equipment in the winter gazebo, which allows heating the interior space, heaters are installed. To do this, use an oil or air heater. Infrared heaters or electric floor heating are used to maintain a comfortable temperature.

In the cold season, the day is shorter than the night. Therefore, the gazebo is equipped with lighting. Electrical wiring is carried out observing all safety measures. The number of lighting fixtures should create comfortable conditions for staying inside the building at night.

After the construction is completed, you can not think about what the weather will be like for planning a holiday in the country. It is now possible to spend a comfortable and cozy weekend with loved ones at any time of the year.

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