Winter diet – what to eat in winter to effectively supplement vitamins and minerals and avoid diseases?
Winter diet - what to eat in winter to effectively supplement vitamins and minerals and avoid diseases?Winter diet – what to eat in winter to effectively supplement vitamins and minerals and avoid diseases?

Winter is a time of survival for many, waiting for summer time. This manifests itself both in lowering the mood. a feeling of constant fatigue and a decrease in resistance to various infections. In order to effectively prevent this and remedy such consequences, it is worth focusing primarily on your menu and adapting it to the current season. This one should be different from the summer one, both because of the greater appetite that accompanies us then, and the need to supplement vitamins and minerals. So what should you eat to survive the winter in health and well-being?

Winter diet – why should it be different than during other seasons?

The question arises, why should we pay more attention to the winter menu and make changes to it? The explanation is very simple. Although the caloric demand in winter does not change, the need to eat more caloric dishes increases. This is due to the body’s defense against heat loss and the energy it spends. The body demands to balance the heat balance and signals that it needs more energy, which it obtains through food intake.

The feeling of drowsiness and fatigue that often appear in winter, as well as reduced resistance to infections, is a direct result of practicing an improper winter diet. Properly composed, it should add energy, prevent weight gain, regulate the need for vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition in winter – what to focus on to properly balance your diet?

The body usually tells itself what to reach for in order to protect it from diseases, accumulate weight and ensure well-being. Sometimes it is enough to simply supplement the level of iron to overcome the emerging fatigue. Iron can be found in whole grains, legumes, lean meat, liver. A winter diet should provide many vitamins and minerals, as they are an effective weapon against infections and viruses. The menu should include products containing complex carbohydrates, which are a source of very valuable energy, released gradually and systematically, and proteins – the basic building blocks of the body’s structures. When looking for protein, reach for lean poultry, pork, beef and fish products. You can not forget about the necessary avoidance of products containing animal fats and all kinds of fast food and sweets.

Slimming diet for the winter – what should the daily menu look like?

A balanced winter diet should include a wholesome breakfast eaten daily. It has been known for a long time how important a meal is in the proper functioning of the body, so it is worth making sure that it is energetic. You can choose either a mix of cereals with yogurt, fruit and spices, or a steamed omelette. If you need to eat bread, reach for dark, whole grain bread. For a second breakfast, you can choose a sandwich, focusing on lean meat and cheese and a large amount of vegetables (tomato, lettuce, radish). A good substitute can also be yogurt, vegetable salad. The next meal – lunch, is known to be the most filling food of the day. We should provide the body with a large amount of protein – preferably in lean meat, steamed or baked in foil. Add plenty of vegetables to the meat. The winter menu each day is crowned with dinner, which should be, above all, lightly digestible. If, despite such a daily diet, you feel hungry between meals, you can afford a small snack. Preferably, it will be some fruit – apple, pear, orange, grape.

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