Wine storage: rules, terms and where is the best

The taste of grape drinks depends on many factors, and storage conditions are far from the last in this list. Those who are accustomed to drinking wine immediately after purchase or after a week or two, this issue is unlikely to worry.

But for connoisseurs who prefer to have a supply of good alcohol in the house, it is useful to read the recommendations for storage.

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Wine content rules

Of course, it is hardly possible to create an ideal microclimate in an apartment or cottage, as in the best Burgundy and Massandra cellars (unless the owners have their own basement with a suitable atmosphere), but it won’t hurt to get closer to optimal conditions.

There are several points to consider:

  1. Temperature conditions

    Most owners of compact apartments prefer to keep alcohol in the kitchen, in close proximity to the table. This is convenient, but far from the best option for preserving drinks. Constantly working household appliances and temperature fluctuations have a bad effect on the quality of wines.

    If there are no other options, then you should choose the coolest area in the room, away from the oven and heat appliances (for example, under the window) or purchase a special climate control cabinet.

    The optimum temperature for dry wines is 10–12 °C, for dessert wines – 14–16 °C.

    Slight fluctuations are acceptable but are best avoided.

    Keeping wine in the refrigerator is a bad idea: the temperature in it is much lower than the minimum threshold, even in the relatively “warm” shelves on the doors.

    The balcony is also not the right place: weather conditions are constantly changing, which can lead to freezing or overheating of drinks.

  2. Humidity

    Acceptable values: 50-70%.

    Wine, like a person, is harmed by significant deviations from normal humidity in any direction.

    Increasing the parameter will lead to the appearance of mold on the cork, lowering it will cause it to dry out and oxygen to enter the bottle. Both will spoil the drink.

  3. Wine should be stored in dark rooms

    Slight exposure to light is acceptable, but direct sunlight and fluorescent lamps should be avoided.

    Dark glass containers provide the best UV protection.

    White drinks are more exposed to light.

  4. Orientation in space

    Bottles should be placed horizontally – in a lying position.

    This ensures that the cork is constantly moistened and prevents the penetration of oxygen, which oxidizes the drink.

  5. More options

    Wines do not tolerate vibrations and shaking: they need rest.

    This is another reason why it is unacceptable to store bottles in the refrigerator.

    But free air circulation is necessary so that the wine can “breathe”.

    It is worth taking care of the absence of strongly smelling substances in the immediate vicinity of drinks.

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You should also pay attention to the cork. Natural materials or plastics can be used for plugging.

You can’t store wine with a plastic stopper for a long time. They don’t “breathe” and change their taste over time.

Based on these requirements, you can choose a room or area in the house that is best suited for containing drinks.

Terms of storage

Some wines are not designed for long-term aging and are good only at a young age, for example, ordinary products from Muscat varieties.

Most table copies should be drunk within a year, sometimes within 2-3 years. The exception is aged and collectible drinks, which only get better with age.

Shelf life of ordinary white wines (with rare exceptions): 2-3 years. Individual samples of elite drinks, for example, Burgundy Chardonnay, can be aged up to 20 years. But such wines cost a lot of money.

Shelf life of plain red wines: 2-10 years.

French products from dark fruits, made in the famous wine regions, perfectly tolerate a century of aging. After every 10 years, it only gains in price and quality.

Opened wine is stored in the refrigerator, but not for long:

  1. Red – up to 5 days.

  2. White and pink – no more than 3 days.

  3. Sparkling wine of any kind – 24 hours.

  4. Dessert – about 1 week.

Like any food product, wine deteriorates: after uncorking, air enters the bottle and the drink begins to oxidize.

A vacuum cork or transfusion into a smaller vessel can slightly extend the shelf life of open products.

Where is the best place to store wine?

We list the main ways of keeping wines at home in order of worsening conditions:

  1. A clean wine cellar/cellar with suitable humidity levels and temperatures.

  2. Wardrobe/special refrigerator with climate control.

  3. Separate cool room/zone in the house with good ventilation, protected from direct light.

  4. Closed horizontal shelves, racks, drawers, etc.

  5. Open vertical shelves, shelving boxes, etc.

Exclusive offers

For eccentric people, original wine storage options have been invented:

  1. Under the water

    An unusual method was invented in Spain: for a couple of hundred euros, everyone will get a bottle of wine “from the bottom of the sea.”

    Alcohol is located under the water column in the Bay of Biscay, at a depth of 20 meters. The temperature there is the most suitable: from 11 to 15 °C.

    The horizontal position is also respected.

  2. Cellar for rent

    Some wineries are ready to offer their storage areas for rent: old cellars – what could be better for collection items?

    However, the cost of such services is kept secret and is available only to a select few.

Remember that wine is practically a living being that “breathes”, “ripens” and “ages”.

When planning long-term storage of drinks, care must be taken to create suitable conditions.

Otherwise, it is better to purchase wines immediately before drinking, which will save unnecessary hassle and save space.

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Relevance: 14.11.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine tips

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