Wine stains: how to remove from clothes or tablecloths. Video
Wine stains are difficult to clean and usually cannot be removed using a regular wash. Nevertheless, there are a number of methods to restore the fabric to its original appearance.
Wine stains: how to remove
How to get rid of a port wine stain using modern household chemicals
Red or white wine stains are organic stains and can be removed by most stain removers. Place the soiled cloth on a tissue paper or soft light-colored cotton cloth and apply the stain remover. To prevent the stain from spreading, move from the edges of the dirt to the center. Allow the reaction time (it is indicated on the package of the stain remover), then wash in cool water. Make sure the stain is gone, then wash the item as usual.
If you spill wine on a white tablecloth or clothes, you can machine wash them using liquid or powder bleach. Put bleach in the prewash compartment, add detergent to the main wash compartment and, depending on the machine design, select the soak or prewash mode.
When using liquid bleach, select a mode with a water temperature not exceeding 60 ° C
Remove wine stain with home remedies
Fresh wine stains can be removed with boiling water: pour freshly boiled water on the stained area until the stain disappears. You can add a little citric acid or table vinegar to the water.
In the same way, you can get rid of stains from berries or fruit juice.
A popular way to remove fresh wine stains is with table salt. Mix salt with a little cold water, apply the resulting gruel to the soiled area and rub. Wait a few minutes and then remove the salt with a brush or dry cloth. If there are clear marks on the fabric, rub in the salt gruel again. Rinse in cool water, then wash normally.
A few more “grandmother’s” ways to get rid of the wine trail: – Apply lemon juice to the stain and leave in the sun for several hours, then wash in warm water; – soak the contaminated area in hot milk, then hand wash with laundry soap; – wipe with a napkin dipped in ammonia, then wash in water, to which ammonia is also added; – mix glycerin and egg yolk, rub the stain, leave for several hours, then rinse off the cleaning mixture and wash as usual; – To remove stains from a white cloth, take a teaspoon of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a glass of hot water, treat the stain, and then wash in cool water.