Winter diseases: how to prevent them

Avoid taking cold

Viruses, largely responsible for ENT infections, spread much more easily at low temperatures. This is not a reason not to go out, on the contrary, but you must observe some rules of conduct.

Hypothermia very quickly watches for children, especially those who move little or who are in a stroller. Prolonged exposure to the cold is therefore not recommended, especially with a young child.

children have trouble realizing the temperature: they can just as easily stay an eternity dressed like skiing in an overheated living room, or go out in socks to welcome grandma in 0 ° C. Scarf, hat, are therefore required when the thermometer is dropping.

Sweater, under-sweater, do not hesitate to dress them warmly (head, hands and feet included) with several layers of clothing. And most importantly, offer to change her if her clothes are wet.

Adopt impeccable hygiene

  • Wash your hands !

Touch is the main vector of transmission. Also it is necessary wash your hands as often as possible. This applies to children as well as to adults. And systematically after taking public transport or going to a public place. Just like when you have a cold, sneeze, cough, or blow your nose. And of course before you take care of children, especially babies. In the same way, wash the hands of the little ones. They carry the same pathogenic germs, generally touch and taste everything around them with great pleasure!

  • Take care of runny noses

Blow your nose regularly, each time using a new disposable tissue. Likewise, blow the nose of children with the slightest runny nose. If needed, use physiological saline or sea water. It is very important to evacuate all secretions and to clear the air voices as often as possible.

  • Exercise!

Even thewalking stimulates general health, eliminates toxins and stress. In addition, physical exercise helps in the self-cleaning of the airways. The ideal is to practice 30-40 minute physical activity three times a week. So when you can, forget the car to go to school, take the stairs and play a good game of football! In addition to doing them good physically, it will delight them to see mom in the goal!

Rest above all

Change of season, entry into nursery, kindergarten, first grade… So many reasons to be tired at the onset of winter. An exhausted body is much more receptive to cold snaps, and defends itself less well against aggression.

  • Respect the sleep of the little ones and follow their rhythm both for naps and in the evening. This is not the best time to try to “wedge” them or make them “skip a nap”
  • Living in a community, nursery or school requires a real effort from them. You can make them catch up on late sleep with naps for example, even for the older ones. And try to keep them restful sleep by respecting bedtime.
  • And you, rlay back and relax. Fight stress and get a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night, with one hour of falling asleep regularly.

Give yourself a little help

It is valid for the whole family, food is one of the effective preventive remedies. Without disrupting your eating habits, try to eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables per day, and put fish on your menu twice a week.

  • Homeopathy to your rescue!

If you swear by homeopathy, you will also find many possibilities. Ask your doctor for advice; he will tell you which preventive measures are best suited to you and your children.

  • Boost your immune system

Several means exist to help boost the natural defenses. Vitamin treatment, immunostimulant treatment, probiotics… To find the right one for your child, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

Clean up the house

In winter it’s cold, so we tend to take refuge in our well-sealed house. Viruses are thrilled! However, a few simple but effective actions are enough to reduce the risks.

  • Air frequently each of your pieces, at least ten minutes each day.
  • Do not overheat, and even less children’s rooms (18 to 20 ° C maximum). Dry air attacks the mucous membranes of the airways and makes them more sensitive to infectious agents. If necessary, use humidifiers.
  • Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to protect yourself from infections, because tobacco irritates and weakens the respiratory system. And do not expose your little ones to secondhand smoke : We know that the children of smokers are more often victims of ENT infections than those living in a non-smoking environment.

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