Wines of Montenegro: history, features, best representatives

Grape plantations in a fertile mountainous country stretch for miles. Wine berries are grown in Montenegro in large volumes and mainly for the purpose of making alcohol.

The country’s most famous drinks are the Krstač and Vranac wines, as well as rakija vodka.

wine cocktails

The history of the development of local winemaking

Viticulture in Montenegro originated long before the appearance of the country itself – back in the XNUMXnd century BC. e.

Primitive wineries were founded on the shores of Lake Skadar.

The first to cultivate vines purposefully were the Romans. They replenished the treasury of local varieties and improved the process of making wines.

Industrial winemaking appeared here only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century: joint ventures for the production of alcohol from grapes were organized.

Moreover, the start was quite good: almost immediately, local drinks won recognition and received awards for high quality at exhibitions in London and Belgrade.

Further development of the industry led to the spread of vineyards throughout the country and the emergence of a local alcohol giant – the Plantaze company, which today is the main supplier of good wines.

In addition to a well-known producer, there are more than a hundred small farms in the country specializing in the manufacture of alcohol from wine fruits.

The main centers of winemaking are concentrated in two regions:

  1. In the valley of Lake Skadar and its environs.

  2. In the coastal zone of the Adriatic Sea.

Features of Montenegrin wines

The natural conditions of Montenegro are very favorable for growing grapes: the humid air masses of the Adriatic and Lake Skadar, the mild Mediterranean climate, a sufficient amount of sun and heat – facilitate agricultural work and allow you to obtain raw materials of the best quality.

However, the variety of varieties in the country is not observed: the emphasis is on several proven species, the main of which is the famous dark-fruited Vranac, which gives rise to the wine of the same name and occupies more than half of the vineyards.

Local wines for an inexperienced tourist may seem specific at first.

This is due to the peculiarities of Montenegrin winemaking:

  1. Sales are dominated by fortified and dry wines, which have a sour taste and deceptive lightness.

    In fact, drinks are quite intoxicating, so you should not consume them immediately in large quantities.

  2. Sweet wines are less common and are represented mainly by fruit and berry products (from blackberries, plums, cherries, peaches, apples, junipers).

  3. Montenegrins often season drinks with spices in large quantities, so do not be surprised by their spicy and tart taste: for local products, this is in the order of things.

    The most commonly used are coriander, cloves, bay leaf, ginger and pepper.

  4. In retail outlets, you can find a large assortment of products of the Plantaze brand, while wines from other estates are presented in limited quantities.

  5. Many small family owned wineries produce good affordable drinks.

    To try them, it is worth visiting small settlements, where travelers will be offered not only traditional liquor made according to old recipes at a reasonable price, but also local dishes worthy of tasting.

In general, wines in Montenegro are made in almost every house: using special technologies, using unique equipment and recipes.

One of the local customs says that any meal should be accompanied by an alcoholic drink (in the morning – a glass of brandy, in the afternoon and evening – 1-2 glasses of wine).

According to Montenegrin beliefs, this approach will provide the owner with a long and healthy life.

Best Representatives

Undoubtedly, the hallmark of Montenegro are two local types of wine – Krstac and Vranac.

They are produced not only by the local giant of the wine market “Plantaze”, but also by small wineries.

Worthy ones include:

  1. Chopping

  2. Zenta

  3. Lipovac Vineyards

  4. Milovic Winery

  5. Savina Winery

  6. Old Wine House Montenegro

Relevance: 30.10.2018

Tags: wine and vermouth

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