Wine mushroom: what is it + 2 universal recipes

The porcini fungus (zooglea) is a combination of microorganisms used to make domestic and industrial wine. It looks like a maroon plastic mass with a specific smell. There are different types, each of which gives a drink of its own color and degree. This product comes from Japan, but has already taken root in many other countries.

The average strength of alcohol obtained from wine culture is from 8 to 10%, but high-grade drinks can also be prepared – up to 15-20% if more sugar is added.

They taste slightly sour, similar to homemade cider. You can buy special strains of microorganisms in specialized stores on the Internet.

Useful properties and contraindications of wine fungus

Drinks made from Japanese bacteria are believed to have a positive effect on health:

  1. Saturate the body with minerals and vitamins

  2. Expand blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation

  3. Improve the quality of sleep and the speed of falling asleep

  4. Normalize the digestive system

  5. Increase immunity

However, wine mushroom alcohol is not recommended for people with hypertension, pancreatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, with a tendency to depression, alcoholism, and nervous disorders.

Recipe: Traditional Wine Mushroom

Ingredients are listed per 3 liter jar.

Water is used filtered, spring or bottled.

Tomato paste should not contain salt, optimally – so that only tomatoes are in the composition. Instead, you can use fruit gruel: you get a drink with a fruity aroma.

The finished wine is stored in a tightly sealed container.


  1. Wine culture – 0,2-0,25 l

  2. Sugar – 0,5-0,6 kg

  3. Warm water – 2 l

  4. Tomato paste – 2 Art. l

Method of preparation

  1. Mix water and sugar in a separate container until the crystals are completely dissolved.

  2. Pour the tomato paste into the resulting solution, mix the mass until smooth.

  3. Pour the mixture into a glass container, add the wine fungus, leaving room for fermentation.

  4. Put a rubber glove (water seal) on the neck of the jar, transfer the vessel to a warm, dark place.

  5. After 2-3 days, check if the fermentation process has begun (the glove should rise). If there are no signs of activity, mix the mass and transfer to a warmer place.

  6. 8-14 days after the start of fermentation (when the bubbles cease to stand out, the glove falls down), carefully drain the wine from the sediment with a hose.

  7. If desired, add raspberry or cherry syrup to the drink.

Recipe: Champagne Pseudo Champagne

One week of fermentation is enough to get a sweet sparkling wine. If you let the drink brew for 1-2 weeks longer, semi-sweet champagne or brut will come out. After additional infusion in the cold, sparkling wine turns into a dry white. You can sweeten it and get semi-sweet.


  1. Wine mushroom – ½ l

  2. Sugar – ½ kg

  3. Water – 2 L

Method of preparation

  1. Boil water, dissolve sugar in it, let the mixture cool to a warm state.

  2. Pour the syrup into a clean jar, add the wine culture, install the shutter (glove).

  3. Put the container in a dry, dark place, let stand for 5-7 days.

  4. After the formation of sediment, carefully drain the drink through a thin hose.

The porcini mushroom remaining after fermentation can be reused by first dividing it or placing it in a larger container. Until the next use, keep in the refrigerator under gauze.

Relevance: 02.03.2020

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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