A long winter period is usually associated with freezing cold, constant darkness outside the window, the need to wrap yourself in a dozen layers and still freeze on the way to work … It is not surprising that in winter many people want to hibernate for a long time or, at least, wrap themselves tightly in their favorite blanket and firmly settle down at home, with hot tea and delicious food. Is it possible to defeat the winter blues and how to help the body do this? Let’s figure it out!
What’s happening?
As you know, the human body and even its psychological state are subject to seasonal rhythms. With the onset of cold weather, we, as a rule, go into a kind of “energy saving mode”. The body knows that it will need a lot of energy and resources to keep warm and ensure its own vitality, so it tries to eat more, move less and not waste vital energy on trifles.
Yes, and external factors: short daylight hours, reduced atmospheric pressure and sudden changes in temperature (from +25 C indoors to -15 C outdoors) can provoke a decline in the body’s defenses and increase its vulnerability to traditional seasonal ailments.
But what about ZOZH?
Let’s honestly admit that even with the observance of the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition and regular physical activity, in winter we no-no, and we allow ourselves small liberties. An extra cup of coffee to wake up in the morning or cheer up before writing annual reports, frequent tea parties with colleagues, wild New Year holidays and the general desire to “eat” a long and dark winter with something tasty … But all this can affect not only our weight, but also on the natural balance of intestinal microflora.
At the same time, few people think that the intestinal microflora, it turns out, can be directly related to immunity and affect the general condition of the body. After all, that unique combination of bacteria and other microorganisms, which makes up the individual microflora of each person, is a kind of “organ”, which also participates in the processes of metabolism, energy production and the provision of vital and protective forces of the body*.
How to help the body?
To maintain the correct and natural balance of the intestinal microflora, it is important to eat well, include foods rich in fiber in the diet (this is an excellent breeding ground for beneficial microorganisms), and, of course, get rid of bad eating habits. Try to forget about “well, just one more” cup of coffee (especially on an empty stomach), tasty and sweets to cheer up, as well as hasty snacks dry and on the run.
In addition, one of the good habits can be proper nutrition and maintaining the natural balance of the intestinal microflora. Probiotics are a source of beneficial bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of microflora. They are found in natural yogurt, yogurt, kefir.
Fresh berries, bananas, and nuts also help keep you in a good mood during the winter blues. In addition, a properly balanced diet can support immunity, which is especially important during a pandemic.
* Zakharenko S. M., The role of microbiota in human life and prospects for the preventive use of probiotics, Medical Council, No. 15, 2017