Wine from birch sap: 4 recipes at home

Birch sap has long gone beyond the culinary world. It is often used in cosmetology, because the presence of tannins in it perfectly brightens and disinfects the skin.

Also, this product has long been popular in folk medicine. Even our ancestors took it to increase immunity, renew and cleanse the body. And today, experienced winemakers and amateur winemakers use birch sap to make homemade wine.

Learn how to make a tincture on birch buds.

Secrets of the perfect birch sap wine

  1. Only fresh juice is suitable for wine, otherwise it may curdle during the heat treatment.

  2. The sugar in homemade wine made from birch sap gives the drink taste and strength, which is important for such a drink.

  3. All containers must be sterilized with boiling water, and then wiped dry with a clean towel. This helps to get rid of possible infection by pathogenic microorganisms.

Classic birch sap wine recipe


  1. Fresh birch sap – 25 l

  2. Granulated sugar – 5 kg

  3. Liquid honey – 200 g

  4. Citric acid – 10 g

  5. Wine yeast (can be replaced with raisin sourdough)

Method of preparation

  1. In an enameled container of a suitable volume, mix birch sap, citric acid and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the liquid over low heat until we have about 20 liters of wort. At the same time, be sure to remove white foam from the surface.

  2. Now we cool the wort to 25 degrees. Do not forget to stir occasionally so that a film does not form.

  3. Then add liquid honey and wine yeast to the container (according to the instructions on the package).

  4. After mixing thoroughly, pour the wort into the fermentation tank, filling it with a maximum of 75%.

  5. We install a water seal on the neck and transfer the container to a dark, warm place for 3-5 weeks.

  6. After fermentation is complete, drain the wine from the sediment and pour into a clean container.

  7. At this stage, the wine can be further sweetened or fortified with vodka/alcohol – 2-15% of the total volume of wine.

  8. Now we transfer the young wine for 3–5 weeks to a dark room with a temperature of 5–16 degrees.

  9. The finished drink is once again drained from the sediment, and then bottled.

  10. You can start tasting right away. Store birch sap wine in a cool place, no more than 1 year.

Wine made from birch sap with citrus notes

This recipe is much simpler than the previous one and will result in a lightly carbonated white wine with a pleasant lemon flavor and aroma.


  1. Birch sap – 12 l

  2. Granulated sugar – 5 kg

  3. Raisins of light varieties – 200 g

  4. Peel 10 lemons

Method of preparation

  1. Pour 5 liters of juice into the pan, add 2 kg of sugar and cook over low heat for about 1 hour.

  2. After cooling, mix the wort with the remaining ingredients and transfer it to a warm place without direct sunlight for five days.

  3. After 5 days, drain the wine from the sediment and filter through a gauze filter.

  4. Then we bottle the drink and leave it for 30 days in a room with a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees to stabilize the taste.

A simple recipe for birch sap wine with honey and cinnamon


  1. Birch sap – 6 l

  2. Honey – 1 l

  3. Sugar – 2 kg

  4. Strong white wine – 2 l

  5. Cinnamon stick – 2 pc.

Method of preparation

  1. Pour birch sap into a saucepan and heat it well over low heat, but do not bring to a boil.

  2. Then we dissolve granulated sugar in a warm liquid, and after the temperature drops below 60 degrees, add honey.

  3. After cooling, add fortified white wine and cinnamon to the birch sap.

  4. We insist the drink for 10 days in a dark, cool place.

  5. After the specified time, carefully drain the wine, and then pass it through the filter.

  6. We bottle the finished product and let it rest for about one month in a cool place before tasting.

Birch sap wine with a fruity accent

For this recipe, you can take fruit and berry raw materials according to your taste preferences (apples, pears, citrus fruits or any berries).

As a result, you get a wonderful wine with a light fruity aroma. It perfectly complements fruit desserts or fragrant pies with berries.


  1. Birch sap – 10 l

  2. Sugar – 5 kg

  3. Pears – 3 kg

  4. Dark raisins – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. On a small fire, warm the birch sap with sugar until all the crystals are completely dissolved.

  2. Wash the pears, remove the core and cut into small pieces.

  3. In a fermentation container, mix the syrup, prepared pears and unwashed raisins.

  4. We cover the neck with gauze and leave for three days in a warm place without access to light.

  5. Then we install a water seal and leave the container for about one month in a dark room at a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

  6. After the end of fermentation, the wine is carefully drained, and then poured into glass bottles.

  7. Before enjoying a glass of homemade wine, you should let it rest in a cool place for about 2-3 months.

Relevance: 20.03.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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