Winter allergies and house dust mites. How to fight it?
Winter allergies and house dust mites. How to fight it?

It’s also easy to get allergic in the winter. Many people think that spring is the worst time of the year for allergy sufferers. This is not true – yes, flowers pollen in spring, plants begin to bloom, but many allergy sufferers also suffer from other allergens. Such allergens can be found in every home, and what’s worse – it is during the winter that they will be the most troublesome.

The house claim allergy sufferer… but not in winter

Unfortunately, the allergy sufferer’s home during the winter will be his greatest threat. The most common winter allergy is the one associated with house dust mites. The excretions of these small arachnids cause allergy symptoms. Unfortunately, dust mites excrete a lot and very often. In winter, we ventilate less, the windows are rather closed, if we open them – it is only for a short while. And that is why allergy sufferers inhale much more allergens then than during other months. Allergy sufferers themselves are also much more likely to stay indoors during autumn and winter, so the exposure to allergens increases significantly compared to other seasons. The winter period is the time of everyday heating and additional heating of rooms in the house. The air becomes dry and hot, and therefore more particles and allergens float in the air, which does not make life easier for allergy sufferers.

Allergy in winter. How to prevent it?

  • Frequent ventilation of the apartment will be helpful here, preferably even for 1-2 hours during the day. It is also worth ventilating in the evening before going to bed to reduce allergy symptoms (e.g. runny nose), which can lead to seasonal insomnia;
  • The biggest “enemy” of an allergy sufferer in his own home is his bed. This is where we find the most mites, because the bed has the best conditions for their development. It is adequately warm and humid;
  • An allergic person should never go to bed with wet hair – it is always worth drying it before going to bed. Why? Due to the point above. Wet bedding increases the breeding opportunities for further mites;
  • It is best that the temperature in the rooms where the allergy sufferer stays does not exceed 21 degrees C;
  • Allergy sufferers should keep their home clean. Allergy symptoms are reduced if you vacuum at least 2-3 times a week. It is best to invest in a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate filter, e.g. water;
  • Remove all unnecessary items from the bedroom, including carpets, heavy curtains, sofas… anything that can collect dust;
  • An allergic person will find help by also using additional machines, the so-called. air purifiers. A good air purifier from a reputable brand can be purchased from as little as PLN 400.

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