Winter Break Sex: 21 Ideas for Your Couple

2020 is running like rats from a ship — and great! What if he is helped with special intimate rituals? Drive out the old sex from the bed and the head and in its place grow up fresh, snow-white, shapeless New Year’s sex under the tree? On the eve of 2021, we bring to your attention 21 ways to arrange a holiday for two.

We warm

The first and most important thing in every business is to keep your feet warm. This is important for any sex, but it is especially true in winter. For a female orgasm, sex in socks or golfs is ideal. Firstly, with the right accessory, you can not “fall out” of the image of the Snow Maiden. Secondly, socks provide good blood circulation, and it allows the psyche to relax.

Cold feet are a discomfort for the brain and a signal of danger: because of them, the arousal necessary for the female orgasm is reduced. So follow the advice of Dutch researchers who studied the benefits of sex in socks: keep your feet warm and orgasms will happen more often!

Cooling down

In order to keep each other warm, you must first get a good frostbite! If possible, go for a walk during the day. In winter, daylight hours are short, so you need to take everything from it to the maximum. This is useful for sleep, and in general for the functioning of the brain, and for immunity, and for the stability of the psyche, and even for vision.

warming up

A dacha with a bath is an expanse for winter games! If you have it, consider yourself very lucky. Temperature contrast is useful for the skin and blood vessels. Relaxation of the body in the bath gives relaxation to the psyche. And this is the most important condition for the disclosure and flourishing of sexuality.

Increasing serotonin levels

In winter, the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter of calmness and stress resistance, drops, which is also associated with a reduction in daylight hours. We become sleepy, we mope and we grumble. Such moods are not at all New Year’s and have a negative effect on the quality of love life.

If you use sex as a conscious way to raise the level of serotonin, then you can get a side response from the body in the form of an increase in libido and, of course, mood in general.

Doing a foot massage

Learn the basics of foot massage. After winter walks in the park, forest or shopping center, a foot massage made by the hands of a loved one will be especially pleasant, useful and relaxing. There are many nerve «knots» on the feet — bioactive points, the study of which is useful for stimulating all organs and contributes to general mental relaxation, which is necessary for further pleasure.

Don’t be ashamed of your fantasies

If you want a real Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or even a gnome as a sex gift, you and your partner can order VR 18+ virtual reality helmets with adult content at home. In this way, you can fulfill your long-standing fantasies about sex in the presence of other people or even cartoon characters.

Reading with expression

Winter is a fabulous time. Remember what fairy tales you have long wanted to re-read, and re-read them aloud to your partner, and at this time let him slowly begin to undress and excite you. Try to make sure that while reading aloud and with expression, your voice does not tremble or break. At least try to achieve this.

We compose

Fairy tales are good because you can invent them yourself and at the same time perform what you are talking about. Start telling your partner an erotic tale, illustrating it with actions at the same time.

We take a bath

Have you taken a hot bath with your partner for a long time — with candles, romantic music, aromatic oils? Such a lazy pastime can be the beginning of the most tender foreplay.

Playing with shadows

We get used to each other’s looks in the months and years we spend together. And it seems as if we know everything about the partner. But it’s not. A completely new perception can be given to us by playing with light and shadows. Turn off the overhead light, leaving the New Year’s garland on.

Study your partner’s face and body slowly, as if you were seeing him for the first time. You can also take a candle and highlight the face of a loved one from different angles. You will be surprised how the features change, what deep psychological discoveries you can find in a seemingly familiar image.

Share what you saw and felt with your partner, say what else you found beautiful and sexy in him and his naked body. You even run the risk of falling in love with him again after such an intimate procedure!


Love to hooligan? How about some light petting in the car on the way to the country house? Safety first, of course! Therefore, keep yourself in control … If the degree of what is happening rises, it is better to stop.

According to participants in such events, foreplay in a car during deserted hours is very romantically combined with a snow-covered landscape outside the window. And if at the same time snow falls on the windshield in large flakes, you can feel like the heroes of the film.


By the way, about films. You can give your sexual games a special irony if you insert famous quotes from popular winter or New Year’s films. The main thing is that you and your partner have a similar sense of humor, that is, this is not a generally applicable life hack.

The bottom line is that you form a common sexual language of subtexts that only the two of you understand. And then, at any time, in any place, the uttered code phrases will cause you a sly smile and a feeling of connection with each other.

Spend time in good company

If you have «sex-positive» friends, you can gather a company and remember youthful games of undressing or wishing.

We light

Winter is the time to have sex by the fireplace!

Are looking for

Fans of playing the game «hot-cold» can be offered to share the props: one pleasant feeling from the vibrating egg, the second instead of words — the control panel for it. So the process of searching for New Year’s gifts can become especially exciting!

Close our eyes

Another way to make the search for New Year’s gifts extremely exciting is visual deprivation: one blindfolded partner examines the naked body of the second and the space around him, and the «sighted» one hides the gift, and possibly moves it in the process to prolong the game.

We write, we watch, we are not silent

If suddenly your sex plans for the New Year were violated by quarantine, it doesn’t matter! Take advantage of virtual sex: both sexting and webcams with your loved one will come in handy. And if you don’t have a partner now, nothing prevents you from fantasizing about New Year’s acquaintances from the network.

We guess the moment

How is your sense of time? Try to match your orgasm to the chiming clock.

Remember Magic Bubbles

Champagne is given to everyone on New Year’s Eve. Treat yourself to a champagne bath once! Or at least use your partner’s body instead of a glass.

We arrange a carnival

Role-playing games in New Year’s carnival costumes are not a new idea, but already a classic. And the classics can be trusted.

Don’t Forget the Christmas Magic

New Year is a time of miracles. If you believe in the power of rituals, you can accumulate sexual energy and do «sex magic». Delay the moment of discharge during the day, collect desire, grow it, and at exactly 12 at night, release an orgasm into the world along with the power of your intention.

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