Wine Phanagoria: history and overview of the drink

Not far from the location of the plant on the Taman Peninsula was the ancient Greek colony Phanagoria, which appeared there before our era and existed for several centuries. It was her name that was taken as a basis by the creators of the brand.

In addition to shops for the production of alcoholic beverages, the company also owns its own cooperage, which produces oak barrels for storing wines and cognacs.

wine cocktails

Production features

Raw materials for creating the best wine collections, such as Cru Lermont, Reserve, 100 Shades of White / Red and some others, are grown on their own plantations located in the Fanagoria wine region.

The mild climate and soil features are favorable for grapevine cultivation, and the presence of unique mud volcanoes gives local wines a special mineral taste.

For the production of white drinks, a pneumatic press and settling at low temperatures are used, which allows the grape juice to be clarified.

Depending on the category of wine, the following processes can be applied:

  1. Infusion of grape pulp (mass of seeds, pulp and juice) at low temperature and subsequent pressing.

  2. Aging on yeast lees.

  3. Fermentation in oak barrels.

Red wine involves the use of special containers – vinifiers. At the factory, they are represented by six varieties.

Fermentation in each of the devices allows you to get a drink with its own taste and aromatic characteristics.

The intensity and frequency of mixing also makes it possible to diversify the bouquet.

After passing through all the stages: fermentation, blending and processing (the process can take several years), the drinks are filtered. This is the last step before bottling.

Natural corks are used to cork wines, which allows to preserve the most natural taste.

Famous collections of Phanagoria

The company produces all categories of wines, including sparkling and rosé, as well as spirits: cognac, brandy, vodka and balsams. A special pride of the plant is a series of premium wines, among which the following brands are most famous:

  1. Vintage Lermont

    The collection is named after the famous poet M. Yu. Lermontov, who once visited the Phanagoria fortress.

    Dry wines are made from hand-picked raw materials of selected varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Saperavi, Pinot Noir, etc., and aged in oak barrels.

    The line is represented by white and red drinks. These are single-varietal wines: only one type of grape is used for the production of each.

    Bouquet: soft, velvety, with a long harmonious aftertaste. Fortress: 10–14%.

    The aroma is different for each drink and can include floral, vanilla, fruity and berry notes.

    Red wines are recommended to be combined with meat and mushroom dishes, white wines – with seafood and cheeses.

  2. Ice Wine

    The drink is represented by four types: red – Cabernet and Saperavi varieties, white – Riesling and Muscat varieties.

    Raw materials are harvested in their own vineyards after a long aging on the vine.

    Dessert wines are characterized by rich aroma and mild taste.

    In red, you can guess the shades of berries and dried fruits, in white – citrus, spicy and floral notes.

    Drinks go well with desserts and pastries, light snacks and cheeses. It is recommended to chill the wine before serving.

  3. 100 shades

    One of the latest collections for which the best raw materials are selected.

    Dry wine is made by soft pressing and aged in oak barrels for a year or more.

    The line is represented by four types of red (from Cabernet, Saperavi) and one white (Chardonnay). This is an aged wine with a bright, tart taste.

    Red drinks are characterized by a rich ruby ​​color and chocolate-vanilla aftertaste.

    Pair with meats and cheeses. White has a straw color and a fruity-citrus taste. Mushroom dishes will be good with it.

  4. Copyright

    Another elite collection of “Fanagoria”. The wines of this line are produced using blending (mixing) of varieties, which helps to obtain original tastes and a diverse palette of shades.

    The collection is represented by white and red dry drinks, as well as one type of pink.

    For production, a combination of well-known varieties (Cabernet, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, etc.) and less famous ones (Krasnostop, Tsimlyansky black, Platovsky, etc.) is used.

In addition to elite wines, Phanagoria offers a wide range of affordable drinks for every taste, which are no less popular among consumers. Alcoholic products of the plant have repeatedly become the winner of international competitions and tastings.

Relevance: 18.08.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine brands

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