Wine Pinot Grigio white: history and review of taste

Pinot gris grapes, from which the drink is made, were first grown in France, presumably in Burgundy. Gradually, it spread to the east and reached the territory of Italy, where today the best Pinot Grigio wines are produced. In addition to France and Italy, this vine variety is cultivated in Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland and many other territories.

wine cocktails

History of the drink

Unspoken, the name of the grape is “Grey Monk”. It is connected, firstly, with the color of ripe fruits, covered with a light gray bloom, and secondly, with the ministers of the Catholic Church, who grew Pinot Gris in Austria back in the XNUMXth century.

It is noteworthy that the color of the berries, in addition to gray, also has a reddish tint.

It is believed that Pinot Gris is a mutation of the famous red variety Pinot Noir, which determines its unusual color.

Despite this, the grapes are used for the production of white wines and belong to the white varieties.

Description of the drink and types

The color of the wine is predominantly golden. The exact shade depends on the method of manufacture and the manufacturer: there are both light straw and rich copper.

The taste of “Pinot Grigio” can also be different, and is associated with the territory of production:

  1. In Austria, Hungary, the Balkans and the northern regions of Italy, dry wine is produced with a sour apple-lemon flavor, which is a consequence of the high acidity of local berries.

    This is a fairly simple, unfussy drink that pairs well with seafood and potato snacks.

    The alcohol content in it is approximately 10%. The wine is aged in steel barrels.

  2. The second option is a dry wine with an intense fruity aroma, which is produced in Italy, Australia and South America.

    Lemon-peach, apple and lime notes are clearly felt in the taste.

    Oak barrels are used to age the drink.

  3. In France, where the drink is called “Pinot Gris”, the wine has a sweet fruity taste with hints of honey, caramel, dried apricots and citrus.

In each country where Pinot Grigio is produced, the drink is called differently and has its own flavor notes.

There is a strong (12-14%) variant with a floral-nutty aroma and a spicy-honey aftertaste.

In some areas of Italy, they make rosé wine with a pronounced fruit and berry flavor.

For its production, in addition to grape juice, pulp is used (a mass of juice, berry seeds, pulp and skin).

The most famous Italian brands

  1. Botter Carlo Winery (Венето)

  2. Marco Felluga (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)

  3. Colterenzio (Trentino-Alto Adige)

  4. Cielo (Veneto)

Recommendations for use

Pinot Grigio wine is advised to drink at a “young” age – within a year from the date of manufacture.

Before drinking, the drink should be cooled to 7-11°C.

It can be combined with fish dishes, vegetables, seafood, cheese and white meat.

Suitable as an aperitif or addition to desserts.

Wine quenches thirst well and refreshes, so it is great for the hot season and as a base ingredient for a cocktail.

Relevance: 15.08.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouths, Wine brands, Wine by grape variety

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